Friday, September 25, 2009

Green Shoots or Greater Depression? Does the Fed Manipulate the Stock Market?

Green Shoots or Greater Depression?
No one likes to be the bearer of bad news, but absent an immediate about-face by the wildly interventionist government, you can ignore all reports of green shoots.Instead, things are likely to get progressively worse as the year drags on, with hundreds of small to mid-sized U.S. banks being closed over the next year due to commercial real estate troubles. U.S. municipal defaults are also not out of the question, though in that event we would expect the federal government to again step into the breach with more bailouts.
But make no mistake, the patience of U.S. taxpayers and foreign investors for bailout upon bailout, coupled with expensive new programs in healthcare, energy, and general stimulus spending is not without limits. The government is playing a dangerous game with the dollar – a game that, if it continues, risks a devastating devaluation. Simply, this crisis is far from over. Caution in all things financial remains the watchword. Tell your friends.

PITTSBURGH G20 Riot Police

MILITARY ARREST at the G20 Meeting


  1. let everyone repeat "Corrupt to the very core".Federal Reserve legal lowlifes like the one in this video exemplifies all that is wrong with the American Financial-political system.The economic future for the American middle and lower class appears disturbingly bleak in the months to follow.The Banksters will not be satisfied till they have drained every available red cent from the working class.The system has become an abomination. long live the approaching 2nd American Revolution.

  2. bOy some congressmen love to grandstand.Wheres the halo the son of a bitch must of left it in his office drawer after his meeting with his lobbyist buddies.

  3. This is one of the MOST important videos that I have ever seen. I've been telling people for over 20 years that the markets are manipulated, and this is the proof!

  4. I agree why are we letting Fiat have his voice when all he does is attack?

  5. Hey 7:15 - It's "Obviously not, YOU'RE still posting"!!! Learn the difference between "your" and YOU'RE, and then come on here and complain to us Patriots!

  6. Hey 9:28, WTF is it to you? Are you a out of work grammer prof? Go back to your homewerk little Timmy, let the grown ups play here on this blog

  7. Wow, this fiat still rules whatever needs to be banned....this is getting old.

    I am all for free speech, even though we are losing it, but this is getting old. He/she is most likely angry about something, maybe even miffed they bought PM's at the top and then has been seeing it go down the tubes the last few days.

    I would say to you fiat, chill out. We are only doing and discussing what we feel is prudent, and nobody told you to do otherwise dude. I would tell you to jump off a cliff but you seem unstable to me, so just chill baby and take a percoset, or whatever it is you must have quit taking!

  8. Where are you moving LOL?
    I always follow your comments, some of the few with realistic
    sense of what is really going on. At least leave a hint.

  9. I personally love this blog. Not because it is depressing or negative but because it tells the truth.

  10. Well well well tsk tsk
    It would seem big brother is deleting some of the posts of this fiat rules fellow. Now, I know he is a PITA, but what is the point of having a blog that is rooted in the spirit of true patriots? If whenever the admin feels appropriate, posts are deleted?
    I know for a fact this person had some more posts here yesterday and now they have vanished?
    Which is worse? The eye in the sky or a blog that only allows posts that are in favor of all the stories listed here?(which by the way I appreciate keep it up admin)

  11. I delete the name calling, offending, ridiculous childish posts, other than that I don't care what is posted.

  12. EA you're doing a good job, keep it up!

  13. Is there any thing the feds, treasury and oligarchs aren't manipulating?.True free markets vanished long ago, as did our freedoms and liberties.Like the analogy of the the frog in water,they've been cooking us for a while, we just don't feel the water getting warmer.

  14. My preference is to keep this a clean, informative blog, where there is no name calling, offending, childish behavior. No poster should snipe at another. Just simply say you disagree. No one person has the market on opinions. If you wish to snipe someone, do it one on one through email. The other readers could care less. Let each post have something positive that can be gained by reading it.

  15. EA is the best blogger I have run across so far out of dozens. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job here EA.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.