
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

China Should Cut U.S. Treasury Holdings And Buy Gold: Economist

China should cut its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities when market demand is strong, a prominent economist said in remarks published on Monday.

Beijing reduced its Treasury holdings in May by $32.5 billion to $867.7 billion, but it actually bought a net $3 billion in long-term Treasuries and remained the largest single holder of U.S. government debt, the Treasury reported on Friday.
Yu Yongding, a former academic adviser to the central bank and now a professor with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Beijing should invest in assets denominated in other currencies as well as other financial instruments and real goods.
"Although assets in other currencies and forms are not an ideal replacement for U.S. Treasury bonds, diversification should be a basic principle," Yu wrote in the China Securities Journal.

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Competing Currency, Like Silver, Being Accepted Across Mid-Michigan 
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  1. Hey, i'm back. It's the next week, and still no crash. The markets are still doing ok and people are still making great earnings on their investments.

    There's no crash or depression coming or even a hint of one. I'll be back again next week to prove it again.

  2. 10:53 Yup, you can always tell when the null periods have arrived....the silver and gold skits are being red-herringed across the blogs. Kinda like the 547 ways to make chili. That is until some Congressman spreads a new wanker story around the Hill,then all the natty innuendos and intrigue will all begin again. lol

  3. I am not the kind to believe in superstition, but I have to admit that I've had a couple of dreams in the past about earthquakes that soon resulted in some pretty big quakes and sometimes large quantities of earthquakes around the world. So, I bring this possibly bad news...I had another dream last night about an earthquake. In the dream the ground was shaking so hard that we could hardly see what was happening in the distance. In the distance there was some huge explosion bursting up into the air. I know what you are thinking - nuke - no this looked more like dirt/smoke shooting straight up into the sky and presumably falling back down. In other words, it looked like either a powder explosion or possibly a gargantuan swath of earth imploding then exhaling afterwards. As I realized what was happening I checked what the date was. It was August 25th, 2010. Again - I normally don't believe in stuff like this, but when I have dreams about earthquakes, they seem to come true in the extreme. Hopefully this helps someone survive whatever is coming our way. I can't be sure, but I think it came from the direction of south which seems to me to imply the Gulf - could be wrong.

  4. I have had some of those kinds of dreams in the past. I don't know what kind of life you lead but you could be the Elect. Doesn't matter what religion one is God/Tao/Great Spirit can't be happy.

    We have become so demented that we have degraded spirit so badly as to use it for get rich quick gimmicks. Everyone's self obsession is outrageous; greed, materialism, insecurity... Our perversion is unbelievable, no one can go five minutes watching television without seeing something inciting sexuality. The family unit is practically nonexistent, children as young as 10 are using drugs, girls as young as 13 dress like prostitutes, people have lower self esteem than ever, obesity, disorders, and depression are all increasing. Scams, lies, and bots are flooding the internet, making it an obnoxious tool to use. Can't trust anyone really, particularly in the media. People use myspace and facebook to make up second lives that aren't real if they aren't zapped out on the television...

    The country is damned without a doubt. The rest of the world? I don't see what's going on there I'm sure much of it can't be good.

    If there is a Spirit and anything in the the 6,000 years of spiritual science (started with Hindu) has merit and the ancient masters had such a high consciousness as to be able to understand the mechanics of a time like today and what happens when people become this far out of balance with Cosmic Harmony - then there couldn't be a better time to have an "End Times".

  5. The very first commenter here continues to not see the forest for the trees. We are in slow collapse. If you can't see that because you choose to look at the micro picture, instead of macro then that's your right, but coming on here and essentially flitting around saying "you're wrong and I'm right, lookit me, lookit meeeee" shows you to be a craven attention whore.

    I used to work with disabled folks. When people display the type of concentrated and flagrant obstinacy like you do, it usually indicates some type of disorder, like Asperger's Syndrome.

    You been taking your Adderall?

  6. The first comment can't distinguish between fact and fiction. There are many people who live in a fairy tale dream world daily. 40 million on food stamps, 19 million empty homes, 46 states bankrupt, baltic dry rate down 50%, debt 13 trillion plus, oil leak still gushing, down WAY down from the high ..the list keeps piling up but the commenter gives this one line dumb post without a backup sentence. BRAINLESS!

  7. There have been plenty of economic meltdowns and fallen civilizations throughout history. I bet none of them saw it coming either, even at the very end.

    The question is, what do we do about it? Flee to another country? I don't need much in life, some books, food, a place to sleep, some male and female company, that's all you need in life. The problem is even that little is really tough to find a good situation for.

  8. Don't be so angry with 10:53. Some people - most people have a tough time accepting the truth - dealing with reality. The rest of us don't like it much either I would imagine. We just know that it is better to accept and have a plan than to deny and go out without a fight.


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