
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Debt Commissioner: We Are Doomed

BOSTON -- The co-chairs of President Obama's debt and deficit commission offered an ominous assessment of the nation's fiscal future here Sunday, calling current budgetary trends a cancer "that will destroy the country from within" unless checked by tough action in Washington.
The two leaders -- former Republican Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming and Erskine Bowles, White House chief of staff under former President Bill Clinton -- sought to build support for the work of the commission, whose recommendations due later this year are likely to spark a fierce political debate in Congress.
"There are many who hope we fail," Simpson said at the closing session of the National Governors Association meeting. He called the 18-member commission "good people with deep, deep differences" who know the odds of success "are rather harrowing."
Bowles said that unlike the current economic crisis, which was largely unforeseen before it hit in the fall of 2008, the coming fiscal calamity is staring the country in the face. "This one is as clear as a bell," he said. "This debt is like a cancer.
More Here..


  1. Here's the problem in a nutshell. Senator Simpson is probably as honest as any politician and probably believes he is at least moderately conservative. He of course co-authored the first amnesty for illegals and we all know how that turned out. But in his new role on a committee to figure out how to fix America's "debt problem" he will go along with the Democrats and tell us just need more taxes!! Simple as that. Americans are undertaxed!! Now if a reasonably honest reasonably conservative politician who was once tricked into a STUPID compromise by giving amnesty to illegals (that means he should know better then to be sucked in again don'tch know), if HE is sucked in again then what chance do we have??? How will we ever get a majority of congressmen/women to do the right thing?? HOW? You know the Democrats want more taxes and more borrowed money and more welfare and more power, etc. But if we can't even get an honest, intelligent, conservative republican to see that our problem is NOT undertaxation but in fact it is OVER spending then we are indeed lost. Let me guess how this will play out: Congress will pass a sales tax (VAT or whatever) but it will be very small, 1% or so, and if you will just all go along with this ALL our problems will be fixed. A car in every driveway, a chicken in every pot and 40 acres and a mule for everyone. Honest! Just a 1% sales tax...

    We are in deep shit.

  2. This article was written by an asshole Obama lover, don't fall for this nonsense.

    Washingtonpost and all the writers there can go suck a god damn egg and fuck themselves.

    Listen to the tone this bullcrap has, as if this administration isn't filled with fucking Communists and people deliberately destroying this once great nation.

    1) They want Washington to get tough on things - loves big government which is half the problem to begin with. The author makes their words sound like no one has been saying this for two years about how bad this is becoming.

    2) In regards to this little Simpson character that the author paints in a good light, what he says:

    "There are many who hope we fail" - who?

    But about his lame ass little group of well... worthless people, "good people with deep, deep differences... who know the odds of success are rather harrowing."

    So the jackasses in office are the opposite of those who hope for the country to fail?! Case closed, this is what Simpson thinks of the American people, typical politician? I'm sure him and the whole administration combined label those who hope they fail Rush, Beck, Hannity, Tea Partiers, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, well, you know, anyone who is a patriot or wants to stop this Anti-American takeover being done by these Progressive/Liberal/Socialist lunatics.

    He's trying his hardest though (Simpson), he is the first to understand the dire situation we are in. Now, would this author even consider what Beck has been saying for all this time? Or would he be the kind to mock it as End Times delusion because it was said by a Conservative?

    I'm only hoping some read this and wake up even more so. For those waking up they often try to use these kinds of things to convert you into the Revolution (Insurrection) - the Stalin kind not the successful kind. The far left wants to bring you to a globalist mentality which despises wealth and bankers. This is how they are going to initiate people who follow Alex Jones or Icke (without them knowing) into Marxism.

    This is not an awakening, this is a hijacking of what could have become liberation. You're only learning to hate those on the far right (those desiring free market and national prowess) and yet reading articles like this you begin believing the enemy is your own country... the rare few on Earth with freedom of speech and enterprise.

    Because of capitalism, ALL people in the country or those with relations to that wealthy country get a boost up in their standards of living. The low class people can live better than the high middle class in socialist countries.

    Creating wealth and giving people the ability to use the market and fight for first place (with reward) enables things to be built like radio, the internet, television, better cars, air conditioning, jets, water systems, light bulbs, cell phones, etc.

