Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Scams And Bailouts The Cause of World Depression

Economic destruction of America a real threat, debts too massive for paper to absorb, mysteries still surround Madoff, the Goldman scam, 57 banks have now gone under this year, families struggle to pay college bills, TARP a mystery to taxpayers, no stability at AIG, jobless benefits drying up for workers
The US Illuminists are gambling big. This is the most dangerous part of their strategy, namely, how to take down America and the dollar without destroying themselves in the process, both financially and politically. They are going to get smoked. Even now the stock, bond and commodities markets are spiraling out of their control, and their new outrageous salaries and bonuses are about to be debauched as they are left holding the bag with huge positions in dollar-denominated paper assets. They will try to dump this paper without sending gold and silver on a moon-shot, but they are doomed to failure. The amounts of paper assets and debt are simply too massive, and the commodities markets and other tangible assets are too small to absorb these gargantuan sums of money and credit without exploding to the upside. Just keep buying gold, silver and their related shares on the dips, and you just can't lose in the long term. The trend is your friend. Gold and silver are trending up, and stocks, bonds and derivatives are trending down - way down!!!

About two months ago our sources informed us that the US government had begun sending large amounts of cash to embassies throughout the world to be exchanged for local currency. We have had a number of reports that this in fact has been the case.

Having been involved in counterintelligence and for some 50 years in economics and finance, I believe this is a precursor to problems centered around the US dollar.


  1. You see,the 911 BOMBINGS were used as a pre-cursor to conquer the Middle-East,once the "CRIMINAL INSIDERS" within the Military Industrial Complex got there "wet dreams" accomplished, and the folks all riled up against Arabs,(just what the Israeli/Zionist wanted)and then the invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq for(CIA) oil and opium, and now the lingering PROBABLE WAR with Iran and Pakistan,along with this ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON and the coming SWINE/AVIAN/HUMAN/UNKNOWN VIRUS to suddenly multiply in the the fall/winter, it leaves you wondering just what the PTB(powers that be)course for America really is?


  2. I buy silver, but not with glee and not to become rich. Just to have a little better chance to survive. There is little joy in being rich while others are suffering so badly. Of course if you are a heartless Rothschild or other 'elite' that is not the case. They love it.

    I agree that the financial elite don't want gold or silver to skyrocket even if then own most of it. They want the masses to always see fiat crap currency in a positive light. They will fail at keeping it down though. Simply not possible.

  3. Mr Nugget -

    Many more know what you know than you think. They are just too scared to speak it aloud.

    There is no deception, no genocide, no brutal act that they are not willing to perform if it advances their goals of complete global dominance.

    Even the mind-controlled USA populace is awakening one person at a time. May be far too late but nice to see nonetheless.

  4. Everyone seems to be pointing to September or October of this year as the tipping point when things collapse again. We won't have long to find out now will we.

    One of the best articles I've read about the suppression of Gold and Silver is here.


    It has never made sense to me that it peaked at $850 in the 1982 and hasn't gone up much since then with all the debt and inflation..Unless is is being artificially suppressed. If that is the case when the flood gates open. Gold/Silver will double in a month. Either way....win win for the Rothchilds since they own the most gold in the world and their wealth will be more ridiculous than it already is.

    Lastly, I just think there are for too many moving parts for Global Governance. I also don't see the "Elite" continuing to act as a monolith. Not when their greed, corruption and lack of humanity defines them. They will turn on each other. That is just human nature or their nature specifically.

  5. Wow....many concerned posters, perhaps not so coherent, but they are concerned.
    In your July 28th post you seemed to envoke just about every current buzz word out there(except Palin...man, you're slacking).
    My take is that we are in for a long, slow, relatively uneventfull slog. Yes, the economy will be sub par for a lengthy period. Yes, unemployment will be very high by historical standards. Yes, the powers that be will continue to cover their asses even if it means Rome burns.

    So what else is news?

  6. The catalyst will be the pressure to audit the Fed. That is building up momentum that even our puppet politicians will not be able to suppress.

    The audit will eventually be a sham like all government investigations but this time the sheep won't stand for it. The slaves vs the owners. Americans are pretty damn stupid but even they can understand the concept of being robbed.

    My guess is this will be the breaking point. The banksters are already hinting that they will crash the economy in retaliation over the audit issue.

    The anger will be there. Either because of the obvious stonewalling or, dare to dream, a real audit. A real audit would reveal what most here already know. The Fed has robbed America blind for 96 years. It would also mean the end of the Federal Income Tax fraud.

    We are all riding aboard a giant ship. They will sink the ship if and when we try to break into the Captain's quarters.

  7. The American Illumists are out for blood. Ox blood, to be precise. There is no other liquid on earth that can satisfy their thirst. When they are done with American jobs, the real estate sector, commercial real estate, and then finally the dollar, they will set their sights on the oxes. Because their ultimate goal is to destroy the American way of life and replace it with an industry that primarily produces ox blood, which will be ubiquitous and in every refrigerator on every shelf, fresh or powdered, and in every different flavor you can possibly think of (yes, even liver and onions and ox blood), all covered in white generic labels designed by Big Brother. Stock up on fresh water while you still can.

  8. OX blood? Dammit nutcases. We have a great site here. Either see a shrink, stop the disinfo/discrediting crap, or off yourself!!

    But - I will stock up on water - thanks for the tip! lol


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