Friday, July 24, 2009

MSNBC running down the Fraudulent Fed

MSNBC's explanatory take on how the Federal Reserve "bailed" the system out and why the Fed is so keen on perpetuating the secrecy.

Eliot Spitzer: "The Fed is a Ponzi scheme, an inside job, it is outrageous, it is time for congress to say enough of this"


  1. Great video, thanks. This is how you must represent the Fed fraud to the sheeple. Like Romper Room. That is the only chance of them understanding.

  2. I was at a nightclub tonight and they have Windows PC at every table and across the bar.

    What was the homepage of a PC at the bar? You guessed it!

  3. that's it
    give the fed the boot.

  4. Perhaps some of the MSM is now figuring out they have been living in a fantasy world and they are hitting back. All the high paid, expensive clothes wearing Talking Heads on all the MSN channels (& Local channels) are finally realizing they are being used and they may loose it all very soon.

    Maybe we will actually see the FED audited. Better late than never.

  5. That may be the trigger that starts some sort of 'revolution.' When people see how badly they have been screwed and realize that the Fed Income Tax is just a slave tax, look out.

    Here Bernanke admits that the Fed handed over 500B to foreign banks recently with no details, no reason, no info. That is your money as a collective taxpayer.

    The Fed Reserve scam has lasted 96 frickin years. There is no way the Rothschilds/Rockefellers/Morgans are going to give up their cash cow without a huge fight. Truly David vs Goliath, slave vs master scenario.

    Too bad the three wealthy men that would have stopped the Fed in 1912-1913 - John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guttenheim, and Isador Straus - all died when the JP Morgan-built Titanic just happened to sink upon its maiden voyage in 1912. What a coincidence.


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