Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Japan Collapse will be felt around the world: Its going to be SCARY

Japan's Future: "It's Going to Be Scary"

After two decades of economic doldrums the Japanese economy is ready to hit the wall. And, the impact will likely be felt around the world. John Maudlin, president of Millennium Wave Investments, and George Friedman, CEO of STRATFOR of global-intelligence firm Stratfor, tell Tech Ticker, "be afraid, be very afraid."

The two, however, disagree on what will spark the crisis. Mauldin believes the economy will collapse under the weight of debt. Friedman says rising unemployment will fan the flames.

Why should we care?

Either scenario has the potential to unleash a crisis we can't imagine.

Friedman asserts: "The Japan we know now and how it behaves in the world is not going to be the Japan we know in 10 years… and it’s going to be scary."


  1. The question is, will we ever actually hear about the collapse in Japan? When MSNBC is telling everyone the "Recession" here in the US is over and things will be great again, will they report this collapse?

    If the sheeple do hear about it, and assuming the US economy has not collapsed, they sheeple will probably be high fiving each other! Similar to when they see villages being blown up by our military, in whatever country we are invading, killing dozens/hundreds of innocent women, children and men.

    Too many things going on worldwide, I think the we are seeing the SHTF right now or in the very near future, worldwide. I recommend stocking up on storable food/water, buy hard silver/gold, lots and lots of ammo. And do it NOW!

    Things are looking very dismal, everywhere, the planned collapse and take over is beginning now!

    Repent and pray for salvation!

  2. Yes, put your faith in false mythology. The apathetic's battle cry.

  3. Pray to the sun/son and pass the ammo!

    The other stuff is right on though. It is global. That negates the option of running away to another country, although the corporation aka the USA will get the worst of it. 98% of Americans deserve what is coming. We sat our on hands while fascism took over. We ignored the murders, rapes, torture, and genocides and continue on in our sheeple ways.

    We failed to stand up for for innocents because we were too busy at mall.

  4. I put my Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom you have nothing.


  5. Does this mean no more cheap laptops?

  6. Sounds like the same old game, spread fear, then catch bears in a trap. Japan wont collapse, this is bs from spin-meisters.

  7. We making prenty cheap tings for Amelicans in China now! We make prenty cheap tings of COPPELL AND RED!!!

  8. It's not about Japan collapsing. It's about the Japanese societal view on the capitalist system. The Japanese identity is based on their job - they accept their lot in life but that lot includes a job. If you are the government and you can't keep them employed... you are allowing your society to be undermined. There will be a change of government and the scary part is that it may not be a change in a good way.

  9. Praise the lord and pass the ammo" was purportably the views of new Yorks cold warrior Cardinal Spellman too.

    "free trade is jesus christ and jesus christ is free trade ".Claimed a free trader quoted by charlie marx in his speech on free trade and the Corn laws in 1848.

    Maybe with all the talk here ,people think Jesus is about to appear in the second coming?
    The second coming is supposed to bring misery for a thousand years.

    Perhaps thats the fall in living standards facing americans as imperialism cannot now afford its bribes to its now unproductive for capitals profits ,working class?

    Or did Christ he already arive, in the person of the Monarchial globalist free traders, war enforcer ,Obama?

  10. Yes, and the tooth fairy and Santa too!

    Delusion must really, really suck. Watch Zeitgeist and wake the hell up. The same people that gave you central banking and governments gave you these fake religions, inc Jesus/Horus/Mythra/Amen-Ra. Wait, there have been so many solar saviors I can't keep track. The current one is Jesus? Ok. He will rise in the morning. Good. He will be coming in the clouds? check. He is the light of the World? okay dokay! He is up in 'heaven' above us? neato!

    "The Christian Religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun in which they put a man named Jesus on the cross and paid him the same adoration originally given to the SUN." - Thomas Payne

    "The Lord god is a SUN" - Psalms

  11. Even better step by step for those that are willing to learn and get rid of the delusion:

    The guy spent a few weeks on this to finally show his friends that the Bible is actually the Zodiac story personified.

    Now, we can return to the economy and not this Jesus nonsense.

  12. As reported on

    The Swiss private bank Wegelin published 2 days ago (NZZ),that the public should get rid of ALL U.S-positions. If such a bank with such a good reputation is giving this alert, then it likely means that something really horrible is on the way.


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