Thursday, September 3, 2009

Karl Denninger hits CNBC between the eyes


  1. Things are looking pretty good, despite what this guy says. My TV is telling me the economy is coming back? This guy must be some kind of "conspiracy theorist". I think Karl is with"white" Al Qeda. We need to learn from our great leader and understand we are here to serve the government.

    Buy stock and sell your gold, that's my advise!

  2. Right on! About time we hear from someone who actually understands the issue.

  3. Well, you could put all of them in there.. CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS.. Same/Same

  4. Now CNBC has 2 clowns. Denninger was spot on!

  5. Yeah; sell your PMs NOW and buy stock! LOL NOT! But nice try...

  6. This is awesome. Tell it like it is, brother.

  7. What BS. I spent the past nine years calling George W Bush and his dimwit US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao two of the biggest liars in US history. It takes the creation of 100K-130K new jobs created PER MONTH in the US just to absorb new graduates into the workforce. If your job has gone offshore, Republicans don't care as long as they have not raised taxes on CEOs.

    Where were Karl Denninger and Dennis Kneale during the past nine years? Karl thought he was making a fortune in real estate, in part, and he was too dumb to listen to Bush and Chao.

  8. Republicans, Democrats???

    They are just driving different cars going to the same place.

    I wonder who the Romans blamed as their empire was falling.

  9. Thanks Karl. I have to say though, I really do appreciate Kneale. Sure he's an idiot, but he's always good for a laugh. For those in the know, his raving provides some of the best comedic relief there is. Move over Robot Chicken, Kneale's entertainment value is rising fast.

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