
Thursday, August 5, 2010

World Wide Layoffs Worsen As The Coming Depression Nears

Click on the links below:

The City of Marshall Texas - 15
Lyods ( International ) - Warns of More Job Cuts
Carrollton Texas - 40
Alcoa Inc Ohio Plant - 71
The State Department of Mental Health Boston - Planning to Cut 100 Beds,  and Significant Layoffs
Borders will outsource work at a customer call center in Rutherford County - 100
Alameda-Contra Costa Transit CA - More Jon Cuts Possible
Nonprofit BETA Center in FL - 11
Smith County Texas - at least 30 Layoffs Possible

NewPage Corporation - Layoffs Likely
High Voltage Software - Reported at least 20, but Unconfirmed 
Core-Mark Midcontinent Inc - 104 in Johnstown NY
Update: BAE Systems - 1,000+ at Sealy Location
Ikanos Communications Inc - 20% of Staff
UniCredit SpA Italy Biggest bank - 4,700 Over Next 3 Years
Subprime lender Fremont General Corp - 20 Possible
Saint Peter's University Hospital in New Brunswick NJ - 200
Cypress Bioscience Inc - 86% of Workforce or 123 jobs
Siemens Germany - 2,000 IT Positions
Mount Laurel NJ - 14
The Cape Henlopen School District DE - Warns of 22 Possible Job Cuts
Plainridge Racecourse - 160
Huntington Beach CA - 22
City of Grapevine TX - Layoff Possible
Update: QinetiQ Group ( International ) - 325
Sea Ray Boats - 18
Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport - 22
PSL North America - 300
Cinram Manufacturing Inc in Olyphant PA - 310 
Thomas Built Buses - 219 Temp. Layoffs
Gudebrod Inc - Layoffs entire Staff 60-65 , Hopefully its only Temp.
Boeing - 800 in Long Beach
Update: Santa Cruz County CA - 100 Layoffs Likely Friday
APAC Customer Services’ Corpus Christi call center - Major Layoffs Possible
Minnesota State University-Mankato - 12


  1. .
    The Dominoes keep falling

  2. Are we there yet? I can't wait to see the story on TV about the last company closing its doors and the last employee getting laid off. Will we be able to sandwich it between dancing with the stars and the news report about the latest rise in the stock market? Goodie.

  3. Drops of rain in an ocean of jobs but it gives the right idea that things are getting bad...People think the crash will be overnight...I say it'll be like Detroit or DC it'll just get progressivily worse and worse.

    Till one day things look like V for Vendetta, Robocop or hell even the city scene of Blade Runner...A mass of dirty, mongrel, poor people with a splash of super powerful people pulling the strings...People becoming so self-absorbed that all that matters is not what they can do for society but what it can do for them or how they can stay in the shadows.

    That's what America has become...Basically a place where we opinionate, rant and rave but only a few percentage actually does anything about it besides blog on sites like this.

    "Did you vote?...Did you send Peter Schiff or Ron Paul money?...Did you go to a Tea Party/Libetarian/Peace & Freedom Party Meeting?...Are you downsizing and prepping? etc etc"

    "Naaa I was busy...But I will nexxxxxxxxt time."

    I see a time when there won't be cops or firemen in cities just contractors...Call them "Rent a Cops" "Scabs" or "Mercenaries" either title will be accurate.

    I actually agree with contractors in certain positions because as a whole most city/county/state and fed workers are crap...The problem is contractors are hard to prosecute when they do really bad things.

    However, as a whole no city can afford the retirement plans for most emergency workers at 90% of their pay so it's a double sided sword...Makes finacial sense but may actually cause more abuse.

    Remember until lately most contractors were those that couldn't get hired (Simple physical fitness tests/8th grade testing material in Cali) and as we see around the country seems only idiots get hired so what does that say about those who don't make it?

    Not a hater since I'm talking from the inside of this weird Matrix...I must admit I've slowed down in being part of anything political besides donating some money from time to time and this will sound so paranoid...But how often do you think blog sites like this are flagged and logged by some pencil pushing idiot of the NSA/FBI or any of the dozens of spy organizations AND the HUNDREDS of contractor COMPANIES used...How many people are spying with in the US? More than the population of Washignton DC...Spooky eh?

  4. It's amazing the official percentage is still at 9.5%, I've been watching the since March and each day it seems a thousand on average lose their jobs. The other days it seems they plan to cut tens of thousands (once in a while hundreds of thousands). If not that then only a few hundred losses take place. It also shows the dozens of businesses or buildings that shut down each day (average). That alone is just what's recorded.

    We know there are no jobs being created and everything is getting more expensive along with people being taxed heavier. Somehow the news still seems to insist everything has stayed the same since last year in February. 10% unemployment first dropped to 9.7, then back up to 9.9, now it is magically at 9.5%.

    There really was no 9-10% at all, the numbers were imaginary. Like one who claims they've seen Mother Mary; it came from someone's brain and then entered many others and the thought-form hasn't left since. Whenever I come across people who can work (16 and older) it seems to me that every other one has a job! One person out of two seems to work... 50% of people that can work in some way do NOT.

    Perhaps the number could be placed at 40%, possibly 60% considering my perception couldn't be that accurate or see the general order of such encounters.

    This country's media is criminal, almost everything it captures is either inconsequential to anyone's life or is an outright lie.

  5. John Williams at is regarded as the leading expert on "real" unemployment (and other economic) statistics. He calculates that as of 2 July the "real" unemployment rate is 22%:

  6. I am amazed at how well the Govt. and MSM have been able to obscure the truth. I assume that they want to protect their pet project in the White House. Maybe Americans just don't want to face the truth.

    I thought for sure that we would be in a Mad Max scenario by now.

  7. 1:25 mad max scenario? It will. They take it all away SLOWLY and feed us a little good then a little bad, bring us up then down. Over night take it all away. Done.

  8. Gerald Celente said: "When people lose everything and have nothing to lose THEY LOSE IT"

  9. I think it is best to hope for the best but expect the worse. Do what you can to prepare because the way the cards are stacked at this time look grim. Most of the population expect the world to go on as normal, only because nothing else has been experienced in their lifetimes. It could very easily be true that the world as we know it could change for quite a long time. I personally believe that there is going to be a lot of conflict in the world.


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