If you read any economic, financial, or political analysis for 2010 that doesn’t mention the food shortage looming next year, throw it in the trash, as it is worthless. There is overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the world will run out of food next year. When this happens, the resulting triple digit food inflation will lead panicking central banks around the world to dump their foreign reserves to appreciate their currencies and lower the cost of food imports, causing the collapse of the dollar, the treasury market, derivative markets, and the global financial system. The US will experience economic disintegration.
The 2010 Food Crisis Means Financial Armageddon
Over the last two years, the world has experience faced a series of unprecedented financial crisis: the collapse of the housing market, the freezing of the credit markets, the failure of Wall Street brokerage firms (Bear Stearns/Lehman Brothers), the failure of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the failure of AIG,
Iceland’s economic collapse, the bankruptcy of the major auto manufacturers (General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler), etc… In the face of all these challenges, the demise of the dollar, derivative markets, and the modern international system of credit has been repeatedly anticipated and feared. However, all these doomsday scenarios have so far been proved false, and, despite tremendous chaos and losses, the global financial system has held together.
The 2010 Food Crisis is different. It is THE CRISIS. The one that makes all doomsday scenarios come true. The government bailouts and central bank interventions which have held the financial world during the last two years will be powerless to prevent the 2010 Food Crisis from bringing the global financial system to its knees.
India Food Prices Climb 19.95%, the Most in 11 Years
Market Skeptics is a great blog; I'm sending it out to others to keep up. This is what L LaRouche and G. Calente talked about. Over population countries: India , SE Asia, Middle east, C. America, Africa; they will be worse off than everyone else..these folks need to grow gardens especially, along with everyone else. Right now, I have a kitchen "garden" growing alfafa sprouts.
ReplyDeleteSmirks, and of course all the gold bugs will be able to eat their metal, since if this gets that bad who in their right mind would trade any kind of food for any metal.
ReplyDeleteUnless its the tip of a 180g hollow point
9:07 I do not think the idea of owning Gold or Silver excludes having food and other items. The idea is that with any money left over you convert it into Gold or Silver instead of leaving it in US Dollars.
ReplyDeletePerhaps what we need to be doing is posted on another topic on this Blog is to dump the Dollar ourself and use "script or local currency". That might be backed by Gold or Silver coin like the US Constitution requires.
This scenario or prediction describes what many of us living in reality have known for years. 2010 is the year. With no food or money, the perfect scenario for the sheeple to report to their FEMA camps, eat the govt GMO foods and take the govt vaccinations.
ReplyDeleteTime is short, better prepare NOW!
I buy extra food every time I go to the store. Just yesterday I bought six cases of water, boxes of potato flakes, cake mix, two cans of camp fuel, five cans of coffee, and 40 cans of chicken stock. The people in line looked at me quizically. I've got a good supply, but I add to it every week. And if nothing ever happens, great, I can rotate my stock out and consume it. I have everything except I still haven't picked a water filter yet.
ReplyDeleteWhen I go to Costco to load up I usually get one of two questions. Are you filling up a bomb shelter? (My Fav) Or - Do you own a restaurant?
ReplyDeleteBulk canned salmon is always a good choice. Bulk beans, soups, turkey. Protein, fat, tastes good, last a long time. Most shelf life dating is BS; multiply it by 2 or 3 for canned foods if you store it in a climate controlled environment like your home. A can of salmon bought today can be consumed in 2020 even though the can will say 2013. (commercially canned I should say)
Gold/Silver over cash in a bank for sure, but food and water are more important. NO RISK. You rotate the food, and eat it. The price of food is NOT going down, ever.
Anyone that tells you that storing food is a nutty thing to do is an imbecile. Most people are imbeciles. That's why most people have -0- food or water storage.
For those that do not have the means or cash to buy and store food, store water. Water will be like liquid gold.
If I were thinking of one item that would be worth a fortune it would be seeds (see link on right). Even if you are like me and couldn't grow a weed the seeds can be traded for just about anything.
time is short.... get to it folks.....talk is cheap. food still is, but not for long!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRe: Water Filters
ReplyDeleteI bought a Berkey and love it. Seriously. It just works.
Katydyn also.
ReplyDeleteThanks 11:27. I was hoping someone would make a filter recommendation. I keep putting it off, but I know that's something I need to get.
ReplyDeleteI actually am sort of enjoying stockpiling food. It's kind of fun, and even if nothing catastrophic happens, I know we're going to experience serious inflatoin (at the very least), so buying food at decent prices is smart to do. And like I wrote, it can always be rotated out and gradually consumed. The comment I got yesterday from the check out clerk was "are you storing up for Christmas?" I just told her I like to have some "extras" on hand. Seriously, I bought a ton of stuff yesterday, probably the most I've spent on food at one time. The bill was in the $300.00 range, and this was at a discount place. It took a good ten minutes to ring everything up.
A Siphon Filter like this one (link below) is very useful and cheap $45 with a Doulton Ceramic Filter.
I get the same looks when I shop at the store...I used to recommend to friends and try to explain but they NEVER understood...BUT the time for explanations is long gone...Now I just store and store like a lil good squirrel waiting for the winter...I actually get a kick out of it...It feels nice to have so many lil options...Only thing that spooks me is if something does happen and people panic.
ReplyDeleteAs we all know people are like crabs in a bucket...If they can't have it or they didn't prepare they are willing to give you up or try to take it from you...Hence my guns...But in the end who wants to be a hoarder over his piles of riches?...Wondering and worrying when "THEY" might come to try to steal it?
