Saturday, July 18, 2009

Glenn Beck explaining the Goldman Sachs crime


  1. Americans won't care about the corruption and all out looting going on by the likes of Goldman Sachs until it is to late and the United States is turned into a feudal system. There are still to many that are still to "comfortable" and not suffering enough to start a revolution.

  2. I have to admit, Beck put the CIT bankruptcy and gov't decision to NOT bailout CIT (after bailing every other bank out) in a whole new perspective right after this clip. Guess GS doesn't like competition and the O doesn't like small businesses.

  3. Morpheus - you nailed it. People are not suffering enough yet so they are more than happy to 'go along to get along' as Jordan Maxwell would say.

    I still have friends that think B.O. is the greatest president ever. Just so sad that the banksters don't even have to hide their schemes anymore. Most people I know think Goldman Sachs is a dept store.


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