Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Censored Gulf News: US health and Refugee Humanitarian Crisis.

Dr. Riki Ott, toxicologist and humanitarian, has advised that three tough choices exist for Gulf Coast residents: 1) Leave, 2) Stay and wear a respirator, or 3) Become painfully ill. EPA whistleblower Hugh Kaufman explained this week that the "dispersant" Corexit is meant to cause internal bleeding and IntelHub reports  today, on Day 100 of the catastrophe, that evidence of acid rain and human suffering due to chemicals has become so clear it is logically impossible to discredit it, yet a media black-out continues, enforced by black ops.
Gulf chemicals killing humans
"Independent investigative journalist Dahr Jamail stated that the air was so chemically laden that you could smell and TASTE chemicals in the air! Headaches and shortness of breathyet we are still being told that the air quality is safe," reports Alex Thomas of IntelHub. have been reported by hundreds of people,
"The evidence is CLEAR CUT: Corexit kills...  People are SUFFERING. Crabs have been video-taped attempting to crawl out of the water, with some already dead, floating belly up in the water."
Thomas alerts, "Free people throughout the world NEED to be aware of this situation in order for corrective measures to even begin to be put in place."
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Doomsday Shelters Making A Comeback
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  1. The gulf is dead, the wild life is dead and soon humans will start dropping. And the main stream news remains silent. And the epa says everything is ok, sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    Gulf coast sheeple need to get out on the streets, DO SOMETHING! Or get the hell out of there! right now headline reads "Oil disaster: From failure to hope", UNBELIEVABLE, MSN is telling the sheeple everything is ok in the gulf now, even though we really do not know even if the well is shut in. Everything is NOT ok, gulf coast residents are doomed!

  2. I don't understand why these gulf people don't just leave if it's that bad?? It will be decades (if ever) before it's safe to return. The area closest to where the gusher is, the area being sprayed especially. What are these people waiting for anyway? A gov. escort?? Unload your excess, unneeded stuff and take the essentials, otherwise just give up and stay put.

  3. People hate to become refugees...Move to an umknown area with no job or housing, with kids, semi-packed...It's our nature to procrastinate till the bitter end.

    Some won't leave because generations of his/her family have been there and some because where would they go?

    I agree they should move but put yourself in their shoes...If I said "You and you have to leave in 3 hours!" Most of us wouldn't or couldn't...Plus what sort of info are they getting?

    EPA says all is good...Feds/States seem to be bought off and most people on the coast tend not to be all Alexjones/MaxKaiser/Doomsayered up...So they stay and will probably get sick.

    People who read these sites and have family or live near there should warn them and if they decide to stay THEN it's on them.

    You can only save those who are willing to save themselves...Sad I know but at this point look at what's happened?

    NOT a damn thing...No uprising..No burning of BP offices...No one arrested...No major group of people on the streets making noise demanding truth or arrests...No state pushing hard on making examples of someone.

    Honestly Lebron going to Miami caused more havoc from people...We seriously are just shells of what we were and I don't think any of the patriot groups are real...All are infiltrated...Even this site is probably monitered...There is no more public outcry that is not watched/logged...It's 1984 but with a happy face...For now.

    Little by little the fight has been taken out of us...Many independent thinkers and activists are found to be government shills or used to catch/identify people.

    Even me I tend to back off as a whole because with no support to do anything by those around me I might as well fade and take care of mine.

    Greatest ecological accident to affect the USA and minor grumblings, a few vigils and concerts are all people have done?...F*cking shameful.

  4. Totally agree with you 12:32 ... i'm canadian(quebecois i should say)and i just don't understand. You guy's seriously need to wake up !!
    All those comments you see everywhere..blogs, youtube, articles .... and no real action what so ever, fu..shameful like you said ;(

  5. It's not that bad! This is about the money. This propaganda will continue until the lawyers have all of the $20 billion BP put into trust. So far no one is bleeding internally and everyone is fine. Of course there are a lot of people faking problems but what else would you expect with crooked shysters and a pot of money up for grabs.

  6. To Jack: The reason you don't see any real action on the supposed sufferring and dying is because it is the figment of bloggers imagination and not a fact. This is more about lawyers and dollars.

  7. @10:00am...High rate of chemicals in the water...Incredible amounts of methane in the water causing dead spots.

    A chemical banned in every major country except the US being used to clean up the oil...Average age of death for clean up crew after the Valdez Exxon was 51 and they used the old version of Corexit which was actually milder.

    Lets hope I'm wrong and you're right...Otherwise knowing all the BS through the years and contamination that the government has hidden...All the times they been caught lying to the public (911 air quality, agent orange, 3 mile island, love canal, DDT, flouride, mercury in silver fillings etc etc etc)...Then there might be a special place in hell for you if you're just talking out of your ass...Lets wait a year or two and see where we stand no?

  8. If you want to help someone from the Gulf coast

  9. I live on the gulf west coast Sarasota Bradenton area.Im about 6 miles from the gulf. The first Week in July we had very heavy rain three days. After those rains I noticed leaves on plants in yard turning yellow some brown.So iv'e been driving around looking at the trees and plants. Took pictures last week. Then drove to the beach Friday and drove around the beach town and all the palm trees look like their dying.They look very bad here also and my drive to the beach and at the beach. Other trees and plants too are affected.I went to the water and was supprised how good it felt to be there.Not to hot Fri, peaceful, and people were in the water and enjoying.The trees and plants all around town looked like fall.After rain here in Fl plants are usually getting lush and greener.We had heavy rain coming from the gulf oil spill that went over all of Fl Today. So i will moniter the trees and plants. Hope Im wrong.


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