
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Almost Entire Town In Alabama Starving

Bayou la Batre-- It's hard to put a number on the economic losses the Gulf region has experienced since the B-P oil spill. But it's clear that communities along the coast are hurting. The tiny Alabama fishing town of Bayou la Batre was still recovering from hurricanes Katrina and Ivan when the oil spill sent it into another tailspin. For many residents there just isn't enough money for basics, even food. WBHM's Tanner Latham has a profile of one church that's using its food pantry to feed a large segment of the population.

Anna Bosarge paces the gymnasium floor at the Bayou la Batre Community Center. She calls numbers out to the men, women, and children crowding the rows of metal folding chairs. They're black, white, Hispanic, Laotian, Cambodian, and Vietnamese. They all live in and around this South Alabama community. They're all either unemployed, live on supplemental security incomes, or receive food stamps. And they've all been directly affected by the Gulf oil spill.
Bosarge volunteers weekly for this program, the Hemley Road Church of Christ Food Pantry. She organizes the order of the people who shuffle through the food distribution line-long tables butting end-to-end, piled with canned goods, eggs, peanut butter, and other groceries.
After hurricanes Ivan and Katrina, Daphne German co-founded the church and the food pantry in 2006.
"It was just something I wanted to do. I wanted to have a small food pantry, so I could help people in the community. And we have two rooms and a hall in our main church building that was our food pantry, and we were serving, a high for me would be 124 twice a month. I was opening it twice a month."


  1. good to see folks helping folks. what to do when +-half the fishery is poison, move..but similar scenes playing out in all towns USA(food pantry help)

  2. Read this article to understand what Obama has planned for us all. The Gulf Coast is just the first step.

  3. it's about time for somebody to ask a question, what the fuck are all those Laotians, Cambodians, and Vietnamese are still doing there? and why are still collecting government money? they are not employed, not planning to be employed, not doing anything to improve their situation, so why not ship them back?

  4. 9:52, racist much? Americans are Americans regardless of race. You're such a maggot!

  5. 9:52
    Dude, many of those people were born in America.
    Are you doing to ship the black people who came to American against their will as slaves to Africa and white people back to Europe? That means the native America Indians will regain their land.

  6. we need to impeech obama number 1. number 2 is to get rid of riches they cause evil. we must give land back to indians then give lots of money to poor people mostly blacks and brown mexicans. goverment has technology beyond imagination. they dont share cause it means we no longer work. slaves work. we work. we are slaves. so the goverment needs to be stopped with all there plans. Obama failed to stop greed for cash, so lets fail him. step aside man or let the people free to go. Its time we smash some property folks. Men need to dig holes, any strong bodied women help to. then we get ready for battle if goverment tries to stop us.

    - Sam

  7. wow, I used to fish out of there. And Buras, in La, which is now GONE. wow.


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