    If there was never capitalism we would all still be walking around preparing to ride our horse 20 miles to dig up some water and hope the horse doesn't die out (or yourself).

  3. The chinese might agree...

    Chinese credit firm says US worse risk than China
    BEIJING (AP) -- A Chinese firm that aims to compete with Western rating agencies declared Washington a worse credit risk than Beijing in its first report on government debt Sunday amid efforts by China to boost its influence in global markets.

    Dagong International Credit Rating Co.'s verdict was a break with Moody's, Standard & Poors and Fitch, which say U.S. government debt is the world's safest. Dagong said it rated Washington below China and 11 other countries such as Switzerland and Australia due to high debt and slow growth. It warned the U.S. is among countries that might face rising borrowing costs and risks of default.

  4. There can be a million more reports like these, it still will not change the fact that markets are booming and investors are making huge money left right and centre while fringe nutters think there's going to be a crash and depression.


    Read more:

    We are a gutted country. We are now the Redcoats, the Evil Empire, we believe might makes right. Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush-Monkey-Boy sold our infrastructure to China and India.

    We are done. You going to throw a temper tantrum and nuke the world for it little boys? Pathetic.

  6. 10:52 when the market plummets next week will you be showing your mug here? NOT A CHANCE! I'll be calling you out------>LOSER

  7. 10:52 : Why next week now? Wasn't it supposed to be a month ago? oh wait, no, 6 month? no, 1 year ago?

    I'll show up here IF it plummets, which it will not, of which I will show up again showing you all how wrong you are.

  8. 11.25 said:

    10:52 : Why next week now? Wasn't it supposed to be a month ago? oh wait, no, 6 month? no, 1 year ago?

    The stock exchange is doing great on this short term optimistic day by day ,and next week good news faith view ,if we do not consider the trend of last "the 6 month" fall. Oh wait,
    or the flash crash a "month" or so ago .
    or the fact that the stock exchange has not yet regained its value from the time of the GFC crash a couple of "years" ago.
    did the stock exckhange ever recover to the level of the share prices of the peak of thedot com bubble time. ?Who cares when your getting rich!
    Checking the charts and the actual facts means nothing.Because Stock exchange and housing values always go up right?
    The fundamentals are sound and the green shoot revival is about to bloom .Right.
    No one like GS and other banksters could ever manipulate the markets.So, everthing that might possibly go bad is already priced into the markets and so there is fantastic value to be got as the recovery must just keep going full steam ahead ever higher in la la land.

    So , go invest your money be quick !
    dont be a sucker, get busy grabbing the faith bargains while the price is low ,instead of just boasting and wasting your time here teaching conspiracy theorists ,all born losers how to get rich.
    Its so sad.These idiotic losers just do not compare with your analytical brains and faith in america.

  9. All the finance sector and these commissioners have known for years now, is ‘free trade” globalist profits mostly from the third world and an unproductive for capital useless overpaid and subsidized American ‘working class” making a living from services and overpopulating American capitalism as useless for profit mouths.

    Their only way left these Commissioners know to make a profit in an insolvent dead economy is more casino capitalism and from looting the remaining wealth of the middle class. Millions of houses are now disappearing into their Maw as the banisters and bondholders seize back the houses they own.

    Thus with the institutional memory of profit making in industrial capitalism lost after a few decades of globalist economics finance banking as well as the productive industry, these Commissioners will present no real solution to the economic crisis, only more of the same casino capitalism, fake profits money printing stimulus from deficit spending, more Ponzis and Austerity for Americans, to try and regain ‘recovery” of the banksters lost profit levels their primary aim.

    Well, in capitalist free trade it was perhaps sensible for capital to send manufacturing to the cheap labor third world the profits were great for a few years. Under the dollar hegemony foreign vendor finance was provided to finance American debt, the bankers in the finance sector made an absolute fortune out of a cut in passing out credit to Americans.
    The rises in value in the property sector bubble were stupendous. Millions of Americans could use their house as an ATM to rollover their debt payments. Borrowing say $10,000 a year on the house/mortgage every year as its value rose was equal to an income of $200 a week. Money for jam no work required. This in a falling in value property market is no longer possible.
    Instead of assets many American “homeowners” now found they were actually counting debts as wealth and could no longer get easy credit using the house as an asset.
    And Americans could not change their work from services industries to real industrial wealth production jobs as the industry and the jobs had long since been moved by the owners of capital offshore.

