
Sunday, July 11, 2010


By Nicola Zigic
On June 28, 2010 three Tomahawk-laden submarines broke through the surface with a clear message to the Chinese communist leadership, “You’d better be careful!”. This new class of submarine, dubbed the “Ohio class”, was retrofitted to carry up to 154 cruise missiles and is just the latest version of “death bringing” weaponry. This strong armed tactic, along with two major military exercises involving some 37,000 personnel in the Asian theater has definitely made China stand up and take notice. The question is why? The answer appears to be decisions made by Chinese authorities regarding massive dumping of US treasury debt!

With the US economy teetering on a knife’s edge, it appears the US Federal Government is pulling all the stops and has figuratively opened the suitcase and is about the push the proverbial “button”.

A timeline shows in late 2007, China (the United States’ largest creditor) gave indication of growing concerned over the “monopoly money” policies of the Federal Reserve, as well as the continued pressure to reevaluate the Yuan/Dollar exchange rate. With over $900 billion of US debt exposure, China made it clear about who really “signs the paychecks”.
More Here..

More Evidence? U.S. government securities staged an explosive rally in the second quarter that stunned experts and outperformed other bond sectors.



  1. This is a fascinating story that I would love to continue reading. Unfortunately, I cannot access the link. Is it me or is there a problem?


  2. The link doesn't work. Asks for a google docs account login.

  3. the reality they drop our notes
    we are screwed
    how long can we press a war of agression?
    are you sending your kids?
    hillary bush or obama sending theres?

    we start a war with china wed have to carpet bomb the whole country.and occupy!!!!!!!

    does everyone expect the whole world to sit by and cheer us on ?
    like in every war allies today enemies tommorow.
    germany russian pact. 1940
    our leaders have brought us here.
    where do you think the chinese subermarines are?
    off the coast of the usa.
    we are delusioned to think the chinese are scared of us. in fact they could dump us anytime.
    a couple of tomahawks didnt stop iraq or afghanistan. in fact our enemies are wacthing closely.
    didnt we just find some russian spies?
    who did the russians capture that we traded and picked up these people so quickly
    lots of questions?

    the fed will collapse . and the chinese either will be first or holding the bag
    either way they lose and wont be happy.

    wether we have tomahwaks or mud pies
    the chinese are to big to push around and this story just make us look more overstreched.
    the chinese could have a standing 300 milion man army.
    and overun half of europe with the help of russia
    what are we gonna do?
    with our fat lazy goverment officals
    send billy boy clinton
    or bushs or better yet obama theyll treat them like clowns who look like traitors to there OWN PEOPLE!
    the more is see the mopre i see the u.s screwed.

    dont need to be a time traveler to see
    we made our bed and this aint1990s
    where we are the only kids on the block
    americans have been dumbed down and like it that way.
    the country of 1940s is gone.

    we should be scared.

  4. Uhhh...China is America's largest creditor. ...not debtor....and like many other blog rumors this probably full of half truths and sensationalism. ..

  5. Of what ?

    Conspiracy theroy number 2 thousand 4 hundred and ninety nine ?

    What a crock !

    We have enough to worry about right here; right now - that's real life

  6. 11:11 you'll find out in good time if this was a conspiracy. Please respond with your "backup" how this is a "crock", instead of shooting your mouth off.

  7. This story is legit, as I read it last week on one of the MSN sites, regarding placing these subs near China.

    I have heard the US has literally begged China to not sell the US treasuries, so this would not surprise me. After all, HARP has been in overtime manipulating China's weather and earthquakes (search engine it)

    If true, this would be the last straw, the final desperate act. Is this where we are now?

    We are so screwed.....

  8. you'll find the piece at and lots of other interesting articles too

  9. So we don't hate Arabs anymore, now it's the Chinese? Or will the government try for a dual hate mongering campaign?

  10. 11:15,

    11:11 has a perfectly good point that is self evident unless you believe this article. That's the point - 'be-lie-f'. Beliefs are mostly bullshit, of all the millions of articles just like this floating around all over the place why do we need to even pay any attention to such things once we're already fimiliar with such thinking?

