Monday, January 4, 2010

IRS To Police Health Care

Internal Revenue Service agents already try to catch tax cheats and moonshiners. Under the proposed health care legislation, they would get another assignment: checking to see whether Americans have health insurance.
The legislation would require most Americans to have health insurance and to prove it on their federal tax returns. Those who don't would pay a penalty to the IRS.

That's one of several key duties the IRS would assume under the bills that have been approved by the House of Representatives and Senate and will be merged by negotiators from both chambers.

The agency also would distribute as much as $140 billion a year in new government subsidies to help small employers and as many as 19 million lower-income people buy coverage.

In addition, the IRS would collect hundreds of billions of dollars in new fees on employers, drug companies and device makers, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

Some critics of the health bill question whether the IRS, which has struggled in recent years with budget problems, staffing shortages and outdated computer systems, will be up to the job of enforcing the mandate and efficiently handling the subsidies

The Federal Reserve Needs More Money


  1. Very interesting article, I like your thoughts about content generation using Twitter. Thanks for this information.

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  2. The IRS will also work together with deutchaland, I mean homeland security, screening all health care participants to assure they are not with al qeda, specifically looking for participants who are possibly planning on boarding airliners with explosive underwear, jockstraps, socks or shoes. Obama health care participants requirements will include annual full body scanning and strip searches.

    The IRS, a Puerto Rican corporation (look it up), will be an excellent organization to enforce obamacare, they have done an outstanding job enforcing the (illegal)income tax and should fit right in with obamacare. In other words, if you don't pay your obamacare, they will swat team you at your home, take your children and shoot you.

  3. I have no use for the Rush Limbauh show, but yesterday I fell on it, just in time to hear that the Amish people will be exempt from paying any kind of fine, for not having health insurance.

    Guess it's time to become Amish. I'm a pretty good wood worker anyway.

  4. Uh, 6:25, I'm pretty sure the Amish decline to accept federal benefits like medicare pensions and medical benefits.

    They insure each other through Amish Aid.

    Brotherly love is their insurance. We could learn a lot from them.

    Remember how quickly they forgave when those poor young girls were murdered?


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