Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Worst Sales For Auto Manufacturers in 30 Years

Big automakers are glad to see the end of 2009, the worst year for U.S. sales in nearly 30 years.

Detroit's three automakers and the top Japanese manufacturers — Honda Motor Co., Nissan Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. — all saw sharp declines last year, but also saw momentum going into 2010.

Last year was brutal for most of the industry as credit froze, the economy and consumer confidence faltered and unemployment rose. U.S. sales haven't been so bad since 1982.

Sales of smaller, cheaper vehicles, however, helped drive gains. Hyundai continued its surge with an 8 percent yearly gain, while its low-cost Kia brand reported 2009 sales gains of nearly 10 percent and a 44 percent gain in December.

Japanese automaker Subaru, which reported a 15 percent sales gain for the year, called 2009 an unqualified success.

General Motors and Chrysler took the biggest hits after both went through bankruptcy court and stayed alive with government aid.

For the year, GM sales were off 30 percent from 2008, while December sales fell 5.6 percent.


  1. 30% worse than 2008. Let that sink in a bit. The recovery is a cover up just like Gerald Celente says.

  2. Have a seat and a cup of coffee----Let me talk to my manager----We want to put you in one-----How can we earn your business?

    Your not going to believe what we are going to offer you for your old car!-------What would it take to have you buy today?--------We will beat anybody's price on this-----Anybody's!!!!!!!

    What if I can get your payments down---say $50.00 a month off this third offer?----Would you buy now?-------Let me take this to the head office---I will be right back-----Well, they are against us on your 5th offer, but what if I threw in floormats and a deer warning device?---Can you handle just $40,00 more and we can go out to 72 months? Let me figure a lease for you?

    And other bullshit---------------

  3. Folks,get cars with high gas mileage and keep 'em a long time. Do car research online first and stay away from the two Co's that the gov. now owns and who ripped off the taxpayers!

  4. You got that right. I wouldn't buy a car from a government run taxpayer rip off. Now is the time to not spend a dime you don't have to spend anyway. The time for playing the lame keeping up with the Jones' is over. Materialism is their game, they can have it.

    Little known fact is that driving a crap looking but reliable car is actually very satisfying. Park anywhere you like.

  5. Typical. The MSM media is twisting the truth and lying its ass off. Ford had a great DECEMBER 09 so THAT is what they are reporting on now.

    The lies are so transparent anymore.

  6. It is like the automakers tapped the Pentagon on the shoulder and said 'excuse us, we have this story pre-written, you can have the next one.'

  7. let Gm go under.That is the natural process.We as taxpayers are all getting screwed big time.This inefficient albatros should be extinct like the doo doo bird.Thank you Saviour Obama and your cabal on corrupt leacherous blood sucking scumsters.Its time to for real change not this bullshit media hyped Obama deception variety.The revolution is coming .This bullshit can not go on forever even the dumbed down sheeple will eventually get it there all getting it up the hoopster thanks the Obama Pelosi and the bank of reprobates we call our representatives.

  8. I am watching the MSM news (rare) just now.

    Here we are. At a point where the plotters want to X-ray your kids, your wife, naked. All for bullshit. Some minimum wage thug is going to get his jollies while observing your ten year old's genitals.

    Piece by piece they are taking every bit of dignity away. The sheeple don't seem to mind. They never do.

    Hard to watch but fascinating what the elite have accomplished so much in so little time through fear and lies.

  9. The moment I understood the average assembly line worker for the Big Three, earned an average $72.00 per hour and a killer benefits package, my sympathy for them and their whining for more money ended. They should have never been bailed out, they're gonna fail anyway. All we are doing is prolonging the inevitable.

  10. Oh yeah, the auto industry is doing just fine! TIme to invest NOW! Be smart!

    Ford is gonna rock and roll this year, mane.

  11. 6:08 before I head to St.Thomas with my ford stock profits from 2009 ( I bought in the low 2
    dollar and just sold at 11 plus)
    I will tell you for the LAST time - somebody is ALWAYS selling - somebody is ALWAYS buying
    PERIOD - DONE -END OF STORY and profits are between the 2 - what you do with them --------
    is your business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Almost Eleven Million people in this country bought a car in 2009.
    Existing home sales in USA was 6.54 million in
    New Home Construction was just shy of 500,000
    in 2009.
    I went to a hockey game tonite - standing room ony.
    Afterward - travelling home on I-79 - the trucks were literally back to back on the road.
    Yep -- we're in a depression 'fer sure - best batten down the hatches Martha - the end is probly ta marra

  13. Sure you did lol. Stock stories are about as reliable as Vegas stories. Those that tell them don't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of.