    As far as people who are 9/11 truthers, think America's wars are fixed and are waiting for some kind of staged war with Iran or North Korea, FEMA Camp believers, or whatever else could be possible (*POSSIBLE*) - the real problem is in front of you.

    It's the economy, and our lives are going to get very painful regardless of conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories like this could even make many do worse by distracting their minds from real preparation. What are people focusing on if they are still stuck on 2001? They should come to 2010, there are scarier things taking place now that don't involve people conspiring... they are right before your very eyes - transpiring.

  11. Chapter 13 Bankrupty will re-structure the we may give them pennies on the US dollar owed in return. We sure have enough US assets to live well and sometime go out and eat Chinese food.
    Can't eat gold...

    If one owes it may as well be a very large amount.....right??

  12. Seems a little silly to me..

  13. So? What's wrong with displaying to the Chinese our Military Authority over them?

    Isn't that what you want?

    Might makes right and all that jazz.

  14. This is almost funny.

    Here's the rope (our manufacturing base); now hang us!

    All kidding aside, truth is, America has the trump card: a massive navy that determines who gets access to oil. Without oil, game over.

    Verdict: America superpower; China little bitch.

    That's why China keeps buying U.S. Treasuries; it has no choice, because it needs to import more oil than it produces to keep going.

    And now you now why the U.S. Government never cuts back on military spending. It has no choice.

  15. If you are right [about US is showing up war capability] what I honestly hope is not true, than I wouldn't be surprised that the recent Chinese 'UFO' would turn out to be a US intercontinental rocket reentering the atmoshpere in China saying: "Hi, we can rrach you any time, anywhere"

    Check out:

  16. I would like to thank everyone for reading my article, as I am Nicola Zigic. This of course is not my real name as I am using a pen name. I AM a US citizen, born and raised, but I no longer feel confident of my freedom of speech. This country has changed my friends. There are powers that are beyond the President that truly run this country now. Good luck to all of us. Your friend,

  17. China can pull the rug out from under the american $ any time it chooses not to exchange its products for paper.
    There was no “subprime crash” of 2008. There was a Dollar Hegemony crash !
    Subprime might have been only the first, easily blamed, publicly obvious ,first trickle down effect setting off the crash. The money markets /credit supply ,particularly in US dollar denominated debt, insolvent ,dead ,international creddit supply shut down in 2008 in an international trade and finance credit lockout.
    There is no global downturn or recession or “coming” depression its alreay here!
    There's just the small issue of the bankrupt
    Dollar Hegemony systems slow but steady unwinding terminal collapse .
    Nothing else .Game over.A CRASHED PONZI and a final looting of the middle class by the finance squids of casino capitalism and fake "recovery" The Dollar Hegemony was nuked collectively by an anti-dollar United Front of countries, firstly by Russia and Iran ,selling Oil and Gas priced in Euros and secondly,by China, Brazil,russia and other third world countries like Iran entering into barter deals for trade,not denominated in dollar values or prices. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said recently U.S. dollars are “worthless paper” that the U.S. government injects into the world economy in exchange for goods and services.”… he said the U.S. deficit is “theft of the wealth of other nations .” Say goodnight to the “Great Satan” and its nuked dollar /hegemony economy.
    Welcome to the third world USAans.
    Pre -crash there was no real profit being created in American manufacturing as a whole. Just Ponzi debt creation. The Americans were exchanging services with each other at value ,while buying things on foreign supplied credit ,by exporting $ debt money and dud AAA paper bond paper by the trillions to pay for real commodity wealth imports.
    The US Ponzi debt economy was only temporarily held together after the Dollar Hegenomy crash by the “Paulsons Bazooka” pointed at Congress for a financial Coup ,to loot the US treasury, by printing and handing out dollars to the bankrupt controlling elite ,socialising past losses in the banks and on derivative bets to “stimulate” a dead economy. After the Coup nationalising these debts for the taxpayer to pay off, the Federal bank together with the US Treasury run serial scams in printing counterfeit dollars and for buying up their own Treasury bills to prop up the dollars “market” value .As the fictionally valued property and share bubbles implode in a sea of government provided printed paper, loaned fake “profits.” for the finance and property sectors, paper profits ,paid for by counterfiet printing paper loaned from the Fed.

