Thursday, December 31, 2009

8 Countries on The Verge Of Going Under

The European Commission (EC) itself has warned that the finances of half of the Eurozone's sixteen economies are at risk of becoming 'unsustainable', essentially bankrupt. As shown in the Wall Street Journal graphic below, Spain, Ireland, Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Greece are all teetering on the brink.

While relatively better off European nations would prefer not to bail out their flailing neighbors, the problem with the euro currency union is that their fates are ultimately all tied together via the euro, even if politically they believe themselves to be separate countries. Thus an old criticism of the euro system is appearing more relevant than ever.


  1. I suppose this chart doesn't bother to show the UK because 'waaaaYYYY Beyond hi risk run for your lives!' isn't worth reporting.

    The UK is done.

    Where is sweden and norway, btw?

    How are their economies doing?

  2. In the immortal words of Chip Diller (Kevin Bacon) in Animal House:

    Remain calm. All is well!

  3. To those who don't believe...WTF?

    HUGE companies that have been in existance for years are crashing...Furloughs/cutting of benefits/crazy unemployment #s/bankruptcies up the ying-yang/homelessness shooting up/divorces up and the topper?...Food supplies dwindling with a mix of collapse in bee population by about 70%/bad weather and small individual ranches and farms collapsing under debt...And you STILL don't believe?

    Me thinks you don't know how to read GOVERNMENT REPORTS or you're just like my idiot friends who swore real estate was the way to richness...Now they act all shocked.

    Why not be the ant instead of the grasshopper?...Does it hurt to prep? You know get some extra food/water/weapons and have invested in gold or silver even 2-3 years ago?

    You know when gold/silver was at $650/$12?

    If after all that you still don't believe then best luck to you...Just remember which side you were on for this silly arguement.

  4. 12:02 It is easier for people to not pay attention and think there is a problem. That way they do not have to do anything. If the problems happen they will blame someone else. Of course, that will not help them.

  5. Reality won'tbe followign this cartoonish chart - all countries no matter how big or small have some(key word some) wisk and too may are white with no status, which is obvious horse hockey because UK is in serious chit and its white? Not even low risk, I call BS and toss this map in the same place other BS charts go, digital file 13.

  6. Okay I posted too quick without spell checking my own comment - so let me try again

    Reality won't be following this cartoonish chart - all countries no matter how big or small have some(key word some) risk and too many are white with no status, which is obvious horse hockey because UK is in serious chit and its white? Not even low risk, I call BS and toss this map in the same place other BS charts go, digital file 13.

  7. My country is doing ok. Happy New Year from Poland.

  8. Szczesliwego nowego roku!


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