Friday, August 28, 2009

Barney Frank: The Fed to be Audited bill to be passed by October?


  1. Don't think this whole 'Audit the fed' thing isn't part of the master plan by the PTB.

    They know the truth about the state of the banking system has to come out sometime and it's all part of the plan.

    Then, when the sheeple learn the FDIC is broke and all the banks owe billions if not trillions of dollars they don't have and they are all in the red banks run will ensue, carefully orchestrated by the banker media.
    I can just see the Drudge headlines now:

    "FDIC Broke, All Banks Broke"

    But before that they want to consolidate all your savings into a government program by confiscating all state pension funds so
    they can take that too.

    Same thing as Argentina.

  2. First they want you to save your money. To put your money in the bank so you can be worth nothing when they declare that the dollar is worth ZERO. Welcome to your new third world country.

  3. JP Morgan built and sank the Titanic just to have the Fed. It is their crown jewel. They won't give it up easily. The real problem is their sheer power. Any auditing group will be tainted and corrupt. We are like the slave that is coming out of the cotton field and shaking his fist.

  4. Anytime you owe money to anybody, you're a slave.

  5. Do you ever get a straight answer with these guys? There's so much spin, I'm getting dizzy.

  6. I believe the elites cannot allow the Federal Reserve to be audited by an independent group as that will result in a big blow to their plans. I'm not sure there is anyone out there ballsy enough to audit the FR and do a truthful job and not be influenced by the FR cronies.

    The elites will do anything, including killing millions of people to avoid a truthful audit. Death is a sacrifice for them, they love it!

  7. This conflicts directly with the fact that: the dollar IS worth near zero; the American people ARE bankrupt. This is what the powers that be have been trying hard to obscure in order to maintain the status quo for a long while now. And they appear to be fervent in their desire to do so in the future.

    Let's make up our minds here. When the story changes too often to fit the theory it's time to abandon - or not hold so tightly to - the theory. It has to be in the realm of reason that these fuckers don't know what the fuck they are doing half the time, and the other half they are only pretending to know.

  8. Cool Cool Kitty, if you thought the devil knew what he was doing, would he do it still?

  9. Borrow enough and the lender becomes the slave...

  10. It aint the devil; it's the Grim Reaper disguised as a Reptilian disguised as a politician disguised as a Freemason. Got ham? Time to stock up now while you still can. I recommend Butterball because right now because HEB is having 75 cents off sale.

  11. Ok Mister 2:03 it's time for your depression meds.

    Open wide...

  12. I'm not depressed. Im happy.


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