    Trillions had flowed into America in recent years by getting foreigners to invest in AAA shares AAA rated structured finance, sub prime bonds, the housing market and dud bonds generally, as well as derivative bets in the great Ponzi.It was mostly scam and Fraud .Americas reputation was destroyed

    When it all fell apart in the crash of 2008 ,when credit supply went stone dead.
    And the derivative losses and dud bonds of the TBTF banksters were promptly handed over to the government for the taxpayer to pay in a financial coup.
    Now, with foreign credit supply still drying up as the dollar hegemony and America good name is trashed the whole "debt cancer" mess is only temporarily held together by an increasingly fast money printing ,of trillions of dollars thereby devaluing the dollar savings of middle class Americans and the value of their houses.

    The rich bondholders and banksters hoped that after the state nationalized their losses that everything would just get back to normal in a “recovery”. But there can be no recovery as the mountains of debts and the taxpayers must first pay off bonds passed on to the taxpayer’s with “Austerity”. Capitalism cannot exist without continual and real profit growth.

    Even if the recovery was real for capital, it’s a long road to growth, as falling money revenues seized from the taxpayers are used to pay off only past debts and bondholders, but not invested by America in future industrial wealth creation But this means there will be no real recovery of industrial America for Americans and a return to real wealth creating productive jobs.
    Only shovel ready jobs and food stamps await.
    Decades of this ‘austerity” now lie ahead to pay of the huge trillion dollar past losses of capital.
    Enjoy your financial capitalist coup Americans!

  10. @10:52.. I wake up to CNBC, "Lame Ducks", two experts both voicing the same point, WE SIMPLY CANNOT SUSTAIN or continue down the path we are printing money, raising the defecit PERIOD!!!!!!!!! AL Gore said defecits "don't matter" YEAH RIGHT?!?!?!? Get it through your thick head you are living on borrowed time. Plus the market you hold so dear and investors you say are profiting so much from this current "boom" you say there is are dealing with a rigged system designed to profit in ANY market condition, ANY real world economic environment that profits from others downfall. The market has been on a roller coaster between the high 9,000 to the mid 10,000 for the last six months!!!! Look at the charts!!! From one pocket to another the rich get richer and poor get poorer!!!!!

  11. Yes, a lot of money is being made in the market. The investors who know how are making money like they always do. They can make money as if it goes down to 4500 because they know how. The "little people" that dabble are the folks that lose. The big funds and unions will lose money when it drops. The real losers will be the companies. If your stock is worth less, you have less capital.

  12. It looks like BP has fixed the oil volcano.

    Say Hey!!!

  13. man f all these suckers, its always all the "millionaires/billionaires" that talk all this "cut this cut that" shit.

    to them any retirements that someone worked their fkn life for is some kind of "entitlement"

    As long as they can keep all their shit its OK, they have enough lobbyists to get what they want.

  14. Alan Simpson is just another Republican loon and his commission is being known as the "cat food commission." That's because all the effing Republicans know to do is screw the rest of us in favor of the rich. Simpson wants to cut or privatize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Sure, balance the budget on the backs of the poor, the elderly, the disabled, widows and orphans--who cares about them anyway.

    They're talking about a consumption tax. If you bother to research that, you'll know the people who will end up paying the most is us. Nearly all our income gets "consumed" by rent/mortgage, the car, food, utilities, etc. So you'll just be paying more for everything.

    And stop calling Obama a Socialist. You fools don't even understand the definition of one, and he ain't one. If he was, we'd have national health care instead of a gift to the insurance companies.

  15. Sharonsj, I agree with everything you just said and will add that Obama, far from being a Socialist, is on the same team as the so-called Republicans. They are all the Corporatist Party and the feigned opposition to one another, i.e. Democrat versus Republican, is Kabuki Theater to disguise the ruse.

  16. Sharonsj, in recent months I've read all of your posts on this blog. It is evident you are a liberal Democrat and you don't like Republicans--a theme that runs through your posts. If our "Man Boy" President is not a socialist, then exactly what is he (ideologically)? A progressive? A leftist? A Marxist? A radical? All of the aforementioned? Please tell me and explain why. In the meantime, you and your type, like Obozo, are the ones "trying to screw the rest of us" by attempting to thwart and destroy the Constitution and the intent of the Founders. It's as simple as that and people like me will call you out on it EVERY time.

