Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Is BP Preparing For A Nuclear Blast?

While the plan would admittedly only be executed if a worst case scenario seemed imminent, some geo-chemists have expressed concerns that detonating a nuke in the Gulf might ignite the methane.
Nuclear bomb

(CHICAGO) - In a desperate attempt to stop a huge area of the Gulf ocean floor from possibly rupturing due to subterranean methane gas (leading to a calamity no human has ever seen) BP has ripped a page from science fiction books.
The giant oil company is now quietly preparing to test a small nuclear device in a frenzied rush against time to quell a cascading catastrophe. If successful they will have the capability to detonate a controlled fusion generated pulse.
While the world watches BP's attempt to contain the oil gusher at the former Deepwater Horizon site, company officials have given the green light on an astounding plan to use what is known as a nuclear EPFCG charge if all else fails.
Sea floor compromised
Reports still indicate that methane is flooding the Gulf waters at a rate one million times more than normal, and the NOAA research vessel, Thomas Jefferson has reported spotting new fissures. [1]
Last week the science ship stunned some reporters with the revelation that the oceanographic team had discovered and measured a rift in the ocean floor miles from the BP wellhead. The rift was reported to be more than 100 feet long and widening. Oil and methane continues to plume from that rift. BP has also admitted damage beneath the sea floor. [2]
More Here..


  1. Interesting article, though I am wondering if Secret Agent James Bond is involved with this project? After all, this is BP and their nightmare.

    So BP can get a nuke if they need one, but God forbid Iran wants to build nuclear reactors for power. Maybe the USA & Israel should nuke Great Britain and Canada? After all, apparently they are getting ready to nuke the Gulf.

  2. It is a hopeless situation that could go on for decades. There is no hope for most the gulf; land is worthless and jobs lost forever. Soon people will just up and move; nothing can be done. The area will be a ghost town, with toxic chemicals and people start getting sick. FEMA won't evacuate anyone, they can't even handle one city (Katrina).

  3. 12:17

    Your confusing want - I mean 'cmon now; Iran needs "fuel" for power ? Yeah, like Anarctica needs fresh water for hydroponics.

    With need .

  4. is it a full moon? the crazies are posting again...

  5. There's no way BP or any other private US company can attain a nuclear weapon or otherwise detonate or utilize one in any way. If something like this were to take place it would be a US Defense Dept. operation from start to finish. BP would have no say in the matter whatsoever.

  6. Interesting, the media reports the new cap is days away from totally siphoning all the oil into ships, so no oil will leak into the gulf waters, after the pressure is gradually controlled of course not to cause another explosion. I really want to believe that story, putting my head back into the oil covered sand so to speak however something tells me it wont work. The news does make it seem BP just cares about getting the oil instead of stopping the leak. On one hand they can totally kill the well with the relief wells on the other they have an endless supply they can just swap ships out to collect! Will they do the responsible thing this time if the official story is true? We shall see.

  7. Nuclear blast that is just crazy talk.. That is like using a bazooka to kill a mosquito. It might kill the mosquito but also blow up the house and car too.. Except with nuclear bombs they could make it leak even more then what? Where are the brains in this world? Oh yeah they come out of the colleges and get jobs at BP and the gov.. Insane incompetent world..

  8. Imagine the poor people who had just closed escrow on their dream houses on the Gulf Coast.

  9. you people forget that you don't have the real inside dope on what's actually going on. I have always thought that conditions were much worse than reported. I read some opinions at the beginning of this disaster that mentioned they would eventualy have to nuke it. This isn't just one leak we're talking about, but a ruptured ocean floor that could leak for years. They know this, that's why their talking nukes. But mix even a small tactical nuke with methane gas, and you can see the possibilities. Now you know why there is such persistant rumors of a mass evac on the southern coast. I live in central Florida, and if they fire that baby off, I hope to be long gone , away from the coast, and up wind from the prevailing blast zone.
    I think the insiders already know a nuke is the only real choice of stopping this thing. But if it doesn't work, it could be a potential civilazation ending event.

  10. Working near quantico Va I can tell you that around the base the last 3 weeks the area has flooded with military with various southern plates on there vehicles. Someone knows something! If your in these areas fuckin move....NOW!

  11. Of course BP has nukes just laying around to test the theory! Those silly international agreements to not detonate a nuke only applies to countries... not corporation! They keep them in the closet, next to the unicorns, behind Bigfoot. (which is alot more believable to me than this load of rubbish disguised as an article.)

  12. So - now it's capped

    What do all of you say now/

    next !

    Oh, they did?
    Everyone go back to their life.
    We were wrong. The world will not end and you probebly wont die.


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