Wednesday, December 30, 2009

USA's Highest Grossing Restaurant Opened During The Great Depression: Bankrupt

NEW YORK – Tavern on the Green, once America's highest-grossing restaurant, is singing its culinary swan song.
The former sheepfold at the edge of Central Park, now ringed by twinkling lights and fake topiary animals, is preparing for New Year's Eve, when it will serve its last meal. Just three years ago, it was plating more than 700,000 meals annually, bringing in more than $38 million.
But that astronomical sum wasn't enough to keep the landmark restaurant out of bankruptcy court. Its $8 million debt is to be covered at an auction of Baccarat and Waterford chandeliers, Tiffany stained glass, a mural depicting Central Park and other over-the-top decor that has bewitched visitors for decades.
Even the restaurant's name is up for grabs. At stake is whether another restaurateur taking over the 27,000 square feet of space, owned by the city, can reopen as Tavern on the Green.
For 75 years, since it first opened amid the Great Depression, the Tavern has attracted clients from around the world.


  1. Tata Oh Tavern on the Green!

    Your food sucked! Your waitresses had faces like Fatted Georgian Hogs viewed from the stern! Your drinks where watered down!

    Tata Oh Tavern on the Green!

    I shall urinate upon your eviscerated remains.

    No , Literally. I live there.

  2. I have seen many very high end restaurants with Sheriff stickers pasted to their front door.

    It feels surreal to walk up to a grand restaurant and see something like that. Many, many high end places are dying.

    They put on a good false front though.

    The king of them all will be City Center in Las Vegas. Like a mini Dubai. It will be having a funeral soon.

  3. Dear EA
    You do a great job
    Ignore the troublemakers
    Simply delete
    Are you familiar with
    they had to end up by moderating and deleting the crazies and it made their blog stronger

    Anyway, you do a great job of presenting us with thought provoking articles

    A grateful reader

  4. Had not Obama said we are in recovery? Has not Obama created 2 million jobs? I voted for him and I believe in him and I still have hope for change.

    Thank GOD for Obama. Palin would have been a worthless female idtiot.

  5. 8:50 qre you lost in space? Everything on this blog is pertaining to the failure of the Obama administration...START READING

  6. Obama is nothing more than a puppet 3:06

    He decides nothing. The perfect cardboard standee. Bought and paid for by Goldman Sachs.

    Watch the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION, do research, and wake the hell up.

    B.O., GWB, all of them - same agenda, same side.

  7. homeless bums on the street have hope for change too.

    *change cup jingle*



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