  17. ~ ~ ~ Right on the money 12:20 ~ ~ ~

  18. 1125 is a useless shill, stock market anemic, getting ready to die, you can see the trend everyday, lower lows and lower highs, a blind man could see it.

  19. 1220 did not hear you say that when bush was presidunce and destroyed the constitution at every chance. Hey hypocrite, why were you not saying anything about bush bringing fascism to the usa at the same time? What I hear from you are Crickets!

  20. 1220 is a hypocrite and also 1254, what you heard from them was crickets when bush was destroying the constitution and starting two wars based on lies, who took the most vacation days of any presidunce in us history and who sat on his ass on 911 and katrina and did nothing at all.

  21. 1:02/1:09 - This 12:20 responding. Touchy now, aren't we? Did I call the "Man Boy" President, Obozo, something that isn't true? Are you too, like Obozo, blaming Bush? You say Bush destroyed the Constitution? Wow, news to me. What exact parts of the Constitution did he destroy? Please tell me in specificity.

    America is waking up and finding out that liberalism and progressivism are the eptitome of the word "HYPOCRISY". 1:02, you just can't admit to yourself you voted for and helped elect a radical leftist/Marxist to the Presidency of the United States. Yes, that is what Obozo is and what he has always been - a MARXIST! He fooled you; he duped you; he used you! You got played by an old-time style Chicago pol and community organizer who tried to pass him self off as just a nice, caring, liberal Democrat! If you believe that I have some beach front property in the Gulf I want to sell you. Take it away, lefty!

  22. This is a special one for 1:02 and sharonsj:

    Robert Gibbs’ Least Shocking Statement of the Week: Obama’s a Lefty

  23. 212 Bush broke the first amendment when he established free speech zones in dc, after 911 happened. bush broke the fourth amendment when he enacted wireless wiretapping. Bush broke the fourth amendment when he tortured citizens in abu gharaib, and Gitmo, he established a gulag, which is against the us constitution and the geneva conventions. Bush also let his cronies get away with outing a cia agent during wartime, a treasounous offense. Bush broke the sixth amendment by denying a speedy trial or a trial to persons suspected of being terrst, but not having actual proof, many have been let go from gitmo without charges. He broke the seventh amendment by not letting them have a trial but just letting them rot in jail without charges. He broke the eighth amendment when he tortured anyone for any reason. There are many more, and he lied us into two unwinnable wars, how much more do you want?

  24. 3:25 Uhhh, our Constitution applies to U.S. legal citizens, not terrorists or ILLEGAL immigrants! You Marxist also use the civil rights argument for ILLEGAL immigrants when civil rights apply ONLY to US Citizens under our Constitution. Look it up - but wait, why deal in FACTS!!! Get a clue!

  25. provide nothing but personal opinion, lies, and left-wing propaganda. You also seem to have a big thing about protecting terrorists and their supposed rights. Remember, they are trying to destroy the US and the American way of life us just like your beloved Obozo.

    1. Free speech zones existed long before Bush.
    Many colleges and universities instituted free speech zones during the Vietnam-era protests of the '60s and '70s. (Also, please comment on the Obama Administration trying to stifle free speech by attempting to regulate the Internet via the FCC and being so advised by Free Media, a Marxist group.)

    2. Wireless wiretapping - The Patriot Act is formally known as the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001". When was this act this ruled to be in violation of the 4th amendment? Please show me the court ruling. (Please also comment on then Senator Obama voting to reauthorize the act.)

    3. Bush didn't personally torture anyone in Abu Ghraib. Renegade US military policemen did. They were tried and punished. Seventeen soldiers and officers were removed from duty, and eleven were charged with dereliction of duty, maltreatment, aggravated assault and battery. Eleven soldiers were convicted in courts martial, sentenced to military prison, and dishonorably discharged from service. Two soldiers, were sentenced to ten years and three years in prison.

    4. Gitmo - Again, please show me proof (not allegations!) anyone has ever been tortured there. These are illegal enemy combatants--not POWs--captured by the US military during wartime. (Please explain to me why Obama has not closed this horrible, terrible "gulag". Oops, just another broken campaign promise!)

