Thursday, December 17, 2009

Climate plan a $3,000 Con Per Family For Canadians

Would you be upset if you knew your government was about to get duped in a con that would cost your family at least $3,000 a year in new taxes? That is exactly what is happening in Copenhagen right now.

The developing world has teamed up with global warming activists in Copenhagen at the world climate conference. Together they are planning the big con. Key to the con is to play on the eco-guilt of the developed world, using it to scam cash from "rich countries" and transferring it to the developing world, all in the name of "ending climate change." The Copenhagen grifters are hoping to cash the cheques before the developing world wakes up to the con.

A leaked draft version of the agreement on the table at the Copenhagen climate conference reveals plans for a massive transfer of wealth out of Canada. This transfer will come in the form of new taxes and the establishment of a new world government body for climate change housed in the World Bank.

Lord Christopher Monckton is reported to have obtained a working copy of the draft agreement. He warns that the secretive draft version of the Copen-hagen climate change treaty represents a global government power grab on an "unimaginable scale," and mandates the creation of 700 new bureaucracies as well as a colossal raft of new taxes including two per cent levies on GDP and a two per cent tax on every international financial transaction.

Total of 10 Trillion Needed

Heat Rises In Copenhagen As Cap & Trade Deemed Too Inconvenient


  1. Everyone can see here how much Canadians really care about what’s going on. Total delusion and tonnes of marijuana did the job. Nation is brain dead and I can witness and confirm it.

  2. I agree with that one. Canadians actually believe the food grows all in Canada. They also believe that the Economy is picking up and is full steam ahead. Go to Vancouver and read the papers and view the confused idiots standing in line at 4:am for a condo!

  3. I love the way you write and share your niche! Very interesting and different! Keep it coming!


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