
Friday, July 2, 2010

More Talk Of Nuking It

Note: A person by the name of Jack Augh attacked this site and had my email deleted. New email at the side bar.

MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – His face wracked by age and his voice rasping after decades of chain-smoking coarse tobacco, the former long-time Russian Minister of nuclear energy and veteran Soviet physicist Viktor Mikhailov knows just how to fix BP's oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
"A nuclear explosion over the leak," he says nonchalantly puffing a cigarette as he sits in a conference room at the Institute of Strategic Stability, where he is a director. "I don't know what BP is waiting for, they are wasting their time. Only about 10 kilotons of nuclear explosion capacity and the problem is solved."
A nuclear fix to the leaking well has been touted online and in the occasional newspaper op-ed for weeks now. Washington has repeatedly dismissed the idea and BP execs say they are not considering an explosion -- nuclear or otherwise. But as a series of efforts to plug the 60,000 barrels of oil a day gushing from the sea floor have failed, talk of an extreme solution refuses to die.
For some, blasting the problem seems the most logical answer in the world. Mikhailov has had a distinguished career in the nuclear field, helping to close a Soviet Union program that used nuclear explosions to seal gas leaks. Ordinarily he's an opponent of nuclear blasts, but he says an underwater explosion in the Gulf of Mexico would not be harmful and could cost no more than $10 million. That compares with the $2.35 billion BP has paid out in cleanup and compensation costs so far. "This option is worth the money," he says.
And it's not just Soviet boffins. Milo Nordyke, one of the masterminds behind U.S. research into peaceful nuclear energy in the 1960s and '70s says a nuclear explosion is a logical last-resort solution for BP and the government. Matthew Simmons, a former energy adviser to U.S. President George W. Bush and the founder of energy investment-banking firm Simmons & Company International, is another calling for the nuclear option.

Even former U.S. President Bill Clinton has voiced support for the idea of an explosion to stem the flow of oil, albeit one using conventional materials rather than nukes. "Unless we send the Navy down deep to blow up the well and cover the leak with piles and piles and piles of rock and debris, which may become necessary ... unless we are going to do that, we are dependent on the technical expertise of these people from BP," Clinton told the 
Fortune/Time/CNN Global Forum in South Africa on June 29.
Clinton was picking up on an idea mooted by Christopher Brownfield in June. Brownfield is a one-time nuclear submarine officer, a veteran of the Iraq war (he volunteered in 2006) and now a nuclear policy researcher at Columbia University. He is also one of a number of scientists whose theories rely not on nuclear bombs -- he did toy with that thought for a while -- but on conventional explosives that would implode the well and, if not completely plug it with crushed rock, at least bring the flow of oil under control. "It's kind of like stepping on a garden hose to kink it," Brownfield says. "You may not cut off the flow entirely but it would greatly reduce the flow."


  1. Clinton said:
    "Unless we send the Navy down deep to blow up the well and cover the leak with piles and piles and piles of rock and debris, which may become necessary ... unless we are going to do that, we are dependent on the technical expertise of these people from BP,"

    Perhaps next clinton will suggest plugging the pipe with a giant cigar?

    The only rocks and debris that Clinton knows about, are the rocks in his elitist corporate state serving head and how to lie and lobby internationaly for profit..

    Piles and piles of bullshit,.is what we are getting fed already, by both government and B.P.and now Clinton suggests a possible future Messiah with bomb solution to save America.

    I for one suspect , that the “ blow it up solution” nuke or exsplosive, has already secretly been tried and failed ,only creating the fractures in the covering rock strata and even more , now uncontrollable, leaks.

    It may be politically expedient at this pre-election time for government to leave control in the hands of B.P. to accept the responsibility and blame for the environmental mess , that both the corporations and government “regulation by corruption” of the oil industry , under both Democrats and Republicans , created.
    Including under the Clintons.


  2. It seems to me that the United States is surrounded by an Anti-American media. The US media has become Communist, among the major goals of Communists was to destroy the United States. They had a list in 1967 of 200+ goals on how to do this.

    Had anyone thought that the idea of using a nuclear bomb on the Gulf was not a former KGB or Russian suggesting that and posing as a physicist? The nuke idea very well could be a goal to annihilate us. This Russian jackass seems to be for it, even though he used to work on weapons that could one day hopefully defeat America.