    5. Valerie Plame - Plame's CIA cover was blown by Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, not Scooter Libby or Karl Rove (your so called Bush "cronies".)

    6. Iraq War - WON. Saddam's brutal dictatorship destroyed; Saddam and his henchmen all killed or captured. Those captured were tried in and sentenced by Iraqi courts. Democratic government elected.

    7. Afghanistan - War initially WON in late 2001 through combined efforts of US Special Forces, CIA, and the Afghan Northern Alliance. Taliban completely routed and destroyed. Democratic government elected.

    8. Bush tortured anyone for any reason? Wow, the President of the United States personally tortured people? No, he did not. Stop making ridiculous statements.

    Until you put some FACTS on the board, please shut your leftist, pro-terrorist, pro-Obozo, fact-distorting piehole.

  26. This Is No Accident Comrades...

  27. 502 except bush illegally wiretapped us citizens, Moron

  28. Re: 6.02 Anonymous -
    As a foreign observer I like to speculate are you a British Monarchist ?:
    Your powers of spin and monarchial line of legal 'reasoning” on American rights seem vaguely familiar to students of old English law before the constitutional monarchy was overcome by parliament and later in America ,by the war for independence and constitutional rule with its division of power between the executive and parliamentary wing (congress and senate) and its (politically appointed) court judges.
    Or are you perhaps . that gung ho, Korean /American lawyer that used to write all the “legal” 'constitutional" opinion crap for bush ,justifying torture ,non use of the Geneva convention, legalizing ,pre-emptive wars,’ semi monarchial patriot” acts, executive orders , or anything else the semi-monarchial presidunce Bush 11 wanted to do or lie about legal -like, in the long conservative tradition of "the divine right of kings"STAR CHAMBERS V the people and the rights to habeus corpus ,trial by jury and all that peoples rights stuff..”Confessions”without public evidence shown of even thought crimes by suspects in exchange for plea bargains are the go now with American justice now. It all sounds to me, and as a foreign observer, to be a similar legal system to what we are told existed in the old Soviet Union in the thirties ,but it is nice that you assure us its different in the US and all according to the old constitution.
    (most of these “legal” opinions and semi-Monarchial opinions are now still being 'critically" supported by war messiah Obama .So he of course can legally get to keep Gitmo and other military CIA run prisons like Bagram )
    Or, is it perhaps as an Amerikan supporter of Brother Dick himself you are commenting , in order to re-claim his great place in 'mission accomplished" history of military victories for foreign Empire in all the endless wars he has WON ? And of “democratically elected” governments installed backed by US armed supervision as prove of “victory” and “democracy” but, somehow still requiring continuing American armed support, for many years to come in the American way of Empire you so much admire.
    In any case it is clear you are a great American "patriot” flag waver and great interpretator of American " constitutional law" in the fine tradition of “ My country and Presidunce right or wrong”.
    And the “Commander in Chief” (insert trumpet sound and strike up the band here) is of course never wrong, because he is always from the "Right"in essence , even if a Democrat party lefty in form.
    The CiC and present great POTUS is said to have a full birth certificate to boot.In order to prove his constitutional right to command in the US and have a few foreign Gitmos prisons and semi monarchial secret STAR CHAMBERS around the world for ‘non”-torturing or rendering and interrogating prisoner ‘suspects” by 'renegades" , bomb Pakistan or anywhere else and as a traditional Sovereign with the right of a King including the right to assasinate americans 'overseas"(but , not in america?) without trial if they are 'declared" or supected associates of "terrorists" as determind by the same infalible US "inteligence" services that declared the existence of WMD in Iraq and even cooked up fake Saddam conections with Al Qaeda!

  29. 637/712 - Hmmm, let's see who's the moron... I'm 602, NOT 502. You can't even get your #'s straight!!

    Again, you make CLAIMS about Bush (a real obsession you have there) but back it up with NOTHING. No subtantiation whatsoever. Do some basic research and show me the facts. I've decimated every one of your arguments about Bush; you've said NOTHING about Obozo (so I guess you've caved there), so who's the real moron?

    Also, I'd watch your mouth on calling people "not too bright". First of all, you can barely write. You can't articulate a substantive argument or thought. Good writing is a sign of intelligence. I can see that's definitely not the case with you.

