Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ohio Town Has No Police: Crime Rampant

NEW STRAITSVILLE — A rash of burglaries in New Straitsville has some local residents concerned, especially since a police officer no longer patrols the area.

New Straitsville Police Chief Kevin Ginsell was laid off from his position last Monday, July 12, and since then there have been four burglaries in the downtown area.
Council Member Chris Tigner says the village can no longer afford to pay for police protection. “It was to save money with the village,” he said, explaining that different funding sources were considered to pay for Ginsell’s services, yet nothing panned out.

The latest break in was perhaps the most brazen of all - it took place at the building housing both the mayor’s office and police department early Monday morning. Although details about the burglary are sketchy at best, the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and the Perry County Sheriff’s Office were on scene yesterday afternooon snapping photographs and gathering evidence of the crime.

The case is ongoing, and little is known at this time, noted Perry County Sheriff’s Deputy Justin Spring, who was at the scene assisting BCI.

“I have not heard a single thing yet,” reiterated Sgt. John Russell from the sheriff’s office.
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  1. Wake up people! You're on your own. Really, you always ahve been. The government that has protected you for years has really ALWAYS been your enemy. Now, as the beast is starving, you are just beginning to realize that you should have been doing your duty instead of leaving it to the government. New Straitsville is a nice little town tucked into the forest. Arm yourselves! Security is simple: Catch one burglar, blow his head off. You can all then go back to sleep. They'll all go over to Logan or some other place. Burglars are dishonest and lazy. They aren't stupid.

    We don't have too many of those kinds of problems here. Thieves can hear the shots at the range too, you know?

  2. Of course it's outrageous that to "save" money, the police are laid off. How come the "Director of Civic Enjoyment", making $125,000 , and other like parasites are still there? I agree, it is going to get much worse. Prepare yourself, and get mentally prepared to start blasting looting morons.

  3. Wait a second, according to a recent article posted, they're creating Debtor Prisons, so who's going to arrest the Debtors and keep them behind bars? The National Guard?

  4. Market is bouncing back nicely this morning. I saw this headline on Yahoo Finance and I'm feeling much more confident:

    Stocks Rally in Early Trade After Upbeat Earnings

    I just received a $100,000 bonus and was going to invest it in Gold, but then I saw this article, and the Market seems like a better bet. I think it will be safer in the Market. These Gold outfits seem like a bunch of shysters.

    A Washington state couple nearing retirement told the FTC they'd invested $31,812 in foreign coins after calling to inquire about gold bullion "as a hedge against the falling dollar." Once they realized they'd overpaid, they were too late for a refund. Another customer complained that a sales rep "insisted" on selling coins, in this case French francs: "He would not relent. He told me lies." A quadriplegic Californian described being persuaded to pay $5,000 for $3,000 worth of gold coins after disclosing a recent inheritance to a Goldline rep.

    I wanted to ask Glenn Beck about these complaints. He never responded, but after I sent his publicist some questions, I received a call from David Cosgrove, a former Missouri securities commissioner and lawyer who represents Goldline. He explained that Goldline is a large operation with 200 salespeople. A few problems, he said, are inevitable, but Goldline works hard to avoid them through compliance monitoring and other safeguards.

    Undoubtedly, Beck fans who take his financial advice bear responsibility for not reading the fine print. But their trust in the pitchman is an essential part of the symbiotic relationship between host and sponsor that is common on talk radio, where "direct response" advertisers carefully tailor their spots to complement the programming. Toll-free numbers provide instant feedback on how well promotions are faring and allow companies to fine-tune their ad copy on a week-to-week basis. If, for instance, an advertiser sees a surge in calls during a Beck segment focusing on currency collapse, it can play off of his program's message in an upcoming round of ads.

  5. 6:49 are you a stock broker getting commissions for selling stock?

    Yes you have to be careful who you buy gold, silver, or anything from. But people are buying gold and silver not to make money but to preserve their money in the event of a collapse or dollar devaluation. The stock market is just a big bubble waiting to pop.