  14. Yeah, the economy is just fine. How ignorant.

  15. 7:40 It's soooo easy to prove though - just google ford stock & there you have it - it's not magic and it doesn't take a genius to figure out
    that at 2 bucks a share/ Ford has more toilet paper than that - seriously; it's like warren buffett says - no magic - just money - lots of it to turn into whatever you want. I'll never forget the Hunt brothers and the silver fiasco of the late 70's - but the point still holds true.

  16. 7:39 what planet are you from? 11 million people bought a car courtesy of the US governments 8000 cash for crap fund. 6.54 million homes sold thanks again for the US fake slush fund. Construction courtesy of the US slush fund again and LOW interest rates that people can't get a mortgage anyway. Hockey standing room only due to the entertainment that always happens during a DEPRESSION...Trucks back to back because of they are dropping them off because of ARROW's BANKRUPTCY! Nothing to see here move along back to the MALL.

  17. Yes, you bought at the low and sold at the high - NOT. Now gather your toys and run over to the I Wannabe A Player forum.

  18. I don't know if it's fine or not - I didn't say that - but it sure would appear as though somebody ( millinons of somebody's) was buying something now wouldn't it.

  19. I am sure your hockey game attendance is overwhelming evidence of a recovery.

    That as opposed to the hundreds of pieces of verifiable evidence of a slow meltdown as well as exploding debt.

    Be gone troll. Back under your bridge you go.

  20. 7:48 Wow! Your in deep. Arrow employed how many people? Yeah.
    They ain't exactly JB Hunt.
    Do the quick math on the cars man - we have over 300 million people living in this country - lets be really conservative & say half of them drive - let's be really conservative again & say you can make your car last 20 years --- do the math pal - you know what you come up with ; unless you want to walk ( not saying that's a bad thing)
    your gonna peddle 11- 12 million cars a year in the country un the worst of times.
    I'd get into the constuction thing but it's really long winded - Long story short; this country as a minimum baseline will only not build 1/2 million new homes a year when Geradine Ferraro is president ( not saying that won't happen nither)

  21. 8:03 Now there you go again all assuming - how do you know - maybe they paid cash ---
    Always assuming the worst will just get you ulcers - BIG ones

  22. 7:55 Ok I guess your right - all is lost - It's over & I am sorry to have troubled you with my thoughts and perceptions.
    I will go shoot myself now.

  23. 8:06 perhaps you have no idea what's going on in the real world. You don't quite get the fact that there are about 5 million too many houses in the US that will be VACANT SOON..or that the automotive business just dropped 30% since 2008..or that the US owes over 12 trillion and cannot pay it back EVER..You should look it up.

    very rarely does anyone pay cash for a car..I should know I worked in the car business for 26 years.

  24. Hey Brainiac. I bought gold when it was in the low 300's a few years ago and then decided to sell at almost 1,100. I bought about 3 tons worth. That is well over 100 Billion dollars in profit!! It's totally true and so easy to prove, just look it up! Ass clown.

  25. Ok 8:14 see you on the other side. I'll be sipping bahama mamas and telling you how right I was. youll still be crying about the stock market and how your riches vanished before your wee eyes.

  26. 8:36 Riches, thats hilarious! You mean that paper that has gone down 87% since the early 1900's? Oh youl'll be eating the peelings of your banana and burning your bills that you accumulated

  27. The dealers can't get financing to get the vehicles from the manufacturers. Take a look at this video:

    New Car Dealers Struggling To Get 2010 Models

  28. Yes, that is exactly what brainiac will be doing. Eating discarded banana peels and the crust from trash cans wondering where it all went wrong.

  29. F.... if it isn't the Illuminati fearing conspiracy dorks it's the National Socialist scumbags, like the person in that video, pushing their idiotic beliefs. Sorry, but 1944 Germany has ended. Stop living in the past.

  30. ... and you don't believe when Trillions are exchanging hands that elite are not conspiring behind closed doors?? You think you are free to see the decisions being made as to whether you will be allowed to live as a free man, or live at all? You don't believe in 'conspiracies?' How could a sane man not? Wise up.

  31. Well, you just made the point for me. Are YOU free to see the decisions made behind closed doors? Nope. Therefore you dont know what you are talking about. OF COURSE deals are made all the time behind closed doors. And there are far more made out in the open. And that conspiracy is capitalism. Its very essence is basically to basically funnel the most wealth to the top while the poor man at the bottom does all the work. Picture a pyramid. Now picture a scheme. Put the two together and what do you have? A pyramid scheme. Now, wise up and stop reading comic book depictions of reality.


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