    What college or university did you gradate from? How many degrees do you hold? What important jobs or positions in life have you held? The likely answer - none.

    Bring it on, lefty. I love a good fight.

  30. If Obama is a lefty, he's not acting like one. I may be a liberal Democrat, but I am very disappointed in him because he is continuing too many of Bush's policies. We still have two wars going on that we can't afford. We still have the Patriot Act, which takes away our rights.

    The reason I don't like Republicans is that they swallow the party line without thinking. When Bush was trashing the constitution and running up the debt, and sending troops into battle without proper armor--where were you?

    There's a new study out that shows conservatives--when faced with the real facts--still believe the shit lies fed them. Conservatives don't think for themselves, otherwise they'd turn off Fox News and read a book. I learn more about what's really going on just from an hour lecture on Book TV than I can learn listening to Rush Limbaugh all day.

    The last thing I heard Rush say, before I turned him off in disgust, was that the BP oil gusher was the result of over-regulation--when all the facts show it was because the regulations weren't enforced at all! Rushbo has also claimed in the past--and I know because I personally used to listen to him--that oil spills are GOOD for our waterways. The reason I don't listen to him or any conservative anymore is that I realized they are lying scumbags.

  31. Just want to add more stuff. I have a college degree, but I don't think that makes a person smarter than one who doesn't. You can be self-taught and know a lot. The key to everything is knowledge--that's why there's a lot of arguing on this post.

    My cousin is a staunch Republican and she believes everything she is told. She sends me tons of emails with all the Republican talking points, and when I research the claims, they turns out to be wrong. If I tell her the real facts, she just gets mad.

    A while back she sent me an article claiming that Cuba was drilling for oil off the coast of Florida. That sounds like Cuba is stealing our oil, doesn't it? I checked it out and found that Cuba is drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba. It just so happens that if you look at a globe, Cuba is not far from Florida. And so you can make any idiot think Cuba is stealing our oil until that idiot decides to look at a map.

    The problem is that people either don't look at the map or they'll look at the map and choose not to believe their own eyes. That is why America is doomed unless you folks stop drinking the conservative kool-aid.

  32. Sharonsj - Since you are a thinker and a reader (so am I) please read "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg. This book should open your eyes to what liberalism and progressivism are really all about. I know you are an intelligent person so please check it out.

  33. jonah goldberg is a right wing fascist israel firster, dont read his garbage, Next!



    Barack Obama is setting a record-setting number of records during his first year in office.

    Largest budget ever. Largest deficit ever. Largest number of broken promises ever. Most self-serving speeches ever. Largest number of agenda-setting failures ever. Fastest dive in popularity ever.

    Wow. Talk about change.

    Just one year ago, fresh from his inauguration celebrations, President Obama was flying high. After one of the nation's most inspiring political campaigns, the election of America's first black president had captured the hopes and dreams of millions. To his devout followers, it was inconceivable that a year later his administration would be gripped in self-imposed crisis.

    Of course, they don't see it as self imposed. It's all George Bush's fault.

    George Bush, who doesn't have a vote in Congress and who no longer occupies the White House, is to blame for it all.

    He broke Obama's promise to put all bills on the White House web site for five days before signing them.

    He broke Obama's promise to have the congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN.

    He broke Obama's promise to end earmarks.

    He broke Obama's promise to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent.

    He broke Obama's promise to close the detention center at Guantanamo in the first year.

    He broke Obama's promise to make peace with direct, no pre-condition talks with America's most hate-filled enemies during his first year in office, ushering in a new era of global cooperation.

    He broke Obama' promise to end the hiring of former lobbyists into high White House jobs.

    He broke Obama's promise to end no-compete contracts with the government.

    He broke Obama's promise to disclose the names of all attendees at closed White House meetings.

    He broke Obama's promise for a new era of bipartisan cooperation in all matters.

    He broke Obama's promise to have chosen a home church to attend Sunday services with his family by Easter of last year.

    Yes, it's all George Bush's fault. President Obama is nothing more than a puppet in the never-ending, failed Bush administration.

    If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, all of President Obama's problems would be solved. His promises would have been kept, the economy would be back on track, Iran would have stopped its work on developing a nuclear bomb and would be negotiating a peace treaty with Israel , North Korea would have ended its tyrannical regime, and integrity would have been restored to the federal government.