    Remember in the 1930's some stock investors were jumping out of windows to their death. We did not hear of gold and silver owners doing that.

    Yes guns and ammo might be needed to protect yourself and your family.

  6. 6:49 - an obvious shill for the gov't and/or stock market groups. Stock market is corrupt and manipulated and Beck is the only truth in the news media. People can't stand the truth about the Marxist regime in the White House. Also interesting how these gov people cut essential services but leave gov salaries alone and don't cut any gov troll positions. Always use the police and firemen to scare the population to pass ever increasing budgets instead of paring back gov management overhead. This is the type of chaos this Marxist regime wants and is counting on to destroy this country from within.

  7. ???


    What 6:49?


    The New Agers waiting for the Sirian starships to land are more normal than you. No one is that stupid, you're here to manipulate minds. You probably have sticky notes on sites you're supposed to infiltrate and sidetrack.

    This administration is getting more creepy by the day, now go fuck yourself. Whatever, in a year or so I won't have the Constitution to allow me the right to say that to a government employee.

    If not that then you are actually just... stupid.

    And yeah 6:38, we are in deceptive times. Police Departments waste resources to bust prostitutes or drug users yet they never seem to be interested in getting the source, which they could SO easily.

    There is much conspiracy fabrication being conjured up. However, it's happening alongside an administration that is showing people in the light of day their intentions. If people can't see it by now then they must have just crawled out of a cave. This means they watch Oprah, So You Think You Can Dance, NBC, The Bachelor, or whatever else of the millions of unreality programs people can plug into.

  8. @July 22, 2010 6:38 AM
    "Relocation specialists". Who do you think they built these FEMA camps for?
    @July 22, 2010 7:09 AM
    Relax pal. 6:49 is Cass Sunstein's shill. Do not waste your breath on him.

  9. 7:49 has Marxism on the brain. The folks in the WH and in Congress are not Marxists but capitalists intent on taking as much of our money as they can.

    What the government is supposed to do is protect the people, but they are too busy taking the money for the war profiteers, big oil, big banks, big agri-business--in fact all big multi-national corporations. They get rich and we fight among ourselves because of idiots like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

    Go ahead and put the Republicans back in charge. Watch them run up bigger deficits, take money from the old and disabled, spend more on wars, and let corporations like BP destroy more of America. And all the while they'll be blaming the problem on the lazy unemployed, gays, abortion doctors, and thanking Jesus for fools like you.

  10. SO how many guns, ammo, bullet proof vests, scanners, Flash grenades and coffee did they
    get from the Cop Station?

    DOn't forget the coffee!!

    and the instant creamer.

  11. 6:49 is simply a troll with Asperger's Syndrome who is temporarily off his Adderall.

  12. You all are barking up the wrong tree. Ever see a shot of congress or the senate? Take a look at the flags. The starts and stripes *AND* fringe? There is a clue. Anyone have a clue as to what the fringed flag means? If you think its just for decoration, go back to the pasture, you're sheople is showing.

    Explain this:

    The fact is we've been operating under the pretense of having Constitutional rights for 150+ years. Under the government that flies the fringed flag, we DO NOT have those rights. Do a little research. The government that we have is not a government at all. It is an imposter. A corporate fraud posing as our government.

    Think of it as a corporation and instead of a "CEO" they have a "President". Instead of project managers, they have "governernors". Instead of secretaries and custodians, they have senators and congressmen.

    Yeah, now you're getting the picture. The Restore America Plan is just that: It restores America back to what she was instead of the corporate beast we all live in now. Sounds like tin foil hat stuff, but, that fringed flag is a striking symbol of that corporate takeover a long time ago.

    We vote as stockholders, not as citizens. We are managed like clients or customers, not like people with Constitutional rights. Now you have a clue. We need to solve this mystery and expose it.


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