Monday, November 17, 2008

Complete COLLAPSE of the Banking SYSTEM?Millions UNEMPLOYED!


From the British TELEGRAPH: (snippets)
But this week, I saw a picture in a newspaper which really did tell the story.

It was an aerial shot of Hong Kong harbour. Rank upon rank of merchant ships stretched away across the water. Normally such scenes are displays of might, but this was one of impotence. The ships were idle. They could not load up because the cargoes on the dockside lacked the necessary letters of credit. You could see world trade coming to a standstill.
Today, we are in a financial crisis, and we cannot produce the medicine because we still do not know the source or spread of the disease. People who, 18 months ago, seemed to be the strongest men the world had ever seen, now turn out to be sick unto death.

And because banking, like the circulation of the blood, affects the whole system, you can expect almost anyone to come down with the plague. Construction, shipping, restaurants, cars, telecoms, even, I confidently predict, lawyers - any trade might succumb at any time.
The consequences are already bad enough. They could be truly terrible. There could be a complete collapse of the banking system, many millions unemployed, a return to barter, "self-sufficiency" (a Green word meaning poverty), extremist riots, looting. It seems an odd thing to say to our joke-free Prime Minister, but please, Mr Brown, get serious. READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE

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