  3. I think some people in this country are finally atarting to realize that our entire government
    is made up of self serving, inept, corrupt and morally bankrupt individuals whose sole purpose in life is to expand their lies.

    Hence - the governmental body as a whole; is incapable of correctly implementing a correct course of action for any sitution it is faced with.

    Leaving the worlds largest skimmer sit in dock for over a month while government employees inspected it and a well gone awry is spewing 60K
    barrels of sludge into the gulf each day is just one of thousands of blatant examples of just how inept these people really are.

    These same people have ruined everything they ever touched and as we are about to see; a pair of documents that guided a nation through 244 years of prosperity was no match for these infintile egomaniacs hell bent on spreading their scourge

  4. I think some people in this country are finally atarting to realize that our entire government
    is made up of self serving, inept, corrupt and morally bankrupt individuals whose sole purpose in life is to expand their lies.

    No, what people are realizing, despite your misdirection, is that the Government is nothing more than a tool of Vampiric Corporatization. The Plutocrats socially program the Manchurain Candidate Republicans to blame their dis-ease on the Government, whilst they socially program the Manchurian Candidate Democrats to believe the Government is the answer to all their just needs to be reformed. The Government is neither, it's what Corporatization wants it to be and do, nothing more or less, so to blame the Government is like blaming the tail of the dog, or an arm of the Octopus.

  5. The russians did it to leaking wells 5 times in the past.

    The problem here is not only the depth and pressures we are dealing with but also the underlying geology. It may be possible to collapse and glassify the underground sediment/salt layer but what happens if it fissures and leaks even more, then what? Then we have a leak we will never stop, potentially a worse one, and on top of that radioactivity in the gulf seeping.

  6. I don't know what the F the manchurians have to do with this; but some people need to get off their fat, overweight asses and do some actual legwork instead of reading 5 conspiracy novels a week and surfing every sky has fallen blog on the internet.

    When you do and you have put your 4 in the Military and put another 3 at the pentagon
    and another 8 as a county commish; you realize the facts

    And the facts are that nothing happens until the white shoes boys in D.C. say it's goung to happen


  7. 6.14
    WOW,enlightened Guru man!
    After 'surfing every sky has fallen blog on the internet" I finaly stumbled across the truth of your particular non-conspiracy theory gained from your years of practical military experience allowing you 'realise the facts" .
    That the problems of the american economy collapsing in a mountain of debts is caused by decisions being made by "White Shoe Boys In DC" refusing to let things happen .
    Presumably, they should exchange their white shoes ,for conservative military style, black shoes ,spit and polish and all would be well for america with military economic efficiency and planning .
    That the reasons the white shoe boys make their "do nothing " decisions now has nothing to do with conspiry theories of two party same- same one policy puppet politics,Aipac lobbies,The Fed and banksters puppets , or the "fat ,overweight asses" of the overpaid but
    efficient heros in the pentagon lobbying for the military industrial complex for nearly a trillion dollars in the budget for wars that the white shoe guys always approve of and "do nothing" to stop .Even though the deficit spending for militarism and wars have bankrupted america.
    To save Amrica is simple ,just ban white shoes in DC and let the military types wearing black shoes and rowws of shiny medals have a free run to get things happening even better?
    Life and the truth sure is simple for those who know how to obey orders.

  8. Yeah.pretty much so - they either let it happen or nix it - either way them thar white shoes you can bet yer asses are in CONTROL !

    I'm so sick of this 2 party is one party shit I could puke - it's not - but wait until November for proof.

    The friggin' military is the PUPPET ! What the hell is a measley trillion dollars for all that white shoe control ! It's nothing ! NOTHING
    If you'd ever run a viable business, you'd know that - it's called controlling your market via
    substantiated loss - because your damn sure gonna come out ahead in the long haul - you know minerals in Afgan, Oil in Iraq etc.




    You cannot ban the princeton, harvard and yale white shoes

    They own that particular document.

    The only stupid pricks that know how to obey orders are the ones in Arlington that gave it all so 2 other stupid pricks could even have this conversation

    Good Day


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