Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Group Of Satanic Trillionaires Created a Matrix

Our usurping, non-citizen, spendthrift President, together with our corrupt, elitist-bootlicking Congress of money-grabbing Dumbos and Jackasses, are spending us into a multi-trillion dollar hyperinflationary oblivion as their ratings by their constituents drop into the toilet bowl, ratings which are disgracefully the lowest in all of US history. With a diabolical "Robin Hood in Reverse" plan in place since 1913 for the extortion of money from the US middle class to reduce their serfs to poverty and abject slavery, the Illuminati have managed to use the Federal Reserve Act and US income tax, together with the Social Security Ponzi Scheme, phony, orchestrated wars for profit, socialization of bankster-gangster losses, the globalism/free trade/off-shoring/outsourcing/legal-illegal immigration agendas, and a totally bought-and-paid-for President, Congress, judiciary and regulatory agencies, to reduce US citizens to consumerist credit addicts, living pay check to pay check like narcissistic hedonists.
The bankster-gangsters are already in the process of creating the next subprime derivative bubble through Fannie and Freddie, the FHA (Federal Housing Administration), the FHLB (Federal Home Loan Bank) and the USDA (US Department of Agriculture), to the tune of many hundreds of billions of dollars. The new subprime real estate bubble, powered by artificially low interest rates, little or no down payment requirements and lax credit standards, together with an $8,000 first time home buyers credit, will be popped later as the next round of inevitable defaults gets underway, probably one to two years from now. This fraudulent subprime loan origination and securitization not only adds nothing to our economy, it will eventually help destroy our economy. The bankster-gangsters and their henchmen will get the goldmine of commissions, fees, spreads, salaries and bonuses, and you will get the shaft.

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. Wow. Tell it like it is; don't hold back :)

  2. My uncle is a bankster-gangster and I stand behind him 100%. The American people are too dumbed down, all 100% of them, so they need a New World Order to teach them a new way of life, the value of gold, and how to play the stock markets properly. The only incorrect part of this article is that they worship the devil. That is entirely untrue. They HAVE created a matrix and iIt is a little bit like having a vacuum cleaner hooked to your head and having your brains sucked out of your skull 24 hours a day. The result is articles like these being published on the internet. :)

  3. Do not stare at the above posters text that reads "iIt" too long. It is a subliminal message that will encourage to worship the God of Cabbage.

  4. This article pretty much describes what is going on and what is in our future. Those of us living in reality are fully aware of what Bob is saying.

    Bob Chapman not only served as an Intelligence officer in the Army in the 50's & 60's, he owned and ran one of the largest and most successful brokerage and commodities trading company on Wall Street in the 70's, 80's and 90's. He knows what he is talking about, I personally have followed him for many years. His economic predictions have been right on 100% of the time.

    If one chooses to NOT believe what he is saying, go back to watching your TV and attending your sports event, as obviously, you are living in the matrix. And enjoy your fantasy, it will be short lived...

    It's no fun living in reality these days, at least I know the truth and truth will set me free.

  5. 7:41 - bravo! agreed

  6. lost me at non-citizen president

  7. 11:37,
    The truth hurts eh? Especially if you're a politically spoon-fed bleeding heart liberal.

  8. 1:24,

    i don't care if the prez was born in timbuktu. the writer has no direct knowledge of his birth, and in spite of the protestations of the state of hawaii to the contrary. which of course provokes the question why is it necessary to add such a claim when real issues are begging to be raised regarding, for example, his cabinet of insiders, their collective policy and his own many contradictions. issues that with a little foreknowledge could easily have influenced a critical voter -- we'll call him 11:37 -- to seek hope elsewhere. get it correct.

    your tired bias against liberals notwithstanding, i'll play, if only to bring up his predecessor -- a texan for that matter (they don't come any more fiscally conservative, casting an eye on an eye for justice) -- the subject of manifold conspiracy theories: secessionist (maybe i'm the first, but he was from texas); uncaring of black people; member of a secret society, probably illuminati. or, we could just offer up a few facts that lead us to the same indictment: every bit as usurping, overreaching and overarching, when he leads the support to break the bank. i include US imperialism, or costly wars and militarism-365, large losses of life and a near-private joy for torture, unaffordable prescription drug coverage, which, all tolled, placed near total imposition of the economy and war on you if you were not among his friends.

    you were not alone in your must-have either/or, two-party system. republicans were voted out.

  9. 11:07 I feel so sorry for you! This is a true post.

  10. 11:07 here. All I want to do is voice my support for the New Whirled Order. I think Bush was a crook and an idiot, but that is almost cliche now, as funny as that sounds. You people are in for a big surprise. Bush, Pat Roberts, nor Jerry Falwell, nor Sun Myung Moon, nor Timothy Geithner are going to rule the world. You won't have RF chips that tell you when to go to the bathroom. Satellites will not shoot down laser beams at you when you jaywalk. If you are thrown into a FEMA camp it's because you wouldn't get out of your barb-wired, C4 protected bunkers until you went stiry crazy and nearly starved and there is no place for you in the failing cities all over the place so you are being spoon-fed soup and given vaccinations for leprosy.

  11. So cheer up, and most of all buy gold!


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