The march toward complete financial collapse of the USA is accelerating out of control. According to the US Treasury, "hundreds of banks" have asked for emergency help from the government.
To help you understand the frightening implications of this, consider the following:
Since the "financial crisis" began in September, The Treasury Department has injected $150 billion in capital by buying preferred shares in 52 institutions. 52 banks, $150 billion.
Todays news that "hundreds of banks" are now in danger of failing caught my attention, so I contacted my sources inside the Treasury and I almost fell over when they told me: "520 additional banks are failing; 10 times the number of banks that have already been bailed out."
Do the math: If 52 banks needed $150 billion, 520 banks could translate into one point five TRILLION.
That isn't the worst of it. The chart ABOVE (click image to enlarge) shows that our nation has already committed EIGHT POINT FIVE TRILLION to the financial mess and of that, they've already disbursed THREE POINT TWO TRILLION.
Do the math again:
$1.5 Trillion needed for another 520 failing banks
$8.5 Trillion committed to more financial bailouts
$10 Trillion in national debt from years of deficit spending.
$20 TRILLION dollars in total (so far)
Let me put this in better perspective for you. $20 Trillion dollars divided up among each of our 300 million citizens amounts to sixty-six-thousand, six-hundred sixty-six dollars ($66,666.) for every man, woman and child! Wow. That's like a satanic number!
Figures don't lie and liars don't figure! and that's all i have to say about that!