Wednesday, December 21, 2011

In USA, Health Care a Privilege, Not a Right

In the Bill of Rights of the Soviet Union, they were honest about health care – it states that "citizens of the USSR have the right to health protection." This document also stipulated Soviet citizens have the "right to work" not longer than 41 hours in a workweek, the "right to rest and leisure," the "right to education," the "right to enjoy cultural benefits." (Source) To find out how well this worked out for the Soviets, try reading Dr. Yuri Maltsev's article "What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us." Even today, Russia's life expectancy for males is just 59 years, while in the US it is 73 years.

No matter which way the US debate over health care goes, medical services will still cost too much and care for too few. Over 45 million Americans are uninsured or underinsured. Those living in poverty exhibit the worst health status. Employment, education, income, and race are important factors in a person's ability to acquire healthcare access. Having established that there are people lacking healthcare access due to multi-factorial etiologies, the question arises as to whether the intervention necessary to assist them in obtaining such access should be considered a privilege, or a right. The right to healthcare access is examined from the perspective of Western thought. Read more......



  2. This article was a little disingenuous. The arguement is not about health care or even if health care is a right. What is at issue here is: can the government take your hard earned money at the point of a gun and give it (or use it to provide free health care) for those who refuse to be hard working and acquire their own health care benefits. Is it constitutional to create a "super citizen" who gets food, housing, health care and walking around money from the government at the expense of the "sub-citizen" who is taxed to pay for it and gets none of those "free" benefits?

  3. I'm so sick of this I was born therefore I am owed something attitude.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This is not about the government taking "your" money and giving it to the sick. Health care in this country is pretty much a disgrace because treatment is only for the rich or for those whose insurance companies approve a medical expense.

    Lot's of people can't afford insurance. Or they can't get any because of a pre-existing condition. Only Obama's health bill ever addressed this problem. When the Republicans had control, they did zero about the problem.

    The rest of the comments reflect an appalling ignorance and lack of compassion--plus all you fools know is to repeat conservative talking points without ever doing a bit of research. I can't take you morons much longer.

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