Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bleak Outlook for Strip Malls, Offices and Apartments

Reis reports the strip mall vacancy rate hit 10.3% in Q3 2009; the highest vacancy rate since 1992. And rents are cliff diving ...
Vacancy Rate 17 Year High
"Our outlook for retail properties as a whole is bleak," Victor Calanog, Reis director of research, said. "Until we see stabilization and recovery take root in both consumer spending and business spending and hiring, we do not foresee a recovery in the retail sector until late 2012 at the earliest."



  1. This particular article seems rooted in class envy. Complete crap. The idea that 45,000 people are dieing because they don't have health insurace? That kind of finding is the crap we have been bombarded with for so long we forgot to think. You mean none of the 45,000 made personal decisions that lead to their infirmity? Return discipline and personal responsibility to "study" and you will find the vast majority of then would not have needed health insurance. Like dad used to tell me:"Son you make your bed, now sleep in it"

  2. What? "Dieing"? Grammar has become obsolete. Therefore we should avoid any type of posts similar to the above.

  3. Occupancy rate of Malls has started to increase as the economy recovers. Rent is also increasing as new businesses fight for available space. Consumer spending and confidence is soaring and businesses are posting record profits. The spike in demand for commercial establishments is evaporating any fear of a commercial real estate collapse. Businesses is going back to normal and unemployment has started to fall. What we all thought would be a massive storm is turning out to be just a summer breeze...

  4. Where did this mental case come from above? With that statement, you should be the resident economist from space..

  5. 11:01pm is practicing what we call 'Name it and Claim it' or 'The Lords Plan to Total Economic Prosperity' by Creflow Dollah.

    Basically, you imagine yourself in the economic situation you wish to be in, and teh Lord will make it come to pass!



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