
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mike Ruppert: We Are Weeks Away From Collapse

Home Prices' Downward Spiral Continues

Number Of Uninsured Americans Soars To Over 50 Million

Enjoy the Dollar Rally While it Lasts



  1. Turn off the T.V.. Begin speaking with your neighbors. Bring trusted family and friends within easy reach. Expect and more importantly, learn, to live with less. Forget the American 'Dream' and begin working on more practical solutions to the coming crisis. The reality is: We have very little to say to those in charge anymore and the truth is: They do not wish to hear ANYTHING we might have to say and it is not a process of participation anymore. We have become their last and most minimal concern. The illusion of a democratic process is what the elites are using to keep us in line as the reality is: The only process which functions anymore is the process which involves the elites and their wholesale looting of not only our wealth, but our lives. The national psychology of growth and plenty is not only our biggest weakness; but the biggest obstacle we must overcome to insure that not only our lives, but the lives of our children are relatively safe.

  2. Couldn't agree more with 9:30, TURN OFF YOUR FRICKING TV'S NOW!

    Meanwhile, based on my research, the collapse is very near, though Ruppert keeps mentioning "Peak Oil", which falls in the same class as "Man Made Global Warming", 100 % BS!

    Better prepare, Freeze dried food is getting more and more difficult to get, along with silver,just looked at APMEX, they are out of a few rounds right now.

    Convinced yet? You better wake up, NOW!

  3. 10:45 regardless of what you believe about "Peak Oil", the elite will raise the cost of crude so we all suffer. The cost of crude at a MUCH higher cost will allow the ELITE to control the population. That includes travel in your towns and cities as well as keeping each and every citizen in your respectable countries. You can't control the citizens when they are scattering about the world, can you..

  4. 10:55, 10:45 here, I totally agree with you. Thanks for the clarification.

  5. 100% BS? No. But I realize it does not jibe well with the belief system of 50% of conspiracy theorists. Therefore, if it does not fit within the paradigm of the Elites bringing about control and creating a scenario themselves, it apparently has no merit. What we have here is a cultish belief system rather than open-ended, honest thinking, and anyone who disagrees does not know what they are talking about and somehow they are the ones who are asleep.

  6. I`ll be more worry of Judment day that`s around the corner than any other BS event they said is coming because most of the time is just guessing of people that have not skills, i advise people to keep calm and use common sense, food (seeds), a water filter and protection i mean guns and ammo all of that will have more value than gold and silver after all what are you gonna do with the gold and silver when judment day comes i mean nuclear war, eat the gold? and throw your silver coins at those desperate people that come to get your food and supplies? it`s time to wake up before is too late because everything will be different than before once the missile are in the air, get ready for Judment day.

  7. Judgment Day = LOL. Talk about being able to think rationally when it comes to getting prepared, then completely falling on your face. Get ready for Santa also!

  8. Let's see, hmm. Should I worry about starving to death in the Greatest Depression or a mythical Santa riding a white horsey through the air to come and put me in my place. Hard call I tell you. The greatest scam to get sheep engulfed in their apathy: the delusion of man scripted religion. All of them are trash.

    So many otherwise open minded rational people still cling to that ridiculous idiocy. Very sad. The same people that gave us our global monetary central banking system gave you Santa.

  9. 1:15 Some people are to smart by half. Without religion we are in the Dark Ages. Do you remember what that was? Some people think they have it all figured out and yet their secular humanist belief. Yes believing in no god is a religion, oops! Been tried and not anything we should go back to. A God centered form of government that recognizes peoples individual Liberties including the right to believe and perpetuate standards that undermine the system that gives them the protected right to essentially destory the foundation under their own feet. The system is based on an educated and moral people to survive. With high minded folks who are to "smart" for religion in decision making positions we are in trouble...

  10. "God" I hate the deadbeats that keep yapping about the "you can't eat gold" garbage. In the "Jesus era" they traded silver and gold for food. Now settle down for your last supper of a bowl of fiat currency mixed with some berries, you mindless minion.

