Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Will History Repeat Itself?

Just a reminder: Tomorrow is Oct 29, 2009. 80 years ago, on Oct 29, 1929, the biggest market crash in history occured. Will History repeat Itself?


  1. Unlikely. However be aware that the date of the implosion has been indeed specifically selected by our owners. They control the show. The fall will not and never does happen by accident.

  2. remember, remember the 5th of november! just a hunch as CIT will fold on the 5th without any bailout of course.

  3. Costco is now accepting food stamps. The end is near!

  4. We all know the US Economy is going to crash. The real problem here is gauging the exact point in time where all confidence is lost in the US market. It's a question of over manipulation and what you are willing to believe.

    IMHO, when the lies are no longer effective, then all confidence will be lost and the crash will occur from fleeing investors worldwide.

    So ask yourself this. Is all confidence in US markets from global investors about lost ?

    Yes or No ?

  5. Yes. As Celente put it, they have already decided that they have no faith the US, they are now just trying to figure out how to dump their bucks. After all, we are a clandestine military Empire. You just don't go head to head with an Empire unless you first coordinate an escape with a lot of friends. Then you do it simultaneously.

  6. The sad thing about the fake media is if this guy was right and the market crashed tomorrow no one would acknowledge his prediction after the fact.

    They would go back to listening to the Ben Stein's of the world. The Daily Shows. The paid shills.

  7. he is wrong. market is going into a second stage rally. dow 12,600 then it is over.

  8. Another prediction down the drain. Try not to worry about exact dates.

  9. Never do. Good advice. Not all negative economists are sincere with their predictions either. Many are jumping on the negative bandwagon as the Obama banksters popularity slowly sides downward.


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