Monday, September 14, 2009

Rick Santelli Rant-The Truth One Year Later

Comment: Santelli telling the truth on Prime Time Main Stream News. They don't like it. Will Rick be OK?

One year on from the collapse of Lehmen Bros, CNBC's Rick Santelli and Steve Liesman debate, in regular lively fashion, the bailout and other events following the 2008 financial crisis.


  1. ComingDepression said on Nov 16th 2008,

    "However, we are not going to go into a depression." Most ludicrous statement I have heard. Japan has now declared they are in a "recession". The markets are collapsing around the world. Asian markets are dropping heavily tonight and we are going into a "nothing"? Next week the markets will be in a major bloodbath as many derivatives are expiring!

  2. JimTan how much do want to bet that the market will rally past 10,000 points next week....I am absolutely certain and quarantee the market will rally next week and pass 10,000. you think I am wrong, the sit down and watch.

    there is no collapse happening.

  3. The markets might go past 10,000. If they do it will because the PPT will be spending some of our money.

  4. About time someone in the mainstream media gets red hot mad , and spews out a little truth once in a while

  5. I love Rick Santelli.


    *& HEARTS &*

    *& STARS &*


    OH SNAP!

    "What demonstrators, I watched the news, and I DIDN'T SEE ANY"


  6. Be specfic, what was it that he said that was stupid. Was it the 100's of billions that are at risk? Or is it anyone that does not agree with you have to be stupid.

    What he said made great sense, and is about time that someone in the MSM stood up.

    OH look I must be stupid also because I do not agree with you.

    Give me a break

  7. I find that he has hate like many for the present administration who has spent very little compared to the last admninistration. They all had no problem with the 9 trillion spent through December of 2008, now suddenly they have a problem and they show up with guns to protest. They have no credibility. Rick would have them do nothing..."Hey Rick how much did GE get from the government????" You would not have a fricking job if it wasn't for a the GE bailout. HYPOCRITE!!

  8. Just so nobody thinks I am full of crap, GE is the parent of CNBC....

    General Electric said Wednesday that the federal government had agreed to insure as much as $139 billion in debt for its lending subsidiary, GE Capital. This is the second time in a month that G.E. has turned to a federal program aimed at helping companies during the global credit crisis.

    GE Capital is not a bank, but granting it access to a new program from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may reassure investors and help the lender compete with banks that already have government-protected debt, a G.E. spokesman, Russell Wilkerson, told Bloomberg News.

  9. Anony, you will guarantee that the market will trade above 10,000. Are using a CDS style instrument to do this. I want to know if I buy here and we do not trade 10,000 are you will to take me out at 10,000

  10. Wave B up is a wonderful world...just wait for wave C down... It's coming sooner than you think.

  11. Watch those March lows closely!!!

  12. I did not call anyone stupid. I was referring to Santelli,Beck, Palin, O'riely... pretending that the government screwing over the people is something new.The above people backed and overtly supported the the Bush administration policies that created this mess and now pretend to be carriers of the truth. That's a stupid smoothie.

  13. Johnny..that's old news...Bloomberg reported that back in October..They did a breakdown of where at that time---the $12.8 trillion went. GE surprisingly had the biggest backstop. There stock was around $7.00 at the time. That "reassurance" has allowed it to double since then. But the risk that was there has been transferred to the taxpayer..errrr...government...You really want Santelli to call out GE...puh please..I would like just one hack to the Fed is a private bank...He toes the line...Ron Paul on the other hand writes End the Fed books and Audit the Fed legislation...I hope his son picks up the torch because his dad has fought the good fight for so long and he isn't getting any younger...

  14. EDIT: When it was at $8.5 trillion and Citi Group got a $301 billion dollar backstop at the time so GE was number two

  15. Even if the dow rallies to 10,000 (not impossible) the dollar index will probably be below 75. At this point the stock market reflects the real economy in no way at all. But I do believe the rally will is ending this fall and new lows will be hit early 2010.

    I would appreciate it if you guys leave comments on my latest post here.

  16. Tell everyone that is losing their jobs, houses, savings, life that there is NO depression. Shirts, shoes and brains should be required to post a comment.

  17. Who is this fool, the first anon poster on this thread who says there is no collapse happening? Fool, do you realize that the stock market is not the economy?
    Do you realize that the banks have been given billions to gamble up the stock market? That his isn't a real, sustainable increase built on productivity and real profits?

  18. Fool do you also realize that the stock market could be at 20,000 next year and we could still be in a depression, as long as the government keeps the printing presses running? We could have 50% unemployment and the Dow at record high's - the stock market is not the economy!

  19. I recall Rick Santelli taking the contrarian view to the party line from the beginning.

    He is not a shill for the people. He is the people.

    This is why I like Rick Santelli.

    He has been an outspoken critic of the bailouts and all the other lying policies
    from the beginning.


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