Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vice President Declares an Economic Depression (30 Second Video)


  1. As much as I agree it is a depression, that is not what he said.
    He was using the age old definition of bad times: When your neighbor is out of work it is a recession, when you are out of work it is a depression. "and it is a depression for millions of Americans."

  2. But at the end of the clip he says...


    That's just one small step away from the word Nation.

    Bada Bing Bada Bang...there it is!

  3. They'll never admit it's a nationwide depression.
    They'll keep saying it's a depression for you if you happen to be suffering (with low level laughter in the background).

  4. This is an old comment. No date given!

  5. When your neighbor is out of work it is a recession. When you come home from work and he is drinking rum with your wife it is a depression.

  6. No 11:08. When you come home and your wife is performing sexual services on your neighbor in trade for a sandwich and a Pepsi it is a Depression, and it is Depressing. People's morals go down down down when they are desperate and starving.

    George Carlin said in a standup just wait until your neighbors haven't had electricity or water for six months then see how well your little community gets along.

    People that have never even had a parking ticket in their lifes will gladly club you over the head to steal your sack of groceries.

  7. Biden is going to get his butt reamed by Obama AGAIN for telling the truth......I am retired, plus part time job, but the economy is IN A DEPRESSION, does not take a rocket guy to figure that out

  8. Really? This is all you've got?

  9. It can't be that old if you look at the ticker going across the bottom

  10. You can rest assured that Biden has been talked to already about never saying the word DEPRESSION, ever. The person on the other end of the phone is Obama's puppeteer.

  11. How come all you that post are like "Anonymous"? If you post over and over, at least have the hairs to have some type of name...

  12. No one is anonymous on the internet without putting a lot of work into it. Who cares. Do you think people give an opinion more credence if you call yourself Gary? lol Funny. Ok I am Megan.

  13. Poor Joe
    Proves an education does not a guarantee of common sence and high intellingence.This guys an total embarrassment to the office.I could load my chimps lip and hed come across better.Poor Joe.Poor American God help us.

  14. And we had better get used to the new normal of 10% unemployment!!!!

  15. Actually the only reason my name is Gary,,,,,,,,,is that my parents called me as a baby and it stuck.

  16. I don't see anything wrong with the economy. Just bought my fourth Bentley and eigth million dollar house this month! Yeah zero interest rates!



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