Sunday, January 3, 2010

6 Million: Food Stamps, and Nothing Else

With food-stamp use at a record high and surging by the day, Ms. Bermudez belongs to an overlooked subgroup that is growing especially fast: recipients with no cash income.

About six million Americans receiving food stamps report they have no other income, according to an analysis of state data collected by The New York Times. In declarations that states verify and the federal government audits, they described themselves as unemployed and receiving no cash aid — no welfare, no unemployment insurance, and no pensions, child support or disability pay.

Their numbers were rising before the recession as tougher welfare laws made it harder for poor people to get cash aid, but they have soared by about 50 percent over the past two years. About one in 50 Americans now lives in a household with a reported income that consists of nothing but a food-stamp card.

With food-stamp use at a record high and surging by the day, Ms. Bermudez belongs to an overlooked subgroup that is growing especially fast: recipients with no cash income.

About six million Americans receiving food stamps report they have no other income, according to an analysis of state data collected by The New York Times. In declarations that states verify and the federal government audits, they described themselves as unemployed and receiving no cash aid — no welfare, no unemployment insurance, and no pensions, child support or disability pay.

Their numbers were rising before the recession as tougher welfare laws made it harder for poor people to get cash aid, but they have soared by about 50 percent over the past two years. About one in 50 Americans now lives in a household with a reported income that consists of nothing but a food-stamp card.


  1. Until I started volunteering at our local food pantry 2 yrs. ago now I had no idea of how these type of people made it thru life but you wouldn't believe what is available to them thru these local help programs whether public private or church.
    See the same people month after month after month one is my neighbor who last week turned down a labor job at $9.25/hr. why should I do that he says I'm getting 450/wk mailbox money for another 93 weeks and picked up his free food and left. I am at a moral crossroads with these people I want to help those that need a boost but it seems there are always those that just want a free ride forever and not ashamed at all to do it.

  2. Its OK for the government, goldman sachs, JP Morgan, GM, etc. to have a free ride, God forbid the slaves have a "free ride". Your job is to get out and work to support our fraudulent dealings..dumb media induced lemmings you have been programmed correctly.

  3. Right on 10:04 sure was ok to give welfare to the banks that screwed up. That is just what it is welfare for the rich. I have always worked hard and con. to but i have lost all faith in this gov. free capitolisium what a joke ok as long as they are making money they lose money we have to bail them out .. Screw this gov.

  4. The difference is that the "slaves" are still "free" to get back into the F*cking boat and go back to whence they have come. And you know what 10:04 ?
    I don't see your taillights leaving the f*cking harbor. There must be a reason for that - would it be that you too are a Lemming ??? There's only one thing worse than a Lemming .
    One that thinks it's "smart and different". Either change what you don't like or get the hell outa my way - I bought Ford at $2.19/share, last close was at 10.04 Hallelujah ! It's great to be a thinking slave and when we collapse and are trading goods and services in Amero - this slave will figure out a way to relieve those aforementioned out of 10% a year on my investment - dumb media ? you bet; the dumbest but I made 157% in 6 months with Discovery Comm. because you love to watch Oprah and I know it - hallelujah again !

  5. A million dollar sales producer and she is out of work???? I do not care where you are living or the state of the economy, real sales people can make $$$. Why dosent this woman take her sales skills and sell something. There is a market for something where anyone lives but it usually will not crawl on your porch and beg you to be successful.
    However, as a program I believe food stamps, cards whatever given to people in the US and used for food is a good thing. What I do not like to see is someone with a Texas Star Card in Dollar General buying potato chips, Little Debbies and pop. Beans potatoes and vegatables fine, but nothing processed.

  6. Ms. Bermudez's income is simply reverting back to what it should be... not much. She enjoyed a few good years, courtesy of the housing bubble (and now the taxpayer), and now she will enjoy $0 - minimum wage for many years to come. On average, this will be about what she is worth. If she wasn't so ignorant, she would have been saving those dollars, rather than spending as if it would never end. Stupid is as stupid does.

  7. She should have saved some while the going was good. I have a hard time feeling too sorry for those real estate people who helped feed the housing bubble. I do know some people are hurting however because even the ones doing under the table work here in Florida cant hardly find much of that either. If it wasnt for moving in with family a lot more people would be homeless here I know that.

  8. According to 10:56 all you people above should not save; should not make money nor should you be telling anyone to go get a job. We should tell our children to forget about getting an education - after all according to him - it's over! what a moron - with the click of the mouse - I covert those shares to anything I want - anywhere; anytime. 2 weeks ago I bought a
    coffee contract in Brazil - this jackass just does not understand; there are almost 7 Billion people living on this planet - ALL of them in the matket for something EVERYDAY. Sorry buckwheat; you don't just simply shut that off and the other 6.99 Billion are noy sitting around waiting for the sky to fall like you are -they are living.

  9. 12:56 I have been trading stocks longer than you've been alive. Your dumbness exceeds you. Bottom line, you made NOTHING. You own a piece of paper, you have NOT converted anything into anything, therefore you have NOTHING. You clicked nothing with your mouse. Just like all casino players out there. As for education? Todays university Graduate would NOT be able to pass a grade 8 test from the 1800's. Education is a joke today, they come out of grade 12 with an IPOD and a pair of nikes.

  10. Knock off the name calling.January 3, 2010 at 6:30 PM

    EA, please delete those posts that incorporate name-calling, such as 1:36, supra. These types of posts are a waste of bandwidth and do nothing to impart useful information. Thank you.

  11. Sorry I know some of these people are nice people but there are so many that are "Mouth Breathers."

    In Monterey I have kids popping out kids and expecting all types of aid and help...I'm sorry but it's going to get really cold and dark soon...Only people that should get it are those who put in not those who've never put in or have depended on help ALL their lives.

    To those who have worked at least they tried to pay into the system the rest seemed to be "floaters."

    We're going to crash soon and those with needs will die on the vine...I fear it because people with no hope or food will die or hurt others to survive...I pray for my country but it seems we're at the end of our "Modern Roman Empire."

  12. I'm not sure, but I think the fascist said that anyone that needs help should be liquidated.

    AFAIK, all capitalists have gotten wealthy on the help of others. Therefore, logical conclusion of though train being, anyone with 'wealth' is a parasite too.


    Ps. The trees demand their oxygen back. Watchoo gonna do about it.

  13. 11:33 Did you check the price of FORD stock today???
    Yeah - that's right up .073 --- let's see -- do I want the Silver Beemer or that cute little Red
    No; actually I'm feeling like a little trip to
    St.Thomas -- see ya in March ---


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