Instead, it supports the biggest banks. It authorizes Federal Reserve banks to provide as much as $4 trillion in emergency funding the next time Wall Street crashes. So much for “no-more-bailouts” talk. That is more than twice what the Fed pumped into markets this time around. The size of the fund makes the bribes in the Senate’s health-care bill look minuscule.
-- Oh, hold on, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary can’t authorize these funds unless “there is at least a 99 percent likelihood that all funds and interest will be paid back.” Too bad the same models used to foresee the housing meltdown probably will be used to predict this likelihood as well.
More Bailouts
-- The bill also allows the government, in a crisis, to back financial firms’ debts. Bondholders can sleep easy -- there are more bailouts to come.
The World Has Traded Freedom for Security
ReplyDeleteHey, stop freaking out. You should have done it earlier. Now, there is nothing you can do. Money has been transfered out of your country long time ago, in 1998. If you want to know how-listen to Kathrine Austin Fitts in her interview to Alex Jones. She explains how it was done. This is how Jews operate. They come to a wealthy country, suck out everything, then trasfere their capital to a new place, and then leave. Since 1998 they've been just fooling so called "foreign investors" selling them your "debt", because your wealth is already stolen by them. Of course, foreign investors are dumb enought to by debt looking at so called GDP and DJI numbers, that represent absolutely nothing. But it shows intelligence of an average guy out there, including financial investors. Now you need to figure out what to do NEXT once they finally wipe their asses with your country
ReplyDeleteI should add more. I hope you understand, that these people move into the final stage of massive robbery (like right now) only when the public is in a deep coma. So, there won't be any resistance or uprising, the crowd had been conditioned beforehand. Sorry. The Romans must have felt the same way, so have the Russians and the Germans, etc. This is the price we pay for ignorance and stupidity, and for following Christianity-which is a Trojan hourse in our societies, that conditions us for domination of the "chosen" people.
Uhm pardon me 1:58pm but most of the porn and abortion industries are run by jews. Most abortionists are Jewish. How often do you see Jewish women running into Planned Parenthood?
ReplyDeletePlanned Parenthood and abortion, homosexuality and every other sin is for the Goyim not the Jews, the jews are too smart to destroy themselves like that, like the stupid filthy animals the Goyim are.
Btw you fail as a christian since you think that Jews are Gods chosen people without understanding that according to God, anyone that beleives in God is a Jew, and anyone that does not is not a Jew.
Do you think Jesus was anti-semitic for beating the money changers? Or calling the Sanhedrin the Synagogue of Satan?
Wake the fuck up you dimwit.
Why does Religion get dragged into this Economic Forum? What is wrong with you people?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to get back to Mr/Ms 10:19.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you! I'm in my early 50s and in the 'target group' for higher taxes (those above $250,00/year) and rapidly approaching 50% of what I make paid to taxes at the combined fed, state, and local level, since it's all income. All I see is my future taken away and 'redistributed'.
It's most frustrating because I realize there's nothing I can do about it. Voting doesn't help because the producers are outnumbered (and outvoted) by the takers. I've taken care of people your age who are fighting in the streets every night and I realize that at my age, even with my prior military training, my prepping, etc, there's still not a great chance I could survive the revolution that's needed and will ultimately come. I work for a company so I can't opt to not pay my taxes. And I'm too young to retire.
I'm glad to see some young people who are genuinely concerned.
hey its me anon 10:18. i'm 18 yrs old and i woke up late april by watching celente vids and i came to the realization of wats coming. when the shtf it will be terrible for me cuz i live in brooklyn,new york. i gave up trying to convince my parents becuz they are obamabots, my friends show no concern,my gf dosent care about politics, only my younger bro understand that america will never be the same in a couple of years. im young and i think its time for us truthers to all combine in one group becuz wen they come for our guns we wont be organized. we need to start large militias soon. i have been reading the "Day the Dollar Died" series and it shows the ugly world of a dollar collapse. we need to stop ranting on the internet and start a movement to fight back against the world elites. the tea party movement is not the true movement. we need to start a sons or daughters of liberty movement.
ReplyDeleteI am a 62 year old 100% disabled black veteran who truly see that our country is slowly decaying. How in in the hell can a 60 black man stand before his family in a very emotional manner trying to explain the Day of Reckoning. Tears come to my eyes when I drive around my town and see so many that don't have a clue. I plea with you brothers and sisters whom I fought for. Get ready for a very unkind world. Be mentally and spritually prepared for the upheavel that will begin very soon. How much warning did Bush give us when the country was about to go into economical uprest. He stated if we don't act within days, the country as we know it will bring economical unrest. This time do not expect any warning. As a combat vet, I survive the jungle3s of Vietnam, now I am ready to survive the economical jungles here in America. This time, it will not be mild. Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
ReplyDeleteYou lost me at communism, man. Communism in the sense jesus advocated meant communal... everyone worked on the land together and freely instead of being ruled by kings. Is there anything inherently wrong with that? No, lots of cultures have existed that way. Your other paranoid ramblings are just over the top.
ReplyDeleteIt is very bad that you are a Christian. Christianity, using contemporary language, is a derivative of Judaism. What kind of derivative? The one that brainwashes you to become a slave. Slave for whom? For those who exercise Judaism. Look at your government, Obamas cabinet. Majority is from "chosen people". And you serve them, beacuse they made a biorobot out of you. You can't even think straight anymore. You read nonsense in the Bible and you do not even understand it. And if anybody points out, you come up with "interpretations". Well, if the interpretation is how one should understand the Bible, why won't you re-write it-make it simple? Oh, you cannot re-write it beacuse it is God's words. Well, then take these words for what they are-without idiotic interpretation.