Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Dollar: Bob Chapman

Your Yearly Funny:


  1. As for the Yearly Funny video I really can't blame him for laughing at all. I mean the sheep are so stupid he probably just thought for a second 'I can't believe these idiots don't even care they are getting screwed over'.

  2. The scary part is the part about de-valuing the current money.
    It will all be about timing if you have cash under the mattress

  3. The current dollar is in trouble. At the moment the amount of dollars printed is incredible.

    The link below really shocked me. It shows the FED is buying 48% of the new Treasury debt issued.

    When will this bubble burst. 18 months as the insider suggested could be a good guess. I expected 6-7 years until I read the article

  4. Actually, 7:14am , it's a wee bit worse than that.

    You see, the 'foriegn' buyers are not the Chinese, not Japan. So who does that leave?
    Foriegn central banks of european countries such as BOE and Deutch bank. What's interesting about this is these purchases are being powered by
    'currency swaps' in which we print up money, exchange it for Pounds from the BOE, for marks from the Deutchbank, then they buy our 'Treasury' bonds, and we buy theirs. so we get the cash back to inject into our hyperinflationary economy while getting to report that somebody bought our Treasury bills.
    Likewise we've been buying tons of European bonds in similiar fashion.

    Everybody looks rosy.

    Truth is, the Fed has been purchasing near 100% of all treasury issues in the past year.

    Revise your timelines accordingly.

  5. 7:41 To add to what you stated is the fact that
    B.O. has given Fannie and freddie an UNLIMITED
    bankroll with which to operate - this probably create another housing bubble - this time of
    amazing proportions.
    With all that has happened in the last 2 years can anybody out there see this going on another
    year ?? I would be amazed.

  6. Any scenario means one thing for sure, the US is broke, been broke and its just a matter of time, the US can not pay its bills. This is a fact, not fiction, not fantasy, not conspiracy theory.

    Time is short, better prepare..

  7. 9:34 Even if you know somethings coming sometimes it's tuff !! I mean deflation, inflationn stagflation I run a very small
    business and I am having a difficult time trying to decide; buy more merch, don't buy
    pay down debt, hold onto cash - it sounds so easy until your the one totally responsible for all decisions that effect you, you family,
    your employees, their families and unfortunatly you can't be prepared for every possible scenario I hear floating around out there - what to do???

  8. Of course China and others holding US Treasury Notes are not stupid and know that the US is buying its own debt. What would you do if you were them? Will they will be paid back in devalued US dollars?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Thanks for that intelligent and thoughtful response 10:44- seriously don't read the article if u refuse to believe and resort to sixth grade name calling.

  11. Anonymous @ 10:44, I have been reading "The International Forecaster" by Bob Chapman, for some time and he has been dead on in the past issues, so I do not doubt his information in this video. Those of us that have been reading his information, and following not only his suggestions, but other non-government consultants, will be laughing at you and others that have their head so up in a dark part of their body (where the sun don't shine), that the wails of the non-formed will be yelling and then there will no help at all.

  12. get drunk and have orgyJanuary 6, 2010 at 2:49 PM

    Then no pain will happen to us in Amerika

  13. Yes, someone who is sitting in a jail cell for bogus reasons has a motivation to be a fear monger. 10:44 I know you are a troll but you can do better than that.

  14. The Fed set up dummy banks in the Caymans in 2007-2008 to buy its own soon to be worthless notes. Investigate it yourself. You'll see they came out of nowhere and have odd names. Make believe banks.

    This would be all too funny if it weren't for the fact that it cannot go on forever.

    When the house of cards comes tumbling down 50% of the US population will starve to death over the first 30 days. There will be no help for the unprepared. Remember, millions starved to death in the Great Depression. Estimates say seven million. That was when the USA was one open range GIANT FARM.

    Now, we have groceries stores and 7-11s. They will all be closed. Except for your neighbor's cat you won't have access to a calorie.

  15. Go to a contractor supply house and buy EXTRA LARGE thick contractor bags that seal up airtight.

    Put them away somewhere. As people near you die you will need to seal them up. Nothing is worse or more plague-ready than a human corpse. Burial may not be an option.

    Millions of corpses. Do your part and wrap them up as they fall near where ever you can home.

    If you are squeamish, get over it. Get some face masks while you are at it.


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