
Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Collapse Of America


  1. Jay just got funglooied by a retired history professor-bwaa haa haa!

  2. Pffft wow, when you have "they" controlling the curriculum does it really seem shocking? Just another tool in the fight of the "black curtain". Just one more generation of stupefying the youth through education, vain entertainments, coupled with steady taking of the civil liberties....endgame. Do yourselves a favor educate your children on basics, they will thank you forever.

  3. grandpa knew the answers because nwo hadn't taken control yet and we taught in our schools, we whip our kids when they were bad, we punched a guy who talked poorly in front of women, we worked hard, saved to buy a home, we had pride and self asteem, and we loved other people who would carry old glory before it fell...well the stars and stripes are fallin will you pick her up?

  4. How much do you want to bet that every moron interviewed by Leno is a Democrat??

  5. I would have given the woman a pass for answering, "the Redcoats are coming", Revere might have thrown that into the mix.

  6. i see this everyday

    for those who forget history repeat it.

    i pity the fools
    see the father acting all gangster how embarsesing
    we are doomed !
    i like the one girl gives her name and then looks like an idiot priceless

  7. And thus the NEA and all other education unions shows the result of their brilliant work. This is why I drive old clunker cars, and live in a home that is paid for that my bride and I built. So that we could send our three children to a Christian school as well as being tutored by us. You don't know where you are going, unless you know where you came from. General Washington and all the young men who camped in Valley Forge, deprived of most basic needs would probably question themselves today as if they would do it again. Their is no honor in Congress or the Senate or the Presidency. This is on both sides of the aisle and of both parties. The forges are hot, and blacksmiths are hammering scythes and pitch forks. Get ready folks, you were born at this time for a reason.

    Son of the South

  8. How much do you want to bet that every moron interviewed by Leno is a Democrat??

    July 11, 2010 6:24 PM

    Great post you know that is a fact.

    that loser from texas was the worst, only inbreds come from texass, a moron filled state

    Yes and your highly intelligent post proves you are from Texas right.

  9. The grandfather new his history. The next two generations didnt have a clue. What does that say for the education system in this country. I bet the kid new how to put on a condom though.

  10. 6:41 -

    I'm 4th generation Texican. What he was saying is all you piss heads from North of the Red River "Get Out".

    You are the perfect example of The American Idiot!

    When the other 48 take a dump, we'll have our electrical grid, natural gas, oil, farmland, water so "Come and Take it" dumbass !!!!!!

    I'll have a SS109 especially reserved for you !!!

  11. I know the answers, and I'm a CANADIAN.



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