Monday, February 16, 2009

State by state: Going BANKRUPT!

TOPEKA, Kan. -- Kansas is suspending income tax refunds and may not be able to pay its employees on time.

The state is strapped for cash in its main bank account. Republican legislative leaders blocked an effort by Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to transfer funds into the account.

Sebelius wanted to move $225 million from other accounts throughout state government, allowing the state to pay its bills. That move requires approval of legislative leaders, and Republicans balked.

Budget Director Duane Goossen said he's not sure the state can meet its payroll. State employees are due to be paid again Friday.

GOP leaders want Sebelius to sign a bill making $326 million in adjustments to the budget for the fiscal year that ends June 30.

Legislators approved that bill last week, but it has not reached her desk.

California legislators tried and failed for a second day Sunday to close a $40 billion hole in the state's budget, still one Republican vote short of approving a package that contains $14.3 billion in tax increases.

State Sen. Abel Maldonado, a moderate Republican from Santa Maria, indicated in an interview with The Bee that he was willing to consider casting the decisive vote if he was satisfied with the final version of the tax proposal.

"I'm very concerned with the tax package," said Maldonado, who early Sunday had been quoted as saying he was adamantly opposed to the tax hikes. "We're still working on that. Everything's fluid. I don't like tax increases. … let me just work on the tax issue. I'm working on that. I don't want my state to go off the cliff, OK? I don't want that."


  1. situation hopeless. the end of living the beginning of survival . since we began this silly country it was a ponzi and the ponzi is up. all states and the federal government is broke- alway was. they only exist as long as you pay taxes. redistribution of weath always. its a recession when your neighbor loses their job. its a depression when you lose your job.

  2. winston smith,
    Silly Country? I do hope you are talking about our leaders. Some of us took the time,
    to serve our Country!
    James Van Patten

  3. Why don't people understand that enouraging non-production via large and limitless entitlement programs will only bankrupt the country as so many people opt to be on the dole rather than work! Its simple!

  4. Winston Smith has it right. Anonymous #2 has it wrong. Besides, the biggest entitlement program is the one they just used to bale out the big corporations and banks. Why don't we call it entitlement programs when it's used to bale the rich guys out? Why is that term only used for the small guys?

    Listen to me. You are on your own
    !!!The government is against you. Cain't you see? Why did these people promise you a national health care plan in the middle of the greatest economic catastrophie since the GD if they intended to give you one in the first place? They never did!!! They just want to force you to pay half to keep the insurence complanies afloat, and half in tax. And don't think that they will not raise premiums when forced payment becomes law. That is just one example. Look at how Ronald Regan eliminted the law that prvented the outsourcing of our industry and the importation of illegal imigrants just to subvert our wage system here. It is up to you!!! They do not care if you die!!!a had better stock up on bullets and beans and rice while you still can!

  6. I am just amazed at how gullible the American population is. They have been brainwashed their whole lifetime, by the people they call leaders. By the people who control all of the power and wealth of USA. It is in their best interests to keep the population ignorant of what is really happening. To them wholesale knowledge could be a dangerous thing. But, they've had decades to prepare for the grand awakening of the people when the whole american system comes crashing to the ground, and this may be sooner than most people think. Fema camps are a reality and they're there for a reason. The american health care and education system are the worst in the world. But then this is purposly been designed to keep the people ignorant and under control. Hell. Most americans don't know where iceland is. But they,ve been taught to believe that usa is the best thing since sliced cheeze while being kept ignorant of the fact that the rest of the world has better health care, education, life expectancy, better economies, etc etc.
    Your illit who are in power are the one's who have and continue to keep nthe country the way it is. They get rich and buy land and houses elsewhere so they can bail at any given time.The average american joe is going to have to stick around and suffer when the real crash hits. And it IS COMING.

  7. Sssshh.. President Obama and Congress do not want you to know this because they are all International Globalist. They are the ones who was paid to push NAFTA and the WTO into law and it has been a dismal failure.

    They want American workers to work for $2/day slave labor just like China and that is exactly where we are headed come HELL or HIGH WATER.

    Whenever you find yourself in a hole: “STOP DIGGING”.

    It seems Harry Dingey and Paul Krugman (an American economist and Nobel Prize Winner) are the only two people in America to understand we have a Trade Problem with China?

    Make no mistake about it the International Trade Deficit must be balanced one way or another if America is to SURVIVE as a Nation.

    There are only three ways to correct this humongous Trade Imbalance.

    1. Increase the American Exports by $450.6 Billion Dollars per year. We been trying to do this since 1993 and this is absolutely impossible.

    2. Decrease the American Imports by $450.6 Billion Dollars per year, then manufacture the merchandise in America. Paul Krugman wants to add a 25 percent Tax on all Imports and hopes this will reduce Chinese Imports over time.

    3. Pull out of NAFTA and the WTO. Then close the Largest Consumer Market in the World to all Imports. Do not worry about Exports and this will create well over 15.02 million Jobs instantly and probably even more.

    I am suggesting we do number three. This can be done by the American President and Congress and will automatically bring the large American Manufactured Goods Trade Deficit into BALANCE almost over night.

    But, they would rather keep borrowing and printing money to support the Chinese Economy and hope things get better. They are pushing on a string because you cannot have a meaningful recovery without good high paying manufacturing and construction jobs.

    There is NO substitute for good High Paying Jobs.

    The real question is do we want to create Good High Paying Jobs in America again or continue letting the International Companies make large Profits off of cheap Chinese Slave Labor?

    Toyota of Japan would be forced to totally manufacture in America, every car sold in America.

    Every item sold in every store in America would be required to be manufactured right here in America.

    I can remember this large sign posted in Wal-Mart: “EVERYTHING SOLD IN THIS STORE WAS MADE IN AMERICA”.

    Sam Walton said: “Everything sold in all Wal-Mart stores will be made in America”.

    I CAN CREATE 15 MILLION JOBS ALMOST OVER NIGHT right here in America !!!

    Here is my Job creation Computations:


    Total USA Imports in 2006:
    $ 2,211.7 billion ----- Total Imports.
    $ - 309.4 billion ----- (Money spent on Imported Crude Oil)
    $ 1,902.3 billion / 30 billion=63.41 million jobs lost from Imports.


    Total USA Exports in 2006:
    $ 1,451.7 Billion / 30 billion=48.39 million jobs America Created from Exports.

    If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:
    USA would absolutely gain a total of 63.41 million Jobs by Manufacturing all IMPORTS right here in the USA.

    So, 63.41 minus 48.39 = 15.02 million NET JOBS GAIN. But, a lot of Exports must be purchased in the USA. That would mean an even larger number of jobs created in America than I have estimated.

    Also, I should note that I have subtracted out the $309.4 billion dollars that America spent on Import Crude Oil in 2006. This is another problem that must be solved later.

    My calculation means an ABSOLUTE 15.02 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy even one penny of USA EXPORTS.

    SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .

    Do you truly want to help straighten out the United States Government now? Then, copy and post this article everyplace on the Internet you can post.

    BY: Harry Dingey

    Have a good day my friends.


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