Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peter Schiff: We Only Need Gold to Replace Currencies

According to an interview with Hard Assets Investor (HAI), Peter Schiff doesn't want the U.S. dollar to be a reserve currency, and doesn't want any other paper currency to replace it either.

Thus the discussion about which currency might replace the dollar is moot.

Even a basket of currencies managed by a global organization is out of the question since as a staunch libertarian Mr. Schiff is against most organizations which aren't motivated by profit.

Thus he reiterates his support for a gold standard.

HAI: Schiff: Well, the gold standard works. What we have now does not. Our founding fathers put us on a gold standard for a good reason, because paper currency existed around that time. It had existed in the past. And they were familiar with how miserably it had failed. So they wanted to set us on a gold standard. And we became the world's wealthiest nation while on the gold standard. We were on the gold standard for all of the 19th century, which was our fastest-growing century (more so than the 20th century). We had the Industrial Revolution; we built up our arsenals and our democracy—we won World War II on the gold standard. We were actually on the gold standard up until Richard Nixon ended it in 1971. So to say that the gold standard is somehow arcane, or that you can't have economic growth on the gold standard—that's all nonsense.

It's the politicians who don't like gold, because gold imposes discipline on politicians. It keeps them honest, and politicians don't want to be honest. They want to get elected.

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. Let's not cut out the middle class again. Silver is much more affordable for the average person. Gold stores wealth, but so does silver. People need to recognize this. Dont jump on the gold wagon 100% today. Things are changing quickly now.

  2. Food food food water water water.

    Think things you need to SURVIVE first.

    Gold and silver won't do you any good if there is no order or law and you are held up at home.

    Think about anything you would need if you couldn't leave the house for 90 days and your water and power/gas were turned off. Not that hard. Once you take care of all that - then and only then think about fluff like silver and gold.


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