
Friday, July 2, 2010

US Government Representative Mocks Crowd on Illegal Immigration


  1. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 2, 2010 at 4:57 PM

    His name is actually
    Fortney Hillman Stark II
    He call himself
    For the common vato
    But one look at his name
    And you know what he is

  2. This is exactly the kind of unresponsive representative we need to replace. We all must get involved with the political process this year and not just our own states but help the people in other states weed out the representatives that aren't representing anymore.

  3. He is delusional and sounds like he's on drugs.

  4. Congressman Pete Stark is a prime example of a incompetent person that has far outlived any service to this country. I hope people in his district vote him out this november. Sad how incompetent people have been allowed for so long to be revoted in again and again. This next election is the time to get rid of the snakes in congress on both sides of the asile. Enough is enough. This may be one of the last chances this country gets.

  5. If your a republican - vote out the incumbent and vote in a new republican.
    If your a democrat - vote out the incumbent and vote in a new democrat.
    But for God's sake let's take back our country before it's too late!

  6. I Stark actually mentally handicapped?? He needs to be voted out of office this November. A mushroom makes more sense than Stark!!

  7. And it's so hard
    to foresee
    the coming calamity

    Ever been in a bar and there's this one guy that's ASKING for a good beating?

    Well this guy reminds me of that guy.

  8. This Congressman obviously doesn't give a rats ass about many of his constituents. The man in the audience posing pointed questions is far from being a wacko.

    It is quite clear that the U.S. Government does not work for the common man and woman.

    America is entering an energy crisis and prolonged depression. The last thing it needs is more immigrants.

  9. Way too courteous... I would have asked him what it felt like to be jobless? Because you sir are out of a job come next election!

  10. Those people were far more restrained than I would have been.

  11. An older youtube clip of this same prick

  12. Do you guys REALLY beleive in voting???
    Get real!!
    There is nothing to vote in between, you are screwed nomatter how you vote, realize that.

  13. Rep. Stark knows exactly what he is doing and intends exactly what he is saying, which is to tell the American people to back off the subject of Mexican immigration. America, a country founded on slave labor, desperately needs slave labor to hid the effects of Dollar inflation: slave labor in the Chinese factories to fill the Walmarts, slave labor in the construction industry to maintain housing "growth" and agricultural slavery to keep the food prices low. But most importantly for Mexico, the exodus of surplus labor from Mexico acts as a safety value against the pressure of revolution and overthrow of the Mexican government/drug mafia families which help the American CIA raise cash through drug sales. Yup, the peaceful invasion of the US by Mexico is quite deliberate and supported by the bankster oligarchs. Rep. Stark is terrified of the "Minute Men" concept, as it's Constitutional and law-based principles directly threaten the oligarchs machine.
    Rep. Stark and those like him (Geithner, Summers) are the "Enemy Domestic", hidden in plain sight.

  14. Livable wage and decriminalization of drugs is the answer to illegal immigration. The only reason we still have illegal immigration is because the true power behind the Republican stooges wants it that way.

  15. Please deport 9:42 while you're at it, or if there is a god, and I know there's not, rapture 9:42 and his ilk because they are regressive and devolutionary.

  16. Are the people voted for this s.o.b. more than 30x stupid??? or is it higher???

    I guess those voters who got cheese because of this moron did not care.

    Thanks A.Holes.

  17. Pete Stark can suck it because he is a blow hard.

  18. I already knew he's a vicious, hypocritical, and pompous twat. Still, good to see he's being destroyed by the audience. Usually, he's living in his fortified mansion and the halls of power.

  19. The country as we know it is alraady done, if this loser wins again, thing will keep on rapidly declining.

  20. Cong. Stark is an a-hole, but the questioner is a fool. The questioner claims that "illegal aliens have made this country insolvent," or words to that effect. That's real BS. What's made this country insolvent is the $23 trillion of public money committed to bailing out the banks, the 3 trillion to pay for the war for oil in Iraq, the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and the fact that 2/3 of corporations doing business in the US pay no taxes at all, the nearly $700 billion Pentagon budget, etc., etc.

    The biggest wave of Mexican immigration followed the start of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), that sent thousands of US jobs south to the maquiladoras in Mexico and sent millions of Mexicans north, as Mexico was swamped with cheap US corn and millions of subsistence farmers were driven off the land.

    The focus on illegal immigrants is a classic diversionary tactic by the rich bastards who can sit back and laugh as we fight among ourselves. They rob us blind while we worry about whether some workers with hardly a dollar to their name have the correct government papers. What a joke.

    Until 1927 there were no limits on immigration to the US. The factory owners, etc. were desperate to get cheap immigrant labor and the railroads wanted settlers for the western lands. The situation now is that agribusiness and service industries need cheap immigrant labor. They encourage immmigration with BAFTA, etc., and they keep immigrant labor cheap by making it illegal, thus putting a club in the hand of the owners. Any immigrant who speaks up can be immediately turned in to La Migra.

    US and Mexisan and other workers have the same enemy: the multinational corporatocracy and banksters and their hired politicians. To break their power, we need to unite with immigrants, legal or illegal, in a common powerful movement.


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