Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Bankers Guide To Owning It All

The banker's guide to owning it all

Become majority lender in an economy of people with assets you want.

Encourage indebtedness by loaning generously while securing on assets of interest.

Loosen lending standards until the assets you seek to capture are attached. (this makes the economy debt dependent)

Once debts are significant for the bulk of the population, sharply tighten lending standards. <-- Economic shock - Onset of deflation

Backstop losses with public guarantees if possible. This is gravy if one can get it. (Fannie and Freddie guarantees, for example)

Permit default 'without risk' on the assets you wish to sieze to maximize wealth transfer. (stall foreclosure, stay repossession orders etc)

Stall the economy to maximize default positions and deplete private liquidity. <<-- We are here

Successively ratchet the economy downhill, while bettering secured positions.

In a series of large actions, sieze all security for default. Target the assets of greatest interest first. (This deals a heavy economic blow and can help cause the ratcheting required for step 8.)

Transfer asset ownership, but retain prior owners as renters where possible. (This reduces public lashback and helps maintain the asset for resale)

Once the bulk of assets of transferred, write them down to leverage the public financial backstop.

Buy up as many remaining assets on the cheap as possible. Hide this action.

Hyperinflate to destroy the external claims on wealth. <-- Onset of hyperinflation (This destroys treasuries, gov't bonds, currency. Ensures free title on new assets. May cause war.)

Stabilize the currency or devise a new one, resume lending at a reasonable pace. Sell the assets back, secured of course, at your chosen price in new currency.


  1. Just before the Great Depression in 1930's some of the highest Bankers got together and actually had calculated how many farms east and west of the Mississippi river that they would take. They also devalued the US Dollar by getting president FDR to get Americans had to turn in their gold in 1933 and then the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 changed the value of the dollar in gold from $20.67 to $35 per ounce. That means Americans lost about 40% the value of their dollar and were told they could not hold gold which would preserve its value when price went to $35. Bob Chapman is saying we could see a US Dollar devaluation in next 1 to 2 years of possibly around 3 to 1. He may be right.

  2. So what he is saying is grab all the cash you can short term because major deflation is coming and then be patient and wait and get out of debt because hyper inflation will be right behind it ?
    Gee I'm trying to plan but ?????? this is starting to get really complicated. some people here are like - it's over - others are like there will be someplace to carry on - I'm getting more confused instead of better prepared I think!

  3. The head of the Fed will make an interest rate adjustment in the near future. Get ready for hyperinflation

  4. I love the WE ARE HERE. So true.

  5. You can blame it all on the banks and I won't disagree, but bank is capitalism. What do you suggest, replacing "bad banks" with "well meaning banks". No, that wont work. A society based on predation begets predation, period.

  6. What this article does not discuss is the gainers of this manipulations. Who are these people? People, you've got to ask this question. Then ask what conceptual tools they use to make dorks out of you. Only then you can find a cure. Oh, and please do not be a parrot and repeat the same nonsense: "Capitalism failed!". Moses Mordecai Levy, aka Karl Marx, would be proud.

  7. The answer to your question is, quite simply, people. People stand to gain, just like you and me. Marx might be proud, and so what? Shall we burn the communist thinkers on the cross along with the mexicans and the jews?

    Hey, when a system is faulty there is no reason to faithfully worship it as you were trained like a drone from birth. Think outside the box and come up with something new.

  8. There are alternatives to consider such as the Venus Project via the movie Zeitgeist Addendum.

    Somewhere in the middle would be banking system where the banksters are forced to have real reserves and where they can't print money out of thin air.

  9. Our owners authored Communism and Capitalism and every other ism. To set us against one another.

  10. 10:06 I find it hard to believe 25 or so didn't jump down your throat on that comment/s.
    To suggest that somehow; somewhere; somebody has made gains ?????
    Preposterous my dear Watson; preposterous

  11. To set one against the other? That is BS my friend. Capitalism evolved out of mercantilism in its primitive forms and when banks and governments began using the first coin. Communism predated it when farmers and tribes worked the land together without masters in freedom. The communism we know today evolved out of a reaction to capitalism and imperialism. It was merely turned into another variation of control from above by government and industry, a different shade of color of the same thing. To say that "our controllers" designed it to pit one against the other is to suffer an Alex Jones-ism and resist the facts and history and arrive at your own conclusion. BZZZT...wrong.

  12. 10 COMMANDMENTS of Slavery

    !. IRS…militarily intervenes to confiscate your money thru obfuscation and usurpting of
    constitutional rights
    2. credit bureaus…harass debtors held subservient to usury creditors…destroys privacy
    3. collection agencies…harass
    4. lawyers…intimidate thru liens…rights…warrants…attachments…judgments
    5. thereby jobs…money and the means of money are denied via credit bureaus…decisions of
    you livlihood based on credit bureaus... is unconstitutional
    6. bank accounts….can be frozen
    7. credit card denial…should have an ” equally ” ranked mode of payment…no ultimatums…
    no credit card…” can’t do business “…also unconstitutional
    8. insurance on cars and health…rates are raised based on ” credit bureau “…again
    9. social security and disability benefits…taken away to satisfy usury creditors…again
    10. licensing…car and professioanl licenses…denied….again unconstitutional for use to
    force payment to usury creditors


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