
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Britain: Police Could Lose 40% of Police Force Due To Budget Cuts

Up to 60,000 police officer jobs could be lost in the next five years as the government seeks to eliminate the national debt, according to research published today.
The figure is the worst-case scenario in a range of possible outcomes examined by Jane's Police Review magazine after the Treasury told government departments to prepare for cuts of up to 40%.
If the police suffer average cuts, predicted to be around 25%, that will lead to the loss of between 11,500 and 17,000 jobs by 2015, said Dr Tim Brain, who recently retired as chief constable of Gloucestershire and Association of Chief Police Officers lead on finance.
More Here..


  1. well why not..their as broke as we and with all the new and additional camera's-with audio, drones being developed armed with same and rubber pellets, etc etc..who needs police except for riot control when their all being watched on camera everywhere they go? Hmm..coming soon to american town near you? my little town america suddenly has the money for many many license plate readers at many intersections-and mostly the poorer part of town. Just give it time

  2. The police do little more than harass the public anyways.

    The gun thing is right, but the idea is to get guns in the hands of the citizens, not a police state. The cities with strict gun control laws have the highest crime rates, because only the criminals and cops have guns, and the cops can then bully around the citizens (not the criminals, because the criminals have guns). NYC is the worst for this.

    Texas, upstate NY, Florida, all of these areas have heavy gun ownership and allow guns to be carried around. They have pretty low crime rates for the most part. Definitely lower than NYC at any rate.


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