Monday, December 28, 2009

Wall Street's 10 Greatest Lies of 2009

1) The economy has improved.

Earlier this month, Bernanke declared, “Having faced the most serious financial crisis and the worst recession since the Great Depression, our economy has made important progress during the past year. Although the economic stress faced by many families and businesses remains intense, with job openings scarce and credit still hard to come by, the financial system and the economy have moved back from the brink of collapse."

2) If you give banks capital, they will lend it out.

On Jan. 13, 2009 Bernanke concluded that "More capital injections and guarantees may become necessary to ensure stability and the normalization of credit markets.” He said that "Our economic system is critically dependent on the free flow of credit." He was referring to the big banks. Not the little people.

3) Taxpayers are being repaid.

On December 17, the Treasury Department announced: ”As a result of our efforts under EESA (the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act that spawned TARP), confidence in our financial system has improved, credit is flowing, and the economy is growing. The government is exiting from its emergency financial policies and taxpayers are being repaid.”


  1. The greatest criminals this country has ever known being hailed as heroes.

  2. Everybody Photocopy MoneyDecember 29, 2009 at 2:42 AM

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  3. I guess what really strikes me about this subject
    is how brazen these people have become. I mean; we all know they lie. But now they actually tell
    us all in front of cameras so we can tape it and play it over and over and over - Yes, but I didn't inhale - read my lips; no new taxes; I did not have sex with that woman Ms. Lewinsky.
    And now they just keep on getting bigger with subject matter that really effects us all - I mean heck if I'm going to tell a lie that big I sure as heck ain't gonna do it in front of a camera ! Amazing!~

  4. Photocopy money? Our government has the printing presses going in overdrive printing money. Money that is not backed up by Gold reserves. they are the counterfiters.


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