Monday, December 28, 2009

The American Idiot


  1. The sad thing is that it is much easier for me to CON most Americans and take their money or property then it is for me to tell them the TRUTH which they either do not want to hear or cannot understand.

    Most Americans do not understand what the Health Care bill is and what it will do to them and the country.

    Perhaps most Americans have no idea that they have been made into an Idiot.

    Many Americans probably do not understand Homeland Security is to protect the Government from them.

    Most Americans do not understand that their money is being devalued and thus inflation is a hidden tax.

    Most Americans do not have any idea why we are at war and how mush money that is costing them by driving up the USA National Debt.

    Most Americans do not understand why GATT and the other Trade Agreements have destroyed their jobs.

    Most Americans have no idea what Constitutional Rights they are losing.

    Most Americans do not understand they are basically slaves to the Federal Reserve and Military-Indistrial-Complex.

    Most Americans do not understand how to read the ingredient list on the food they eat and know that some of it is toxic to their body.

  2. In case anyone wondered how a population of morons could believe the Federal Reserve and Bernanke are heros this is it.

    As bad as it is going to get where we plung into the oblivion of starvation and a brutal police state no one can say we didn't deserve every bit of it.

    The American experiment is coming to a close.

  3. Most Americans don't know that our entire medical system via the FDA and Pharms is a con game for profit. Pharm drugs are toxic poisons pushed on a gullible public led to believe they have some made up illness. (watch Psychotronic Drugs video)

    Most Americans don't know that there are natural preventions and cures for cancer and other killers because the treatments being pimped are too profitable.

    Most Americans don't know that Arabs and Muslims are no more evil than we are (watch Reel Bad Arabs).

    Most Americans believe a fable about a solar savior coming to rescue them.

    Most Americans don't know 25%+ of their wages go to elite bankers as a slavery wage.

    Most Americans believe we are defending ourselves by attacking and occupying foreign lands for our Empire.

    Most Americans believe that politicians care about their vote or desires. Most do not know the politicians are working for the goals of their handlers, the Oligarch bankers. Obama as well as Bush are just cardboard standees.

    Most Americans believe the economy is getting better and the best times are ahead of us.

    Most Americans are braindead.

  4. I think that guy drinking the beer might be my friend's dad.

  5. If you want to see just how misinformed Americans are go to OTHER BLOGS. Like USAtoday. Take some tums antacid pills first. It will make you ill.

    What because apparent quickly is that otherwise intelligent people believe the most ridiculous things. That is what propaganda and brainwashing does to a person.

  6. How to Brainwash a Nation is an old film worth watching.

  7. This video looks like it was made by the same people that made They Want Your Soul (not a religious video). Also a great one.

  8. 1:11 are you a preacher or televangelist?

    "The sad thing is that it is much easier for me to CON most Americans and take their money or property then it is for me to tell them the TRUTH which they either do not want to hear or cannot understand."

  9. 1:11 is the gray haired gay guy that runs TBN!

    No offense 1:11

  10. 3:45 - I am not either a preacher or televangelist. 3:47 no offense taken but I am also not the the gray haired gay guy that runs TBN. Most preachers, televangelist, and TBN would probably NOT like me very much.

    I have noticed that many people have added their own observations of issues that most Americans are not aware of - so I guess maybe we all are preaching to the choir.

  11. How will we ever emmass when there is no longer a place in the community to gather together physically and plan a cout de taut. The internet has killed the chance to gather. Too much fear of too many narks, shills, pansey's and patsie's.
    Too much talk, Too little action. Too many thinkers and too few leaders. The intelligent ones in power have too much life to give up for the common good. The uneducated have too little resources and respect to gain advantage and support. The motto of the brave has become. "As soon as I see something happening, i'll join".
    It has grown too large and too ambiguous. The combination renders a goliath, undefeatable.
    If one brave man will join me, a shill is soon to follow. WHAT DO WE DO?

