Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shrimp Fisherman Exposed To BP Spill Bleeding From The Rectum

Shrimpers who were exposed to a mixture of oil and Corexit dispersant in the Gulf of Mexico suffered severe symptoms such as muscle spasms, heart palpitations, headaches that last for weeks and bleeding from the rectum, according to a marine toxicologist who issued the warning Friday on a cable news network.
Dr. Susan Shaw, founder and director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute, said during a CNN broadcast that after personally diving the oil spill in late May, a "very fiery sore throat" plagued her from inhaling fumes coming off the water. Because she was covered from head to toe in a protective suit, Dr. Shaw was spared direct exposure.
Shrimpers who had bare-skin contact with the mixture of oil and Corexit, she said, were not so lucky.
During her segment with anchor Rick Sanchez, Dr. Shaw specified that stories shrimpers had told her were from when BP was deploying "the more toxic" Corexit 9527. BP has allegedly switched to Corexit 9500, which Dr. Shaw has also taken to task in a widely-publicized essay.
More Here..


  1. Not a lot of wildlife left, the gulf is dead, with crude oil and corexit poison.
    There is no food for the sea and wild life.

    Humans are next. The anal bleeding is a common symptom from the poisoning. These people will be dead very soon, this includes all the BP workers on the beach and eventually human life on shore.

    These are the facts, NOT theory, from research I have recently completed.

    If you live in the gulf, you will eventually be forcefully evacuated, GET OUT NOW!

  2. I can't decide if this is real or not. Most of these things are nothing more then legal scams where lawyers become filthy rich and a few people become millionaires. Usually after the dust settles and years go by we discover that people in these situations have no more illness or deaths then the rest of the population. Here is the biggest problem I have with it: If it were true those people most affected would get the hell out of there. If you were living and working near the spill and you suddenly discovered you and your family were at serious risk woldn't you leave? And don't give me that crap about their home and jobs and family, yada, yada, yada. No intelligent person when faced with evidence of impending death or serious illness would stay. And yet they stay... I'm thinking these stories are nothing more then lawers and fraud artists getting ready to take billions in court. Just saying...

  3. same thing I'm thinkin,

    I said watch all the local and from surrounding states hobo's with row boats file their claims as having lost income from no shrimping or fishing, long as they have anything that floats and a hair net they will all claim to be shrimper's.

  4. That's yet one MORE thing this country has contracted that it did not have in the early 1900
    lazy, unabashed, unbridled greed and a sense of total entitlement.

    This country is about to recieve a very rude awakening

  5. Obama made a visit or two at the Gulf, I can see the headline "President Stricken with Bloody Anus!" I think he squat down and touched the oil balls! Oh no he is doomed. In all seriousness I agree I think this is a tad overblown however you cannot argue the fact that back in Exxon Valdez spill all those people who cleaned up that catastrophe are no longer living! I appreciate them cleaning up this spill but not at the risk of their health, plus it is all cosmetic hundreds of millions of gallons of oil have leaked out this is more than a few beachcombers are gonna contain.

  6. "Rectum?...I nearly killed em!"-Said BP CEO Tony Hayward.

  7. tony hayward the whore says "I try to kill as many as possible with illegal corexit" it is banned in all countries as unsafe but they get to use it in the usa, nice

  8. I am sure the Doctors will say that it only due to the stress of losing his livelihood. That all of the symptoms are due to stress. Truth is the chemicals are killing his endocrine system. If he gets out now he will only have to supplement all of his hormones for the rest of his life.

    They better evacuate the Gulf pretty soon.

  9. This doctor and this story is bullshift. LONG TERM exposure is what can cause issues. Casual or indirect contact with this will caues NO PROBLEMS! Read what issues drinking too much water will cause. The news people are just trying to find the next end of the world person and hope they are right. There were eating fish out of Prince William Sound 6 months after the Valdez
    Horse Apples!

  10. Hmmmmmm average age of death for Americans is around 78 years depending on the study...Of the workers who helped clean after the Exxon Valdez?...51.

    Almost all theose who helped clean up the Valdez mess are dead...Is this some liberal anti-business source?

    Nope it's coming from "Business Insider."

    How many times do people have to be doubters based on NO Facts...Then 10-20 years down the line the truth comes out about DDT...Agent Orange...War Gulf Syndrome...Lead Poisening...Asbestos...Cigarrettes...Flouride...Asperatme etc etc etc?

    8:01...Please do some reading...Just because people ate the fish 6 months after the accident do you think it might actually be kinda sorta unhealthy...Or only 20 years later when all the people have leukemia or some weird tumors will you say "Hmmmm I may have been a lil wrong?"

  11. noodles that article has been posted here June 22, they always come late to the party..:

  12. 10:37...True but the reports go back to 2006...Now Dr Mecola gives his shpiel and so does CNN but you know how we feel about those media outlets and unknown Doctors...BUT the Business Insider/Time Magazine/60 Minutes or a 20/20 etc have some credibility.

    We need media that can be seen as unbias or totally out of character to make people wake up...Because trust me if al gore OR rush limbaugh had 100% proof of BP doing things on purpose half the people wouldn't believe them just because they were al gore or rush limbaugh...Not based on the proof but on the source.

  13. Point me to amy articles other than CNN and this horseshift quacks assertions?
    They do not exist. You cannot calculate the life span until everyone that took part of it have died. There were hundreds of people that worked on that spill INCLUDING ME that are still alive and with no health issues. I am almost 53
    And if I die with something attrituble to the clean up?? As opposed to other things I have been exposed to in the oil industry?
    Again this story IS BULLSHIFT!
    There are a lot of things on this blog I like, but the world is ending because of a oil spill.

  14. there will be con$equence$. molotov coctail any one? we'll cheers to the long run. $$$burn$$$

  15. I think the real problem will be the moratorium on drilling. This is going to cripple the economies of southern states.

  16. Here's a song I wrote in support of the shrimp fisherman. Best wishes,
    Don Lowe


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