
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Its The End Of The World As We Know It

What are 308,367,109 Americans supposed to do?
First of all, despite clamping down on immigration, our population grew by 2.6M people last year.  Unfortunately, not only did we not create jobs for those 2.6M new people but we lost about 4M jobs so what are these new people going to do?  Not only that, but nobody is talking about the another major job issue: People aren’t retiring!  They can’t afford to because the economy is bad - that means there are even less job openings…   The pimply-faced kid can’t get a job delivering pizza because his grandpa’s doing it.
How does one decrease the cost of labor in America?  Well first, you have to bust the unions.  Check.  Then you have to create a pressing need for people to work - perhaps give them easy access to credit and then get them to go so deeply into debt that they will have to work until they die to pay them off.  Check.  It also helps if you push up the cost of living by manipulating commodity prices.  Check.  Then, take away people’s retirement savings.  Check.  Lower interest rates to make savings futile and interest income inadequate.  Check.  And finally, threaten to take away the 12% a year that people have been saving for retirement by labeling Social Security an "entitlement" program - as if it wasn’t money Americans worked their whole lives to save and gave to the government.
More Here..


  1. amazing, that "snippet" part is right on the mark!

    I've said as much here and there way back when. Esp this BS "entitlement" word, seems like every damned thing a person has worked for ( when we still had work) and paid into for are now labeled entitlements. Well shit, I guess all the congressional,senate, and courts pay may as well be labeled entitlements too.

    This mess best get right soon, at least by end of the year or next year will be a lot hotter in the city's.

  2. If the populace of this once great country does not throw out the incumbents and rid the scum from Congress (till new ones get established), then all is lost (which I suspect). One gigantic problem I see, is that the incumbents that are thrown out, will pass legislation that will further destroy this country, before Jan 2011. Anything that is passed needs to be voted out (if possible) after the new crew gets into Congress but before they are infected.

  3. Calling Social Security an entitlement program is ridiculous. Many hard working people have paid and devoted into that program for many years of their lives.

    Is the US government (or IRS) is entitled to STEALING a portion of our money, in the form of what they call taxes? To fund the ILLEGAL Patriot Act? To run up deficients? To fund an ILLEGAL WAR? To killing unborn babies?

    What about the "entitlements" the US pays to foreign countries?

    I know not; am I my brother's keeper?

    The program referred to Social Security should be abolished and saving for one's own retirement put into the citizen's hand.

  4. I think your point on unions was 180 degrees out of sync. Most of the manufacturing jobs moved overseas were the result of union and their unreasonable demands. Just a few years ago when the economy was doing OK auto workers in Detroit were averaging $100k a year. Can you possibly justify $100k a year to put tires on a car or install seats??? Of course not! They should probably be paid about $35-40k a year at the top end but the unions had more power then the companies so the unions kept squeezing. The unions are out of control and we need to reign them in and bring the "playing field" back to level.

  5. Looks like some people are getting smart
    and END THE FED their own way see this articl

    Competing currency being accepted across Mid-Michigan

    For those on this blog who post you cannot buy things with gold and silver notice the article says: "Gillie also accepts silver, gold, copper and other precious metals to pay for food."

    Bye Bye FED ... Hello Happiness

  6. Truth is things have gone too far. The corporations have screwed us all. Now we are all doomed. It's just a matter of time now.

  7. to 4:01 PM--abolishing Social Security is a terrible idea. Did you know the average person only has $10,000 saved for retirement? I know from experience that money disappears real quick in an emergency or medical problem. I had $10,000 in a retirement fund and when I had a bunch of family and medical crises, I used it up in 18 months. Only Social Security has saved me from living in a tent city. And the only reason the Republicans want to get their hands on the Social Security funds is to give it to the bankers and the stock market gamblers.

    As for unions, at one point about 20% of the entire country belonged to a union. Now it's 9%. I don't think you can blame unions for our problems--if it wasn't for unions we'd still have children working in the coal mines. Also, the idea that the average car assembly worker got $100,000 a year was proven to be a total lie (you ought to stop believing Fox News). The reason corporations busted unions was so they could pay a lot less wages and benefits.

    Citizen ignorance is the main reason the politicians and the corporations get away with stealing us blind--and some of you fools are cooperating with them in your own destruction.

  8. Abolishing social security is the best idea ever. Sharon you think anyone today will receive social security? That's a JOKE! The government will rape every nickle of it. As for UNIONS they are the devil in itself. They have killed our backbone, jammed prices up across the board, created inflation due to high wages. Let them go bust. I belonged to the union they are criminal.

  9. Typical of what goes on here in the good ole USA

    Way too damn far

    Way too damn fast.

    Why the heck is it if we find something that works we have just got to push it - push it - push it

    The limit is soon reached & still

    We push it.

    We had unions, good unions in most major industries and they did a lot of good for alot of years,

    And then they started pushing them and then things get ugly.

    Gotta get bigger, gotta collect more, gotta spread out more - gotta get to the rest of the sectors.

    Push, push push

  10. The gov't has failed you.The only way to make them take notice is through an uprising.

  11. Every state facing budget deficits (I think that is 48 states out of 57 LOL) is facing deficits because of unions. Pure and simple. You can bury your head in the sand but unions have caused major problems for us. And the $100,000 average income for auto workers was accurate prior to the current recession. Unions do not create the 40 hour work week or end child labor as is often claimed. Henry Ford created the 40 hour week because it was easy to split a day up into 8 hour shifts. Child labor laws were changed and many many increments over 50-60 years and generally had more to do with economic good times following WW II. Argueably child labor laws changed simply because it was no longer necessary to live not because of anything the unions did.


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