    Oh, and did I mention what it would be like if the Democrats, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, didn't have the heavy yoke of George Bush around their necks. There would be no earmarks, no closed-door drafting of bills, no increase in deficit spending, no special-interest influence (unions), no vote buying ( Nebraska , Louisiana ).

    If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, we'd have real change by now.

    All the broken promises, all the failed legislation and delay (health care reform, immigration reform) is not President Obama's fault or the fault of the Democrat-controlled Congress. It's all George Bush's fault.

    Take for example the decision of Eric Holder, the president's attorney general, to hold terrorists' trials in New York City. Or his decision to try the Christmas Day underpants bomber as a civilian.

    Two disastrous decisions.

    Certainly those were bad judgments based on poor advice from George Bush.

    Need more proof?

    Chuck Green, veteran Colorado journalist and former editor-in-chief of The Denver Post, syndicates a statewide column and is at

  35. 8:28, you are such an open minded person...NOT! Again, you probably haven't even read any of Goldberg's work. You're just a judgmental, left-wing kook!

    The Second American Revolution is coming in November; check out today's SHOCKING poll numbers for your beloved Obozo. Six out of 10 Americans have NO faith in Obozo. And those numbers will just keep going up. Why? Because EVERYTHING Goldberg lays out in his about about liberals and progressives (the REAL fascists) is true, that's why. The chickens are coming home to roost.

  36. does not matter if repukes win in november, the crash will just happen that much faster if they win, more deregulation leading to more Gom and more disasters, you want more disasters, elect a repug and you shall have it.

  37. 1034: And whom did Goebbels and the Nazis learn propaganda from? The Woodrow Wilson Administration--America's first PROGRESSIVE president and a racist to boot. An administration that the Obozo Administration models itself on!

  38. 10:18: More disasters than what we already have had under Obozo? The MOST disastrous President in American history? The President one 6 in 10 Americans have no faith in? (Looks at today's WP/ABC poll.) He's an UNMITIGATED disaster and it only gets worse with each passing day! And I'm sure MORE regulation will solve everything. You are so detached from REALITY it's sickening!

  39. I'm back again. Yes, you need to read, but Jonah Goldberg's book is not what I'm talking about. One book means nothing. I don't trust anyone with an agenda; that's why I read everything and listen to different talk shows (even the conservative ones). But I suggest you try listening to someone like Thom Hartman to get another perspective.

    Plus, although I may think Republicans are generally crazy, we actually agree on some topics. I am against all the illegal aliens crossing our borders. I support gun ownership. I want the government--and the religious nuts--out of my private life. I want justice for all and I don't care about color, creed, religion or sexual orientation. If that makes me a liberal, then I am proud of the label.

  40. repukes are crazy, religiously crazy, they care if someone is gay, as it has nothing at all to do with them, but they just want to stick their noses into someone else's business, they are sickening.

  41. I don't care if your gay at all

    What I care about is when you try to push your gay agenda on me or my family.

    I don't care if your black, white, purple or red - as long as you don't push your color agenda on me or my family

    I don't care if your union or not; as long as you don't try and push your union agenda on me or my family

    I don't care if your Christian, muslim, buddist
    islam - just don't push your faith on me and my family.

    You see - I could go on and on. The problem always seems to stem from the fact that people always try to push their crap down other peoples throats. If I'm gay; I want gay rights, I want gay this - gay that. If I'm purple I want purple peoples rights - if I'm a Muslim, I want a new Mosque in every town

    Meanwhile these "little agendas" always seem to end up costing everyone in the country because our illustrious government see's fit to pass " national build a mosque month" & the entire tax base ends up footing the bill for something the majority coukld really give a shit about.

    Under my plan - if you have the backing ( on your own) and you have the constituents - go for it - but no handouts - sorry. We have enough on our plates without trying to figure out whether or not people with 6 toes have the same rights as those with 5

  42. 709 I agree with you 100%, the problem comes in when dumb right wingers say this is a christian nation and want to kill muslims, that have done nothing to them, they are always pushing their religion on to us, when they dont even walk the walk, they are prejudiced and bigoted and intolerant and their boy, would not have wanted that, that is the problem I have with them, live and let live and leave everyone alone and MYOFB!

  43. 1052 still riding the crashing wave as stock market is on the down side again and will crash soon.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.