  18. Find or set up a cause to defend “peace” and american dollar hegemony in order to get out of economic depression ?
    Create a USS Maine ,or Pearl Harbour type incident”an “attack” on the US navy . Or,for another example ,the faked “attack” by Vietnam on american blockade navy ships in the Tonkin Gulf .
    Today ,such an incident can easily be created against China or Iran as an excuse to start a war.
    Would the US provoke such an incident today ?The US has “form”.

    On Iran for example, with the terrorist US navy shooting down an Iranian passenger aircraft .just one of the reasons why Iranians call america 'Great Satan"
    Have you forgotten about that little provocative “accident” to create war America?
    Iranians and some other people have not! “Press TV – July 3, 2010

    Iran will mark the 22nd anniversary of a US missile attack on an Iranian passenger airliner over the Persian Gulf, commemorating those killed by laying flowers at the site of the tragic incident.

    On July 3, 1988, the guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes launched two SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles, downing Iran Air Flight 655 destined for Dubai. All 290 passengers onboard were killed, 66 of who were children…

    The US has so far refused to issue an apology, arguing that their naval officers had mistaken the Iranian Airbus A300 for an F-14 Tomcat fighter. Iran, however, has dismissed the justification, saying mistaking an Airbus A300 for an F-14 Tomcat fighter is beyond the bounds of possibility.

    The UN Security Council passed a resolution, in which it only expressed “deep distress” over the downing and “profound regret” for the loss of life.”
    So little help against terrorism can be expected from the U.N. in bed with the US.
    New incidents could easily be created as with China reacting to naval provocations as above , or by Iran reacting to the blocking of its incomes from international trade in Oil not priced in dollars, by the US navy. With a strong likeliehood that an incident or “accident” will occur in response to US provocations in defence of national soverienity to this US piracy .Over say providing oil to its “Allies”like China in a new “axis of Evil”.
    Or by boarding Chinese trade ships in international waters trading with Iran.ships "defying" US imposed military /navy backed “sanctions” .
    A blockade imposed on muslim Iran by The "peace loving" Nobel prize winning Obama,in order to ‘save Israel” from non existant nuclear bombs.Polls show Americans are willing to die in and urge such a war on Iran.

    The US itself once went to war In 1812 in defence of its trade and national sovereignity.
    To stop the British pirate navy 'inspecting" US ships.
    Does america think today it can freely engage in piracy on the high seas against Iran,acting just like Isreal, boarding blockade running ships of huminitarian aid to hungry people in gaza?
    And that China or Iran would just sit back and do nothing but kiss armed US pirates ass?
    The Chinese have past experience of both trade blockades and wars for free trade against China.
    starting with the Opium wars . but, today both china and Iran may be strong enough reject a Dollar hegemony military threat .
    As just another modern day variety of a western drug trade war.

  19. This is NOT Japan

    This is NOT KOREA



    This is NOT GERMANY

    This is NOT KOSOVO

    This is NOT CUBA

    This is NOT IRAQ


    This time around friends and neighbors we find ourselves on the short end of the stick & I agree with much that was said here - it doesn;t take a genius to figure out that these people ( hate has nothing to do with it - this is BIG business) have beaten us at our own demaening; whoremongering game.

    They print worthless Yuan
    They trade worthless Yuan for Geenbacks
    They buy our Treasuries with Greenbacks
    They sell us shit products for more greenbacks

    What a deal man ! They got it going on & we are holding the bag ( empty of course (


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