I guess I rather be prepared than not but either option sounds bad...What we Preppers do have to do is lose that..."I have this much or that much or prepared this well" attitude it borders on the egotistical and will probably lead to the downfall of many...Remember that guy in Utah with a bagillion guns and stored goods killed for them by people he bragged to.
So time is coming for action...I fear it but I also welcome it...Can't complain about how society needs to change without some Darwinistic Catastrophy cleaning the slate a bit...Best of luck to all.
HERE IS A GOOD FILTER RECOMMENDATION: Stay away from all things Lyndon LaRouche. I don't know why so many people that comment (and post) here are followers. Another one to be weary of is Alex Jones. I like him, but his stuff is often-times too reactionary and unsubstantiated. always stick to the facts and common-sense and you can't go too wrong.
ReplyDelete@ 6:43
ReplyDeleteI agree! Too often we are told things like, 2008 will be...., 2009 will be......, 2010 will be..... (Fill in the blanks)
The truth of the matter is more like what Marc Faber and Jim Rogers states. They see this economic collapse extending deep into 2012 and beyond and the subsequent evaporation of the US hegemony.
I would prepare as stated but be very wary of date predictions especially ones that are within less then a year.
Just look at the facts and continue to prepare and avoid the "chicken littles" and listen to the "Paul Reveres" instead.
Do continue to buy gold and silver. Do continue to purchase foodstuffs with long shelf life. Do buy water purifiers. And do buy guns and ammo.
However, never listen to what I call the arm chair Nostradamus of the blogosphere. Instead prepare for what ALL of us know “is” happening and will eventually crash totally. But don’t over react to these kinds of stories. These stories are akin to “so-called” bible prophecy preachers.
Be vigilant and prepare for the worst. This downhill slide still has some legs and will fall much further before the absolute bottom has hit.
FYI, I mentioned last month in a previous post that I would not be surprised if the Dow went over 10,000. I also mentioned that Gold and Silver would have another great buying opportunity. I stated that I doubted Silver would go back to the $9/oz range but instead stated that a $12-$15/oz was likely and that would be the last great buying opportunity. It touched into the low 17s with wild swings of .50 cents. On Dec 1st Silver approached 20/oz. As of this writing it is in the low 17s. I suspect that people are believing the recovery "hype" which will send precious metals down for one last buying opportunity.
When it reaches the $15/oz or lower try to grab Junk Silver for around 10x Face Value and buy as much as you can.
All good advice. I am also taking this opportunity to stock up on other kinds of necessities, like warm-wear, flashlights, and various camping and survival items. In contrast to the bunker people, I am prepared at some point to get out of the city if need be. Cities are like flash points for anything to happen, or perhaps nothing. But in any event, I want to be ready. Who knows if certain items will be harder to come by down the road. If there is a viral emergency, complete food shortage, or sudden global war, I may not be fully prepared but I wont be a deer caught in the headlights. I even have a small emergency 'grab and run' pack. And if roads are unusable/traffic is too bad/ or gas unavailable I will have my bicycle to rely on. A good survival manual is important to have as well.
ReplyDeleteBut like you said, it is important not to over-react, fear-monger, and EXPECT the sky to fall tomorrow, just be ready IN CASE it does.
My .02
Was in Las Vegas the other day, talked to two gun store owners, they were both told to close their stores down by dec 31, if not the atf would close them down, to me that means it is coming sooner than later.
ReplyDeletePurchased a Big Berkey lately and am well satisfied. On well water and using daily. Gravity fed, fill and forget. Don't forget extra Black filters and the pdf4s to kill the floride.
ReplyDeleteDid they say why?
ReplyDeleteWouldn't they be closed for New Years numbnuts.
ReplyDeleteclosing them permanantly Moron!
ReplyDeleteLOL, I can picture it now:
ReplyDeleteClose your door's for New's Day holiday or else....we'll shut you down for good!
Whatever...Told by who? Who are "they"? Go back down to your Mom's basement and quit making up stuff to make yourself feel relevant.
ReplyDeleteEven though A Jones and L. LaRouche put out some good material/dvd's etc on the Elitists & FRS financial corrupt system; their reactionary/predictions has somewhat ruined their credibility. Others ruined their credibility, incl. prophecy preachers past and present, as the prophecy club radio show did several years ago, also the Bates Bros on that show. The Birch soc. is infiltrated; no credibility as many have dropped out. No org./group is safe now; they are being watched/monitored.
ReplyDeleteI don't trust the Alex Jones types at all. However they do have valid info to offer so it is just about using your rationality to crow pick through what is verifiable and real. When he ranted about Fema camps I went out and saw the one build for my area with my own eyes. Now I do believe the government is refurbishing and build massive camps to contain us just like they did to the Japanese in the 40s, maybe worse. Not because Alex Jones said so but because it isn't that have to see things with your own eyes.
ReplyDeletehahahaha smart sheep.
ReplyDeletebut me got no more money because me buy gold so no money to buy food because me eat gold.
bible say zombie will appear.
ReplyDeleteme will be zombie and eat human.
bible is correct.
Get your gold in nuggets so you can eat them up!
ReplyDeleteLike I do!
ReplyDeleteTastes good but may cause jaundice in young children and the infirm.
New to this site...great info! Have seeds and food stocked up. My timelines seem to be screwed up...thought the s would htf in Oct, then Nov, then Dec. Now I don't know what to think..any ideas?
ReplyDeleteHunger can turn a law abiding christian into a mad dog. I hope FEMA. has made preparations to feed the hungry.
ReplyDeleteI have a skeptical husband. Where can I store food and water?
ReplyDeleteAnd we have way too much cash in the bank.
Stuff the food someplace where your husband will never find it...like your bra. As far as the money goes, give me a call.