Saturday, August 27, 2011

UN Warns of Plight of Millions of Stateless People in the World

Sports & Stars

The United Nations has warned that about 12-million people across the world have no citizenship of any country and consequently suffer from a denial of basic human rights. The problem is growing worse because children of stateless parents are themselves stateless. The UN said the problem is most acute in South East Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

At present, only 66 nations are signed up to the 1954 Convention which entitle stateless people to minimum standards of treatment; and only 38 states have agreed to the 1961 Convention which allows for provides a legal framework to help states minimize statelessness. "After 50 years, these conventions have attracted only a small number of states,'' Guterres noted.”It's shameful that millions of people are living without nationality - a fundamental human right."


  1. WE should bring them all here to the good ole USA; GIVE them 99 weeks at $450.00 per week;
    subsidized housing at $100.00 per month & all utilities in the metro of their choice; an access card and under the great one -- free health care; regardless of prior condition.

    Nowthen; One cell phone per household of 3 and then anthoer for each additional family memeber
    with 250 minutes per month free; a flat fee of .02 per minute after that - unlimited cell to cell.

    If we can qualify you as disabled in any capacity; we can also qualify you for a
    power cahir or scooter and a free ramp system and elevator for your domicile; regardless
    of location.

    Your caseworker will then advise you on a weekly basis for any new programs you may qualify for and fill out the necessary paperwork
    to make sure you are kept up on all possible adjustments to your lifestyle

    We're after all; just one big happy family on this planet are we not all entitled to live in the USA? All 7 billion should have the opportunity

  2. WE should bring them all here to the good ole USA; GIVE them 99 weeks at $450.00 per week;

    Got an idea, lets all renounce our USA citizenship then apply for amnesty, that would be your best bet

  3. what a great idea for all americans now paying through the nose for mobile calls .

    "Nowthen; One cell phone per household of 3 and then anthoer for each additional family memeber
    with 250 minutes per month free; a flat fee of .02 per minute after that - unlimited cell to cell."
    That is probably about all it would really cost to set up and run a mobile telephone system for the masses without monopolies?

  4. millions of stateless palestinians are about to have the right of nationality with the international recognition of their own state in a two state solution to the occupied by euro/settlers in palestine problem.

    This will probably be along the old "Status Quo" 1967 borders of israel and therefore be a great victory for israeli expansionists as they will have secured an enlarged state!

    The right of stateless palestinians , secular ,christian and muslim, mostly arab refugees to return to the zionist , colonial settler occupied areas in israel itself at the 1967 borders ,with the normal full democratic rights of citizens along non racist and non religious lines is yet to be resolved.
    But many jewish people thenmselves are great supporters of 'The right to return"....


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