Monday, December 28, 2009

Federal Reserve: Keep Rates Low To Create a Stock Market Bubble

Millions of Americans are paying a high price for a safe place to put their money: extremely low interest rates on savings accounts and certificates of deposit.
Joe Parks, a retired accountant, said retirees and the elderly would take up to a three-quarters of a percent cut in income.
The elderly and others on fixed incomes have been especially hard hit. Many have seen returns on savings, C.D.’s and government bonds drop to niggling amounts recently, often costing them money once inflation, fees and taxes are considered.

“Open a Savings Plus Account today and get a great rate,” read an advertisement in the Dec. 16 Newsday for Citibank, which was then offering 1.2 percent for an account. (As low as it was, the offer was good only for accounts of $25,000 and up.)

“They’re advertising it in the papers as if they’re actually proud of that,” said Steven Weisman, a title insurance consultant in New York. “It’s a joke.”
Many think the Federal Reserve is fueling a stock market bubble by keeping rates so low that investors decide to bet on stocks instead. Mr. Parks of Better Investing moved more money into the stock market early this year, when C.D.’s he held began maturing and he could not nearly recover the income they had generated by rolling them over.

Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US


  1. The "bubble" that the Federal Reserve is creating is the bubble of the USA Dollar itself. The dollars value is higher then it should be an when that bubble bursts then it will probably lead to hyperinflation.

  2. The USSR comparison link article was very well done. Thanks.

  3. This is EXACTLY what is being done. Dimwit Americans judge the health of the economy based on the level of the DOW. If they can keep that number falsely inflated all the talking heads on TV can continue to talk about a pseudo recovery.

  4. This is all true, BUT it is absurd to automatically draw a link and say that the Fed is keeping the rates low in order to create a Stock Market crash. Why don't you concentrate on the real facts first then draw your conclusions. It all fits in with Berknake's statement that they will drop money from helicopters if need be. Lower interest rates to attempt to keep the bruised economy liquid and the dollars flowing ( eventually contributing to inflation).

    Don't shape the facts to fit your theory. Make it the other way instead.

  5. Well, as a "professional internet researcher working 15 hours a day 7 days a week", I personally thought he would have come up with a more accurate title for the link. ;-)

  6. 1:28 The headline fits perfectly. Interest rates are zero at the banks.. Your belief is that the market will make up for the low rates, so you dump your money into the Stock market. The feds keep the rates low so you can get BURNT by investing in the casino, thereby taking ALL your money. EASY. For the SHEEP.

  7. 1:23 and 1;28 watch the video above. You guys fit in perfectly, the fat guy slurping the coke and the other fat guy jumping in the stands. Oblivious to the obvious.

  8. No kidding + the title says low interest rates to create a bubble, it doesn't say crash, there is a subtle difference.

    I hate them, but really can't blame the owners of the Fed for what they are doing. If most here could loot trillions and be above the law, even be hailed as heroes while doing it, would you? Of course you would.

    We allow it. They do it.

  9. 2:04 your mom is the fat guy slurping the coke and the fat guy jumping in the stands.

    Anyway, where is your proof that the Fed is intentionally creating a bubble? That is the question. Go read some more Alex Jones and then prove to yourself how much smarter you are than the "sheeple" because of that great feat.

  10. Everybody Photocopy MoneyDecember 29, 2009 at 2:45 AM

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  11. 11:17 everyone likes the photocopied sheep like you. Stays stupid, easy to manage, listens to directions, follows orders and puts money in the stock market. We just watched Goldman Sachs make 23 billion in a few days. We know that the Federal Reserve has 70% of the cash in the market. Its been proven ( Go to the federal reserve bank sites and look it up dummy) hashed and rehashed. Dumb sheeple people like you would rather not believe that.

  12. You like to accuse people of being stupid whom you dont even know. In fact you beleive everyone is stupid who doesn't agree with you Jeff Rense and Alex Jones. I don't dabble in the stock market, you brainless act of creation. And I was fully aware of this stuff going on well before you jumped on the band-wagon because I had been following it since the turn of the decade. So stop your irrelevant name calling. It only makes you look like the drooling dolt that you are. Go back to believing whatever you read because I know who is REALLY lacking in a brain, and clue: it isn't me.

  13. The Federal Reserve has all the cash in the market because it prints it. It also exchanges cash for debt, because thats its job. Its going into overtime trying to save this sinking economy (and all the side bets and profiteers who are connected are doing their best to get "theirs"). The only difference between you and I is that you see Casper the un-friendly ghost behind the scenes pulling those big mean levers and you feel helpless and confused about it as the curtain draws across your dim-lit eyes. If I were in your shoes I too would ascribe things to fanciful ideas, like rainbows and HAARP, simply because I lacked the critical thinking to understand what was going on around me and has been for a long time. So go back to spouting about sheeple and gold, because apparently those are the only two words you can wrap your mind around. "Everyone print money" is apparently levels smarter than you.

  14. 2:03 The Federal reserve buys debt because they are buying the air that they originally produced. Meaning they just bought NOTHING with NOTHING. So the sheep can sit there and state how great the FEDS are and that they "saved the economy". Are you lost in space? You don't quite get that your "saviors" created "bought debt" out of thin air so they can juggle the shit in your face as they please. Dumb Debt Slave.


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