Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 Could Be a Year That Sparks Unrest

IF THE world appears to have escaped relatively unscathed by social unrest in 2009, despite suffering the worst recession since the 1930s, it might just prove the lull before the storm. Despite a tentative global recovery, for many people around the world economic and social conditions will continue to deteriorate in 2010. An estimated 60m people worldwide will lose their jobs. Poverty rates will continue to rise, with 200m people at risk of joining the ranks of those living on less than $2 a day. But poverty alone does not spark unrest—exaggerated income inequalities, poor governance, lack of social provision and ethnic tensions are all elements of the brew that foments unrest.

10 Predictions for 2010


  1. Will whack someone with a buddybar, then plant my seeds while cooking my dehdrated food as I read my Final Empire book. Then get on my computer and trade stocks with Plus 500. But hey don't tread on me or I'll club your claus. Think about it...

  2. Not sure if this will happen in 2010, but I have many people I know that have lost their jobs in the last two months. One lay said out of about 750 employees her company was down to 150.

    We see states running out of unemployement money and also getting less money from sales taxes and income taxes.

    Americans pay roughly about 30-40% of their income in various taxes. Do we honestly think the people who founded this country would have NOT revolted at taxes that high?

  3. i'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hambuger todayDecember 30, 2009 at 7:48 PM


    Life goes on...why worry about it until it happens? I'll be not a single person that posts here has it that bad.

    I dare anyone to give me a hard luck story, of course it is possible that all those that post here have eluded hard times thus far

  4. ...But poverty alone does not spark unrest—exaggerated income inequalities, poor governance, lack of social provision and ethnic tensions are all elements of the brew that foments unrest...

    Plan on seeing fancy cars in mall parking lots with the tires slashed or the windows smashed. I confess that I have a pump action pellet hand gun in my car. 10 pumps will take out a back window. I have never shot at a car (yet) but have been tempted to do countless times. This is nothing new, when the rich people insult the poor, the poor get really mad.

    When a mob walks up to a rich person's house, do you really think the $8.00 an hour gate guard is gonna stop them? He will likely join them.

    In the 1992, LA Riots, it was poor black folk, mad at the cops, that started them burning and looting. I never saw the point of burning down your own back yard (neighborhood), it would have been far better to attack a majority white neighborhood.

    Once a person's unemployment checks stop and any money they might have had under the bed is gone and the family car's gas tank is empty and the only thing in the refrigerator is cold air, that's when Gerald Celente warning kicks in.

    "When people lose everything...they lose it!"

    Once they see it can't get any worse, they begin to fight.

  5. Normally sane people are and have been acting pretty nuts here in 2009.

    I hope 2010 is better but am not counting on it.

    I guess daddy finally decided to take the T-bird away.

  6. I object to that sentiment 4:48. I have been inconvenienced one too many times at the bank with high fees and now the customer service has gone completely down hill. When I go to the golf country club they always seem to be under-staffed. One day my golf cart was only 75% charged and I had to wonder whether I would get stranded somewhere on the green and have to carry my clubs 300 yards back to the clubhouse. When I went to the local grocery store they were out of fine salmon , come to find out it was all because of some dimwit who replaced another worker who just couldn't live on those wages and take care of their family. PATHETIC!

  7. I hope people can grow a heart and help each other for once. We the people need to stand together and help one another.

    Our owners want us to distrust one another and fight amongst ourselves. That is their greatest ploy. That is how they run occupations. Look at Iraq. All that infighting is started by staged events.

    If we can put fear aside and give each other a chance to help one another we could have a chance.

    All I hear anymore are people saying they are going to blast anyone that comes knocking like a Yosemite Sam cartoon.

    If it comes to that we are doomed. They have far superior weaponry and 90% of the populace aka the sheeple on their side.

  8. Upon Martial law all communications can be suspensed, water, electrical gone, all groceries hauled away by FEMA.

    Since the avg person has enough food for 3-4 days there will be NO FIGHT. They have control of the essentials, game over.

    We are near the end of the fake sugar coating they have put over our Empire.

  9. 3:40

    The average person is good for 3-4 days, your right. My stockpile is good enough for 60-90 days so far. It won't be first class dinning, but we will not starve.

