Friday, July 23, 2010

City Lays Off Fireman Then Buys $850,000 Water Sculpture

The debate in Ann Arbor, where firefighters are being laid off due to a multimillion dollar budget deficit, is over an $850,000 piece of art.
That's how much the city has agreed to pay German artist Herbert Dreiseitl for a three-piece water sculpture that would go in front of the new police and courts building right by the City Hall.
The city has the money to do it because in 2007, it agreed to set aside for public art 1 percent of money that went into capital improvement projects that were $100,000 or larger. Most capital projects involve streets, sewers and water.
Ann Arbor City Council member Stephen Kunselman, a Democrat, opposed the art deal.
"I think it is incredibly insensitive," Kunselman said. "It is insensitive to the staff and their morale. It is insensitive to the community. There are people out there struggling financially, and here we are spending a large amount of money on a piece of art."


  1. Both parties in this debate are irritating. Fuck both of them (author and the city).

    No, the city did not have the money to do this! They're angry that the firemen got laid off - this entire country won't be working soon, get over it. Everyone will have a turn, and those without will have theirs in group formation when the dollar dies.

    You can not whitewash the problems that exist because it makes your enemy look bad. I hate when Republicans do that, they make themselves look so stupid. Democrats are far worse but Republicans have a bad habit there. For example if a Democrat claims there is a problem with something then the Republican will jump to think that thing is not a problem and is apart of the enemy. Democrats usually ignore problems altogether since they've been hijacked by the Communists - so they want it to get worse.

    So here this fucking idiot wants to claim the city had the money to purchase a piece of shit art piece but laid off firemen. People can buy lots of things they don't have the money for; it's called bury yourself further in debt. This entire country has been operated like that for a while, this trash city is run by retard Liberals - what do you expect would happen? Maybe the author should start focusing on getting the people running the city out of office instead of complaining about two already known problems (lay offs and government spending).

  2. When the majority in a country votes into office a black community organizer with absolutly zero experience at running anything.

    I don't want to hear nobody bitchin' 'bout nuthin'.

    You don't even know how screwed you are

    But will


  3. When's the last time a fireman saved your house from burning? Screw them. We don't need them in this day and age anyway. They're a relic of the past. Also, no need for this stupid shit art. We don't need the police, either. They are not there to serve and protect, they are there to enforce unjust laws that maintain an unjust social order and creates, yes creates, a permanent criminal class. Judges are the same. Crooked bastards that don't give one wit about justice.

    There can be no peace without justice, and I do believe that we approaching a time when real justice is going to be served to those that have been delivering injustice all these years. It's not going to be pretty, but they've made their bed, and now they're going to lay in it, like it, or not.

  4. When the majority in a country votes into office a black community organizer with absolutly zero experience at running anything.

    This comment is a prime example of a stupid American for all you non-americans reading this blog. This idiot actually believes that the most powerful interests the world has ever witnessed would just let some "black community organizer with absolutly zero experience at running anything" tell them what to do and threaten their highly vested positions at the top of the heap. Yes, they really are this stupid in America to believe this Glenn Beck deceit. They're a product of a dumbing down educational system and 24/7 infotainment bolstered by a diet lacking in essential nutrition. In otherwords, they're vegetables. I wont' even give them the dignity of being Sheep...Sheep is too good for them. They're more like Eggplants.

  5. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..And the sheeple say BAAAAA!

  6. Our state has a 1% art requirement for all public projects and it has created some truely UGLY things. This was the result of special interest lobbying nothing more nothing less. Every public project requires "prevailing wage" which increases the cost by 30%. Remember this next time you vote for a $100 million bond to build schools, $30 million goes to the unions and the unions elect the politicians not you!

  7. Imagine if you were an artist that got these bids. Of course, only the elite artists ever get these chances. And who are the elite artists? Not the ones that are considered the best by the public, but rather complete no-names to the majority who just happen to be from the elite class or best friends with them.

  8. if the statue was of a a fake guy named jesus, the city would rejoice and says f the firefighters we need a fake statue of a fraud

  9. Thanks for all the comments above. It is clear now why the country is spiralling off into the Massive Black Whole of death!

  10. What most Americans DO NOT REALIZE is that
    ZERO ... NONE ... of the money they pay
    in Federal Income Tax goes to the USA.

    ALL of it goes to the BANKSTERS!!!

    If we get all that money back then there is plenty to pay the Firefighters and have the Water sculpture both.



  11. 8:09 & 8:15, the only real thing is Jesus. Whenever we put our faith in human beings, we will fall very short. If you beleive "HE" is not in control, you are sadly misinformed.

  12. For 5:54 Fireman do more the put out fires you moron. Ever see an auto accident? Who do you think responds? The ignorance here is absolutely astounding.

  13. For 5:54 Fireman do more the put out fires you moron.

    You're right, that was unfair of me. They eat.....a lot. They love to eat because they're so bored sucking off of the taxpayer teat on their lazy asses. That was great when they were on Emeril showing off all their recipes they were perfecting as the Empire Burned.

  14. I am the eggman

    I am the eggman

    I am the obonzo - who suck a choo.

    That dumb sonofabitch just about takes the cake ( which he made from eggs )

    Imported from Honduras ( with Salmonella ) cause that's how he likes 'em. 'cause his hero mr. Organizer saw fit to give the eggs fron the wealthy to them there poor folk in Honduras.

    If I had him in front of me I'd give him the ole USMC eggplant corination (n without vaseline )

    Sometimes, That's all these one worlders understand

  15. People refuse to believe we went to the moon, but they are certain Jesus has come back to earth as a water fountain in some mouse turd town in Mich. Get a grip, people! lol

  16. What a great oportunity for free enterprise now that government is getting out of the fire fighting business where it should not have been anyway .
    uncle warren Buffet should get his insurance business on to this.
    the original fire fighting business was set up in ancient Rome by a felow who got super rich -the warren buffet of his day.
    He had a team of slaves who would turn up to fight the fires - catch was the owner had to sell his property real cheap to the firefighters boss on the spot, or lose the lot in the fire.
    now thats free enterprise at work!


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