Friday, March 25, 2011

UAW Plans Suicide Bombing of Economy

On a day that Toyota has announced plans for a possible shutdown in the US because of supply problems in Japan, the United Auto Workers said that they are on the verge of the "largest boycott in the history of the global economy," according to the Michigan's Royal Oak Daily Tribune. The UAW is organizing the boycott to protest the refusal of transnational automakers to unionize employees in the US.

The head of the union, Bob King, has admitted that declining union membership rolls means that if the UAW doesn't "organize these transnationals, I don't think there's a long-term future for the UAW — I really don't."

He's given foreign automakers including BMW, Volkswagen AG, Toyota and Nissan an offer they can't refuse: Unionize their workers or else he'll single out one automaker and put the screws to them with a boycott. Never mind that the boycott will hurt workers, consumers and the economy.

“This will be the biggest campaign ever undertaken. It will involve hundreds of dealerships,” said Dennis Williams, UAW Secretary Treasurer, adding the union will ask for help from its retirees, community groups and other unions to help with the campaign, says the Tribune.

“We will do whatever it takes,” said Williams.

Toyota alone has about 25,000 workers in the US. During supply shutdowns Toyota has a policy in place to to continue to pay workers.  

More Here..

GE Makes Billions Overseas, Pays 0 Taxes


  1. Great-lets drive more jobs out of the country. I hope these tactics don't work!

  2. Rename this site.The coming depression has arrived!!
    Called The ongoing depression cause this baby is here for the long haul.
    off with the banksters heads.

  3. buy silver
    crash the scumbag JP&co banksters

  4. It won't matter as the auto manufactures will be taking another hit from higher and higher oil prices and a poor economy! Eventually we will all be riding motorcycles or scooters and skateboards.

  5. and what is so terrible about RIDING a motorcycle or scooter - seems to me that not too awful long ago people were WALKING. Just another in a long long list of fucked up "ideals
    people in this country have! I have to laugh whwn I see car after car and truck after truck and SUV after SUV flying down the highway with one person in it - think about it for a minute; it has become the ultimate status luxury and then fuckoffs want to blame the banksters for their 50k - 6 year - 600/month payment that they really cannot afford? Meanwhile sucking down $3.65 gal gas and pumping out 300 horsepower to help with the mind numbing array of electronic gadetry that just 50 years ago would have made an astronaut blush and don't forget about them 17" chrome whhels with the 400 dollar apiece goodyear eagles on 'em.

    All this to take your lazy ass 4 blocks thru the burger king drive thru fer one O them 13 thousand calorie burgers made out O Argentine beef and "fillers"

    Stupid assed americans are about to choke on all this "stuff" they just cannot live without and then want to blame someone else when the bills come rollin' on in and they cannot pay up

  6. Anonymous said...
    and what is so terrible about RIDING a motorcycle or scooter - seems to me that not too awful long ago people were WALKING. Just another in a long long list of fucked up "ideals
    people in this country have! I have to laugh whwn I see car after car and truck after truck and SUV after SUV flying down the highway with one person in it - think about it for a minute; it has become the ultimate status luxury and then fuckoffs want to blame the banksters for their 50k - 6 year - 600/month payment that they really cannot afford? Meanwhile sucking down $3.65 gal gas and pumping out 300 horsepower to help with the mind numbing array of electronic gadetry that just 50 years ago would have made an astronaut blush and don't forget about them 17" chrome whhels with the 400 dollar apiece goodyear eagles on 'em.

    All this to take your lazy ass 4 blocks thru the burger king drive thru fer one O them 13 thousand calorie burgers made out O Argentine beef and "fillers"

    Stupid assed americans are about to choke on all this "stuff" they just cannot live without and then want to blame someone else when the bills come rollin' on in and they cannot pay up

    March 25, 2011 3:07 PM

    We'll... Don't take the X-Box "Live" away from the kid(S)!!!!!!!! Everything is fine..... Please Move Ahead!

  7. Yeah, I agree! Filler burgers and magic beef tacos, it's part of what is zapping the intelligence or willingness to think in America. Let's take some personal responsibility and stop consuming ourselves into a hole. The corporations and bankers milking the individual is only half the equation. We can't blame it all on the conspiracy du jour and expect everything to be hunky dory if only the Fed got taken down or B. Bernake and Allan Greespan croaked on a turkey leg.

    Worried about union workers gathering for rights? Don't buy their cars/use their labor for your gas guzzlin tank-mobiles, problem solved! This is America right, land of the free? Free to rape the country and you.

  8. 3:07, to answer your first question: They are horrible in the winter. Slick roads and cold temps make them extremely dangerous and uncomfortable. Also, in any season, Rain. That makes them pretty terrible to ride as well. Not to mention trying to load them with any cargo other than a few groceries. Not my ideal form of transportation, that's for sure.

  9. Those "stupid assed" Americans are smart enough to come for what you have!

  10. The people of this country have become increasingly dependent on government and have in essence become slaves. They need to develop a greater sense of self reliance and independence in order to set themselves free. "The more government can do for you, the more they can do to you

  11. People need food, water, perhaps medicine, and a roof over their heads -- that's all. The rest is gravy and cannot guarantee you happiness. Isn't that what we all desire? Happiness?

    Somehow the American lifestyle, what would be considered wealthy to many other global citizens, is considered the norm and anything less unacceptable. It's not; the world cannot support such a lifestyle for all its 7 billion natives.

    Modern Americans have lost touch with nature, their friends, neighbours and relatives, and intellectual and spiritual fulfillment. We equate success with the accumulation of money and junk, and appease our nagging, empty souls with mindless diversions.

    I sincerely hope this depression will serve us a lesson that we can all live within our means, sustainably, and happily without surrendering our dignity and freedoms, or bankrupting our children.

    After all, success and happiness are merely states of mind.

  12. always hear the comments about stuff-additives in the water and food making people, people choose to not care, not to pay attention, not to be informed, not to use any self control and self discipline etc and choose instead the fun, quick immediate self gratification, choose what appeals to various desires/lusts, choose to go with the crowd, who chooses the same...hard to resist the desires of the flesh after all. as much as theres a problem-worldwide-it's as much spiritual and moral along with all else.

  13. 10:23 You also need security. That means a not living in a bad area and having the means to defend yourself. Try being happy while living in fear. Not easy.

  14. Thanks to that dumbfuck bush who got us here, we are now receiving all the bs the world has been getting, we lived high on the hog for 50 years, now it is time to pay the piper.

  15. Something is very wrong, the stock market usually opens in Japan in a couple of hours, it says on kitco that it opens in 40+ hours, is it a holiday or something?? Maybe a bank Holiday is coming, Watch Out!!!

  16. bush also brought in the nazi tsa, another grab of our rights, another bush gift that keeps on taking and taking and taking.

  17. That fucking bush started the civil war! That bastard fukker ! That sonsbitchy also started cold war and also sarkozy! The bastard also signed secret deal with Chavez to overthrow Castro - whom is our friend! That sunbetcch also laced metro drinking water with Lamestile
    a known poison see here at http:wwwi'

  18. Labor unions help to create the middle class American. There demise will aid the rich corporations to send us all back into slave labor. Well get our jobs back then.
    Why do you think China is getting all the jobs now???


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