  12. The last two minutes says it all "Elite laughing at idiot Americans.." My words: Most all the patriots are now dead or too sick to leave the house...there is not enough of us left to matter. There is so much infighting among the patriot groups that all their energy is wasted and no results are ever seen..Economicaly, they have won hands down, roundups will be next and gunowners will be executed.

  13. Laura, you are so right!

  14. I predict that by the end of 2010 lots of people gonna be shooting at each other in 'merica.

    I do. *chew* *chew* *thpawt*

    I predict they ain't gonna collect your garbage no more either. *chew* *chew* *thpawt*

    I predict every last one of you is gonna eat some sort of bird or wild animal out of desperation too by end nex year I reckon
    *chew* *chew* *thpawt*

    I reckon sum of yew might be cannibals
    *chew* *chew* *thpawt*

    in due time.

  15. It's good to hear from Jeff "Skunk" Baxter again.

  16. Just as the fall of the Roman Empire, Genghis Khan Mongol Empire, and the Nazi Regime/Empire, the world will be better off after this Empire is gone and dead.

  17. Abraham Lincoln once said the Confederate armies were not as much of a threat to the country as the bankers lurking behind him.

    The USA will be defeated the same way most Empires are; by inner corruption not contrived and scripted enemy armies.

    We are doomed because we have openly turned it all over to thieves with no mercy and no morals. Money changers will kill the USA not any greater military power.

  18. All empires fail but not this one. I am pretty sure this one will last forever.

    Best bumper sticker I saw in 2009.

  19. This is a Catechism written for Jews in Russia in 1958. The same way they robbed your country. Who can read it, do it. Then think and compare to what is happening to your countries (I mean US and Canada). This is just a few paragraphs that read as follows:
    Keep under control every step of perspective or influential Russian. Do not allow them to single out or unite. Do not allow them to establish contacts or ties between each other. All contacts should be either with you or through you. This is information. This is influence. Do not allow them to discuss any issues without your participation. Where there are two Russians, there should be at least one Jew.....(In this respect very interesting to analyze Obama's entourage and who runs the Fed ever since it was created)
    ...Once in a while we have to change countries in search of more favorable conditions for our existence, and this is a part of our strategy......But we leave, if we have to, not sick and poor, but rich and healthy. Money is our legs. We are transferring the center of gravity to a place where our capital had been moved beforehand (in this respect would be curious to know what Bernie Madoff did with the Jewish money he reportedly stole from smiling victims). Having strengthened in a country of residence, having collected all the dues, from time to time we gather in the promised land of our ancestors to strengthen our spirit, our forces, our symbols and our faith in unity. We gather in order to disperse again. So it is in all times. Does it remind you of anything at all? Your countries maybe, sleeping dorks?

  20. 1:11 is a preacher to the choir.

    10:17 is a fat bald man in a kkk mask typing at the keyboard.

    Laura: patriotism is for people who like to worship symbols, like a flag or cross, and be faithfully led. As far as past-times go, I don't reccomend it generally speaking.

    6:38 thanks for the laugh.

  21. Copied our Constitution? lol We don't have one anymore, the Patriot Fourth Reich Act voided it. The North Vietnamese tried that and we killed millions of them for it.

    The sheeple will soon be lining up for xray nude scans through airport security. Then malls, etc.

    All because al-cia-duh sends a stooge onto a plane that couldn't count to ten.

  22. They laugh at the fake religion they scripted for us called Christianity. Not hard for them at all. The whole story is a re-write from all the previous solar saviors. The Sun of God. What a joke. He can wash my sack.

  23. Soon the sheeple will be lining up for full body Xray nude scanning to protect them from al-CIA-duh bad guys at airports.

    They will suffer the worst form of humilation at the hands of the same government that carries out the terror. Us.

    Oh wait. No. People can still stuff explosives up their butt. So, eventually, if you want to fly they will be getting out the rubber glove + the full X-ray.

    This is how bad it is got now. The sheeple will never say enough is enough because they are dumbed down cowardly lemmings.

  24. Here is another example of a Jew-boy trying to fleece his country:
    Hey, Frenchies-you elected a fox in your chicken coop.

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