    As for social unrest. Remember that solders have wives and kids at home, just like us. When they get the call to leave their families, to walk the streets of America to protect the affluent from the common people, do you really think they will go? Some will, but I would bet many won't.

    I have always been interested in living simple and green. The Solar Living Source Book is my "bible".

    - Need a home, you can build the walls from tires, stack them, fill them with soil and small rocks and cover them in natural adobe. A Dome Home can be built in one weekend. Cobb houses are common in New Mexico, they are built from local, natural materials.

    - My current home has 25 solar panels and one 500 watt wind turbine. It's not enough to power a house full of big screen TV's, home theater systems and a PC in each room, but it will power a responsible house.

    - Need air conditioning? Dig down about 6 feet and lay down about 100 feet of 4-6 inch PVC pipe in a back and forth pattern. Cover the pipes and you'll have air conditioning. The air temp, 6 feet under is in the 60 Deg range, year round. A small solar powered fan will pull that air to the surface.

    - Yes my friends, you can build an "out house" that needs no water and will not smell like an out house, if it's built properly.

    I've been considering buying a 40 acre ranch in Nevada. It's very affordable. 30 families get 1/2 an acre and the rest goes to the community, to farm and raise fish and chickens and rabbits and goats and cows. The men will work the fields and the women can cook and make new clothing for the community from bamboo fabric. This fabric is plentiful. It's a soft as silk and as strong as cotton. You can sweat all day, and the fabric won't stink when you take off your shirt.

    I am a follower of Saint Francis and his disdain of violence. I was also a cop, so I have no problem taking a life, to preserve my own or that of a loved one. Crazy combination, but it works for me.

    This country will collapse soon and we will have to rebuild.

  10. Yahoo's front page news, Dec 31, 2009

    - Worst Fashion Trends of the Decade

    - Beauty Products to avoid

    - Rush Limbaugh in Honolulu hospital

    You think the sheeple are properly distracted?

  11. 4:48, the riots in LA were stoked by poor people across the board -- not blacks. many were poor latinos and whites who took the opportunity to steal what they had been envious of all along -- right there. also, aparthied LA made it impossible for these poor folks to attack their wealthier neighbors, because that's where the police were lined up in first defense -- across town not like nyc, where the dakota and central park is a mish-mash of poor and wealthy.

  12. anonymous at 739 any other literature or books to reccomend

  13. Not all Americans are cowards or apathetic:

  14. Programmed racism makes it possible for Americans to turn their backs on the occupation and torture of innocent civilians.

  15. I challenge anyone that thinks Arabs, Lebanese, or Iranians are anything like what the media has spent decades trying to portray them as here in America.

    They are kind, funny, generous people. Hugging, kissing; just amazing what it is like to be exposed to such kind people. Racism really sucks, especially when it has been programmed into you deliberately.'

    Of course there are some bad people there. Just like there are bad people here. They are deluded in religion, and so are we. You don't kill and ravage 1.2 million people based on a (false flag) terror attack. Just horrendous.

    The families in Afghanistan are no different than yours. Loving, caring. Those poor people haven't had a break from tyranny in a long, long time.

    If we don't care about them don't expect anyone to care about us when the hardcore tyranny is directed inward.

  16. 7:39

    I was asked about other books on topic.

    The 30th Edition of the Solar Living Handbook is still the best. It covers:

    - Solar Power
    - Wind Power
    - Hydroelectric power
    - Affordable housing construction
    - Septic tank construction and related sanitation.
    - Hydrogen Cell power
    - Basic survival

    I have lost my bookmark to the Dome Homes, but basically you pour a round, cement foundation. Next you inflate a "balloon" that resembles a ball cut in half. This is your pattern. Construct a re-bar frame over the pattern and then spray with concrete. Wait a couple of days and then deflate the balloon. and you have a hurricane proof home.

    Grancrete is wonderful!!!

    Build the walls of your house out of the thick, foam insulation sheets you can buy at any Home Depot or Lowes. They are less than $20.00 per sheet. Erect the interior and exterior walls and ceiling with this material.

    Next, spray the Grancrete all over the foam surfaces. In about 5 hours, the Grancrete will be dry. It will be hard as cement, but flexible, so it can "go with the flow" of heavy wind or rain. You could build a very nice house, (not a McMansion) for a few thousand dollars. Power it by wind and solar and you'll be just fine.


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