Friday, August 6, 2010

Extremely Urgent Act Now

The Land and Water Conservation Bill passed the House last Thursday and will be voted on in the Senate tomorrow or Thursday or Friday. At least that is Senator Reid's intent. This bill authorizes expenditure of $900 MILLION A YEAR FOR 40 YEARS TO BUY, BY SALE OR CONDEMNATION, PRIVATE PROPERTY AND PUT IT UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL. The sponsors are trying to convince off road operators that this is to create recreation areas on private lands converted to government use. Only a few drawbacks: the bill also expands the Endangered Species Act to include and protect ALL SPECIES, NATIVE AND NONNATIVE WHETHER THEY ARE ENDANGERED, THREATENED, OR NOT. THE Bill says that every federal manager must use all management practices "to the maximum possible" extent to protect the health and sustainability of species of plants and animals that are native to the land being managed and that are nonnative but would add to the diversity of species. NOW DO THEY THINK WE ARE ALL DUMMIES?


  1. It isn't government anymore. It is now dictator. It is evil.

  2. We are robbed of our lands and will be starved of our food. Read up on the Holodomor. Control the land, food, money, etc... control the people!!

  3. What did David Banner(THE HULK)say?



  4. Well the US population passed the dummy phase some time back and now on the road to total stupidity

  5. This is part of the UN Agenda 21, passed back in 1993. If one does research, one will see a nightmare scenario coming, killing off most of the sheeple slaves nationwide & worldwide (Gulf coast?). This is not conspiracy theory, it is fact.

    As I have stated numerous times in this blog, the sheeple slaves have no clue, they believe everything and anything the MSN tells them and they do what they are told. Just look at the gulf coast, govt says 75% of the oil is gone, seafood is ok to eat now. I guess the sheeple slaves will all be out fishing and playing on the gulf beeches this week end, enjoying their Corexit slow deaths.

    We are all doomed, it is just a matter of time, probably not much time left, after all, we still have the upcoming war, no doubt the govt will set off some type of false flag,like nuking a few cities, blame it on the Iranians, and BOOM! Kill millions, furthering their Agenda 21.

    Time is short Sheeple slaves, better enjoy yourself while you can....

    Bet you didn't prepare, did you?

  6. Oh, and by the way, you will have more success calling your dog about this bill than you will your senator.


    "NOW DO THEY THINK WE ARE ALL DUMMIES?" HA Ha Ha, except for the few of us who actually live in reality, YES, THEY KNOW WE ARE DUMMIES, WE ARE SHEEPLE SLAVE UNITS, GET USED TO IT!


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