  11. I dont think the collapse will take place until close to, or near the end of 2012 (and no it has nothing to do with the stupid mayan calendar lol). What will happen is they will issue a new GLOBALreserve currency printed by the IMF or world bank, then they will print the dollar 2 euro 2 and other currencies so everyone will still have their currencies after a few years, but the american standard of living will never be the same. There will also be martial law and looting during the three or four years it takes to restart the system, and the safest jobs will be from that point out military, law enforcement, and homeland security.
    In terms of peak oil, its real in the sense that they stopped building new refineries around the world 20 years ago-oil is abiotic and reproduces naturally, and did not come from dinosaurs. But since we have no new refineries, in terms of production and immediate availibility, yes we are about to experience peak oil.

  12. I was hoping the dis-info goons were off this week, guess not, they need their govt paychecks.

    Too bad, cause it won't be long and you goons will be begging for food.

  13. Wow...what's with all the hate on the religion? Truly scary.

  14. 7:51 this blog has NOTHING to do with religion. It is an economic information center.

  15. Exactly!

    Just because religious preaching is not welcome on a blog of this nature does not mean we are all governent psy-ops agents, c'mon let's get real.

    I'll tell you this much - if abiotic oil were really plentiful the elites would not be scared off their worthless fannies that the reins of control could be slipping. In europe they are creating more terrorist crimes and then blaming it on fake anarchist groups in order to crack down on protestors and activists. The terrorist nations will do anything to retain their power and now they stooping to more acts of murder and sabotage to keep their agenda going. EA, you ought to post this story here: Beware of the States Anarchists.


  17. wanna survive? think like a real native american that are not around anymore, respect all living things and take just what you need to live, kill only for survival and to protect your life and love ones, believe in the only one creator god if you wanna call it like that and give thanks to the creator for everyday you are alive, stay calm and use your common sense, judment day is coming, be ready.

  18. 12:49 Thinking like a native American will help you survive? Then why have all the indians lost their land and The ones the survived live on reservations.

  19. 12:49 is right I feel in my heart. He means more accurately; thinking like a HUMAN and erasing all the accumulated fallacies, unrealities, drudge, and lust for power.

    If there is a Judgement Day, Purification, Day of Reckoning, Planetary Deadline, or whatever name you want to put there, then there would also be a new world (Ascension). I've tried to put together so much shit on this subject, but the bottom line is that there is a social collapse occurring right now. It definitely is the end of "this" world. The only problem I have with the idea that it's the end of the world (by spiritual force) is that I find it too incredible. Why should I be alive to witness something so strange? In other words I realize how it appeals to the ego rather than the rational side of people.

    But again, just because it doesn't appeal to the rational side, doesn't mean it isn't going to happen and only through the intuitive side (heart) can it be understood. We'll see. whatever happens anyways - nobody can control at this point. You can try to condition the physical personality you are using in this life/world, but I fear time is being lost and all grasping will soon be a way of existence that will no longer exist.

  20. The fact is very few of us commenting where given an 'old ways' of living that is effective in the long term and we know it. The great apostasy that occurred in the 1950's has born fruit, and that fruit is largely sorrow. Be good people.
    Love thy neighbor, love thyself.

  21. Sorry, ole Mike is starting to sound like a shill. selling his own radio show. Does he need advertisers as well? Maybe Chevron or BP will bite. He is also starting to sound like a lunatic.

  22. "we could experience a great economic downturn" within the next few weeks/months? We could also experience nothing and the markets go sideways or return to normal. In fact, we COULD even see monkeys takeover the Earth and enslave us from their giant monkey spaceships.

    No one knows the future and if you just roll with it and relax you will be much better.

  23. On the way home from work... yes I have a job after 2.5 years of unemployment, I stopped by WalMart to buy 200 more rounds of .45 cal for my "little barker".

    I'll be off to Sam's Club for another 25 pounds of rice and beans tomorrow.

  24. The only thing you will get out of that is gas!

  25. Anyone who sets some food aside is wise, although you mock, 11:24. Beans are high in protein, filling and while others waste away from hunger, 6:00 will be fine.


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